Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 867 Picking Up at the Airport

Jason's decision to come to China was very abrupt and willful. No one around him could stop him, saying he was crazy. But on the way to the airport, he was still hesitating whether he would look stupid if he ran over in such a hurry.

Until he sees the photos pushed to his homepage by ins, usually they can be automatically pushed by the APP, and they are all content that has a lot of likes in real time and is related to himself. Then he saw the photo of Lina and Liu Man, the two girls looked so happy.

He felt bad.

In fact, he already had a premonition in his heart, but he just didn't want to believe it. He had to prove it himself. It is commonly said that he will never give up until he reaches the Yellow River. This time he will never give up until he reaches the Great Wall.

So, impulsively, he came to China alone.

In the morning, a plane from the United States landed at the Capital Airport. As an international metropolis, the capital has several flights to and from the United States every day, and countless Americans come here. Faced with these passengers, the airport entry border inspection officers have long been accustomed to asking a few simple questions routinely, and then stamping them to let them go. Very few foreign passengers are embarrassed.

Please take off your hat and sunglasses, the border inspection officer raised his eyes and ordered in a calm tone. Standing in front of him was a foreign man wearing sunglasses and a beret. The package was relatively tight, but overall he was trendy and luxurious.

The man listened to the order to take off his hat, but bent down, brought his face closer to the window, and said to the other party, I can take off my sunglasses for you to take a look at, but I just take off my sunglasses and expose my whole face, so that others, Americans in particular take notice, and I worry about chaos at the airport.

Border inspection officer: ??????

Where did the American neuropathy come from? narcissism?

At this time, the border inspection also opened the man's passport. He saw the name Jason Harmer. Both the surname and the first name were bad street types. The photos look familiar. As a border inspection, you have to look at the faces of countless foreigners every day, so there is no problem of face blindness.

He raised his head, looked at the man who still refused to take off his disguise, and murmured in his heart, not sure who the other party was, could it be some international, criminal, and criminal statistics fan?

The staff member said to the man in English, Wait a moment.

Get up and go to your leader, you have to report this abnormal situation. Just in time, his leader was patrolling the area. When the leader saw the person's passport, he said Huh in surprise, Isn't he that famous American male singer?

As soon as the leader reminded him, the Bian Jian immediately remembered, the world famous Jason Harmer? ?

Isn't this big star too low-key, coming to China alone without an entourage? Is he on vacation?

The border inspector returned to work again, with mixed emotions—he was pleasantly surprised and excited, and wanted to ask for a photo with him to sign, but during working hours, he represented the image of the country, so he could only look serious, solemn and majestic.

He called the man by his full name, Jason Harmer?


Come forward and let me see your face.

Okay, the man came over cooperatively and took off his sunglasses.

Bian Jian felt as if a villain was jumping and screaming in his heart, Ahhhhh, it's really Jason Harmer!!

But he said without expression on the surface, It's ok, please put on the sunglasses.

Thank you! Jason said politely.

With a sound of card, there was an extra entry stamp on his passport, and the border inspection gave him a friendly smile, Welcome to China, to the capital of China, I wish you a pleasant journey.


Jason smiled wryly in his heart, he felt that his journey would not be very pleasant.

But he soon changed his mind.

He took his luggage and walked out. The white passengers on the same flight gradually dispersed and mixed into the local crowd. Seeing the strange yellow people around him, Jason looked a little dazed. Only then did he realize how serious his behavior was. Impulse, he has never been to mainland China before! He didn't even book a hotel in the capital in advance! Where should he go?

Jason took out his mobile phone, hesitating whether to call the Princess of the Han Dynasty, even though he knew that it was probably that man who answered the phone. Jason is not stupid at all. He has already discovered the problem from all the clues of the princess of the Han Dynasty. Just go back to the United States - to put it bluntly, he is still not reconciled.

Until he saw a huge sign with the words J—Harmer written in bold red pen on it. Jason's old fans would affectionately call him J.

Jason couldn't help hesitating, does this sign refer to him?

The sign was held by a young man. Interestingly, this man also wore sunglasses and a hat like him.

Jason pushed his luggage and didn't come forward immediately. He didn't notify anyone in advance when he came to China. How could someone come to pick him up? He didn't know the details of this person, so he didn't dare to approach him rashly.

But this person saw him first, put away the sign, went up to him, walked up to him, took off his sunglasses, and revealed a handsome Asian face, Hello, Mr. Harmer.

Jason asked cautiously, Who are you?

My name is Yu Zhan, and I'm your fan, Yu Zhan took out an English version of his business card and handed it to him respectfully.

Jason took the business card, but he didn't read the introduction on the business card. He didn't know the Chinese people and the Chinese company after reading it. There are so many people, how did you recognize me? Jason looked around, worried that he was being watched, he was a very alert person.

Yu Zhan laughed, As an old fan who has liked you for ten years, I can recognize you from your walking posture. When you walk, your body and neck will turn slightly to the left, and your left hand will not follow your steps very well. Move, but you can't tell now that you're pushing your luggage.

Jason raised his eyebrows, You observed very carefully.

He was born with a crooked neck, and he recovered after treatment. The sequelae are only a slight crookedness to the left. Usually, it is not noticeable at all. Except for his family, no one knows his medical history, and no one asks about it. Why is he walking crookedly! ? Even his agent didn't pay attention to this problem.

He believes that this young man is really his fan and must like him very much.

Jason lowered his guard slightly and asked Yu Zhan, How do you know I'm coming to China today?

A friend told me. Yu Zhan looked around, afraid that someone would recognize him, and even Jason, and put on a mask again, My car is parked not far away. place, can we talk while walking?

Second update~

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