Bai Ying is the dean of the branch hospital. She has excellent medical skills, rich experience, and first-class professional ability. She has long been able to take charge of her own affairs. Otherwise, Yu Zhan would not have promoted her and given her a salary increase. There are only two reasons why she could not hesitate to ask her boss for help and expose her weakness. First, the condition of this sick pet is really serious; second, the pet hospital is understaffed. As we all know, spring is the season of high incidence of many diseases. As the earth warms up and everything recovers, the bacteria and viruses on small animals also become active. During this period of time, the number of sick pets who came to the pet hospital for treatment has doubled again.

Yu Zhan looked dignified and asked about the situation of the cat in detail. The situation was indeed very grim. The cat was only 3 months old and was bitten by three large dogs that had no leashes but had owners. One dog bit its neck , One bites its belly, the other bites its thigh.

This biting lasted less than ten seconds. The dog's bite force was terrible. The cat's neck and stomach were bitten through, and the thigh was bitten off. The cat couldn't stand up at that time.

Such a situation cannot be delayed, and immediate surgery is required, but the cat has three fatal wounds, and surgery needs to be performed on three places at the same time, and the operation time will be very long. Bai Ying has 5 veterinarians under his command, and no matter how busy they are now, they have other sick pets and customers to receive. The point is that not every veterinarian is sure to complete this operation. Some veterinarians advised Bai Ying and the cat owner to give up treatment. The cat is too small and the injury is too critical. When anesthesia was used, he couldn't survive and died.

The majority of veterinarians agree with this point of view, and only a young veterinarian newly recruited is willing to cooperate with Bai Ying to try it out. He said, A cat has nine lives, and the eyes of this cat tell me that it really wants to live.

Bai Ying called Cui Cheng, a veterinarian she was familiar with, and asked for help. Cui Cheng was an old fritter who had seen too many small animals being born and died. He had a strong mind and was indifferent enough. The veterinarian went to help, and what he said made sense, The kitten is so injured, even if there is a 1% chance of being saved, the follow-up treatment will be very troublesome, and it is likely to be disabled. Why bother? Let it continue to suffer and suffer, give it a shot and let it go.

However, people's three views are different, or women are soft-hearted, Bai Ying does not agree with his point of view. Time couldn't be delayed, so she had to call Yu Zhan. She had been a fan of Yu Zhan for so long, and knew his style of behavior, and knew that he would never say such cruel and heartless words as giving up treatment.

Sure enough, after listening to it, Yu Zhan said without any hesitation, Take care of it first, and I'll come over right away.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Zhan changed the direction of the car. Originally, the car was going to the hotel he booked for Jason in the urban area, but now it was going to the branch of the pet hospital located on the Fifth Ring Road.

Jason noticed this and immediately asked him, Where are you going?

The tone seemed to worry that Yu Zhan had kidnapped him.

Yu Zhan was not in the mood to joke, Sorry, I have to go to the pet hospital first.

Is your pet sick? Jason thought naturally.

No, in fact, my main business is veterinary medicine. I own a pet hospital company with 27 branches in the capital area.

Jason: ...

The business card you gave me was forged?

It's true. I bought this film and television company together with my friend, Yu Zhan emphasized, not the friend from Huaguang Media. I have two business cards. If it's a social occasion in the entertainment industry, I Just use this one in your hand, if you are representing the owner of the pet hospital and contacting the supplier, I will use the other one.

While speaking, Yu Zhan picked up another business card from the business card box in front of the car. This business card was also in English—Yu Zhan often dealt with foreign veterinary drug dealers and needed an English business card.

Jason read the business card carefully, and he felt that Yu Zhan was not lying, This is really strange, these two industries have nothing to do with each other. How could you, a veterinarian, want to invest in the entertainment industry?

It has something to do with my girlfriend, too. She is an internet celebrity, an actress, and always lives under the spotlight. I hope that with me around, she can avoid detours, Yu Zhan said, paying attention to the rear Car, he is turning around.

Jason shrugged, Then you are really a good boyfriend, and a man like you is rare enough. He didn't think of Yu Zhan's girlfriend and the princess of the Han Dynasty together at all.

Yu Zhan smiled, My girlfriend is even rarer, unique in the world.

From his tone, Jason can also hear his love for his girlfriend, and he has an inexplicable affection for Yu Zhan, perhaps because he also keeps pets, and veterinarian is a profession he respects very much. Yu Zhan can treat his girlfriend wholeheartedly and treat small animals patiently. Jason thinks he is a very good person.

He asked Yu Zhan why he rushed to the pet hospital.

I have to go for an operation. Yu Zhan also told Jason the cat's situation in detail, and apologized to him, The cat's condition can't be delayed, and the traffic in the capital is very bad, otherwise I should send it to the hospital first. You go to the hotel, and then go to the hospital by yourself. I’m really sorry, let you run with me, and when I get there, can I ask someone else to take you to the hotel?

No, your choice is right, that cat's life is more important than mine! Leave me alone, drive as fast as possible, I have nothing to do when I get to the hotel first, Jason felt pity for the cat, He said anxiously and angrily, I also have three dogs. My dogs obey my orders very much. They will never bite any living thing, even a mouse. Why did the dog owner, when walking the dog, Didn't do anything with his pets! So infuriating! He should be punished!

Foreign dog owners not only leash their dogs while walking their dogs, but also put a muzzle on the mouth of a fierce dog to prevent it from barking and biting. Yu Zhan sighed. He couldn't explain to Jason that more and more people in China have dogs, but some of the dog owners don't let the dogs run around, and people or small animals are often bitten by dogs. He doesn't want to say that these dog owners are of low quality and bring down China's image. After all, most dog owners are reasonable.

Urged by Jason, they arrived at the pet hospital quickly. Yu Zhan didn't care about entertaining Jason, so he asked Jason to wait in the car for a while, and he immediately asked an employee who could drive to drive Jason to the hotel.

Unexpectedly, Jason said, No need, he opened the car door and got out of the car, I am very worried about the situation of the cat, and I want to stay here, just to let me see what a pet hospital in China is like.

The second thing is that I didn’t sleep well yesterday. I guess I had a premonition. The kitten didn’t make it through. I sent the specific photos to the comment area. I’ll go to the hospital to bring back the kitten’s body later. The place is buried. The psychological activities of the male protagonist in this chapter are my thoughts. It’s okay to raise a big dog, but it’s really hateful if you don’t have a leash and no protection. In addition, the description in the previous chapter is a testimonial of the work, not the main text, and there is no charge.

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