Lina often shares her life as a rich second generation on ins. She has 140w+ fans, which are tens of millions of celebrities and foreign Internet celebrities. Her fans are at most self-entertaining, and she has never She has never promoted or marketed her account, so she doesn't rely on it to make a living, and she is not short of this little money. However, after the photo of her and Liu Man was posted on the Internet, within a few minutes, she got 10,000+ likes. The most liked content she posted before was only 10,000+ likes. It was a picture of her It took a whole week for the bikini photos on vacation at the beach to accumulate 10,000 likes one after another.

And this time it was less than 10 minutes!

The number of likes is directly proportional to the number of fans. Calculated according to the usual ratio, Lina must have at least 10 million fans to have such an exaggerated like effect. These likes are not only from her existing fans, but more from Strangers, many screen names that Lina has never seen leave messages in her ins. Some people ask who she is and what her origin is, and some people ask where she is in China now, and why she can easily meet the princess of the Han Dynasty. Of course, it is more to praise her and Liu Man's appearance. The appearance of both of them belongs to the outstanding category in their respective races.

Lina's ins keeps reminding her that there are new fans following her. She is a little excited to see who has followed her, and when she sees new interesting messages, she immediately replies to them. This kind of sense of accomplishment of being liked Not what money can bring.

Seeing Lina's focus on her mobile phone, Liu Man had a small smile on her lips. She felt that foreign girls were no different from Chinese girls except for their appearance. Technological civilization narrowed the cultural gap, and young people liked the same things.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yu Zhan sent a WeChat message asking when Liu Man would leave. He had already left work and drove to the Panorama Hotel to pick her up. Liu Man planned to leave, and Lina didn't seem to need her anymore.

Before Liu Man could speak, Lina suddenly raised her head and said to her, I almost forgot the third request, the most important request!

She just saw a passer-by and a netizen ask her, what is the princess of the Han Dynasty doing? What are you thinking? Why don't you reply to Jason Harmer anymore, why would you rather take a photo with an unknown little Internet celebrity than talk to Jason? This person should be a fan of Jason, and his tone was full of complaints for his idol.

So, what did the princess of the Han Dynasty do that made people and gods angry?

During Lina's flight to China, Jason harmer continuously updated two pieces of content on his Facebook and ins. In the first one, he claimed that he wrote a song specifically for the princess of the Han Dynasty, the angel in his mind. Song, this new song is super nice, and he is super satisfied; the second content was published a few hours later, and he said that to his heartache and disappointment, the princess of the Han Dynasty did not speak to him again, clearly written at the bottom right of his message He didn't understand why she pretended not to see it.

Jason's words contained a hint of sadness towards the woman, which caused an uproar on the Internet! In this world, there are still women who don't like Jason Harmer. What kind of charm does she have, and she dares to play big like this?

Jason's female fans dream that their idol can write a song for them.

The princess of the Han Dynasty was really lucky. She and Jason had only known each other for a few days, and Jason composed music and lyrics for her. Jason hasn't released a new album for a year! Apparently she inspired him a lot.

Fans felt that the princess of the Han Dynasty was showing off. It's okay for a woman to be appropriately reserved when dealing with a man's pursuit, but it's boring if she overdos it. She only became popular on YouTube for a short period of time, while Jason has been popular for fifteen years. The status of the two of them abroad is too disparate, and there is no comparison at all. Many of Jason's fans left messages on Princess Han Dynasty's YouTube page, asking her to reply to Jason quickly and stop putting on airs, otherwise they will unfollow her and slam her videos.

Liu Man is still ignorant of this.

It was He Lushen who wanted to tease Jason with bad ideas, and he was the one who dared not speak anymore. He didn't expect Jason to be so involved in the show, and even wrote a song for him, he was scared to pee!

Before Jason told He Lushen his social software account number, He Lushen ignored it and didn't add it. Later, he actually called (they exchanged real phone numbers), and He Lushen answered the call inadvertently—— Han Palace Autumn Moon will be released overseas soon, and he often receives calls from the United States during this period.

Without knowing it, He Lushen said in his deep male voice: Hello.

Jason: !!!???


Hearing the slightly suspicious voice of a man.

He Lushen immediately went to check the caller ID, what a god! ! ! His heart skipped a beat, and he almost blurted out snail rough. At the same time, ten thousand lovely alpacas galloped past his head with cheerful steps.

He realizes something bad!

My mind was spinning wildly, and I said nonsense, Sorry, she is working now, and I am her assistant.

Jason was dubious, Why doesn't she add me as a friend?

Eh...she's too busy, maybe she didn't see it, I'm really sorry, I'll remind her later.

After hanging up the phone and coping with it temporarily, He Lushen's heart was about to jump out. He never thought that Jason Harmer, a majestic singer, was so innocent and serious. He pretended to be Liu Man to reply to Jason, and he just wanted to take advantage of Jason Harmer. The popularity of the short-term promotion of the account of Princess of the Han Dynasty does not expect more in-depth cooperation. The traffic of the princess of the Han Dynasty has indeed reached its peak that day.

He Lushen didn't think about the follow-up at all, because he didn't think there would be any follow-up. If Jason takes this seriously with everyone who covers or covers his songs, he's going to die.

Staring blankly at Jason's phone number, He Lushen felt unbelievable. He thought maybe he should buy a lottery ticket.

Jason insisted on adding him as a social software friend, but He Lushen had no choice but to register another account. He did have this social software account, but the gender was written as male, and the avatar was his own, and there were many others. The friends I met in real life will be exposed as soon as I add Jason.

He named the newly registered number Princess of the Han Dynasty, gender female, and then added the account number Jason sent to him, and the other party approved his application in seconds, obviously Jason had been waiting for him to add him.

After becoming a friend, Jason immediately sent several messages, some of which expressed his affection for her, and also mentioned that he wrote a song for her and wanted to sing it to her in China.

He Lushen looked at these words, but didn't reply, because he had exhausted his ingenuity and didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to flirt anymore.

He sort of realized what it means to use a hundred lies to cover one lie.

The third update is done, ask for a ticket ⊙ω⊙

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