Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 857 Officially Launched

On Friday, the 21st, at nine o'clock in the morning, the official website of the Xuewen Tumo APP officially opened the download channel for its beta version.

This official website was built by the R\u0026D staff of Ai Live. The page is very beautifully made, and the overall style is antique. The first thing that catches the user's eyes is a huge ink painting, which occupies almost the entire screen. There is a small boat with a lonely sail on the screen. There is a child standing on the boat, and there is an adult punting on the bow, and there are waves of ripples under the boat.

The rest of the painting is left blank, and on the left part of the painting are written eight elegant cursive scripts: Learning is endless, cherishing ink is like gold.

This ink painting was created by Cheng Zikun, a calligrapher of seal script and a painter of traditional Chinese painting. It was specially made by Cheng Zikun for studying literature and painting ink. The adults and children on the small boat imply that parents are the guides of children; a flat boat is like learning to practice The road; the blank space refers to the infinite possibilities of the children's future road ahead.

And Learning is endless, cherish ink like gold was written by Chen Jianqiu, a cursive calligrapher, specially for Xuewen Tumo, which represents the original intention of the establishment of the Xuewen Tumo APP, and is also the positive value of APP.

These two masters also left their own autographs and precious seals on the painting, which makes the official style of this uncomplicated structure far superior to other websites.

In addition, the details of the website are also revealing exquisiteness everywhere. For example, the logo of Xuewen Tumo is a square pattern formed by compressing and artistically beautifying small seal script. It is a bit like a seal, but it is not red, but light brown. The logo is written and designed by Liu Man himself, and the app icon is also The reason why Liu Man didn't use red for this look is because she noticed that most app icons are in relatively mild colors, and red is a bit harsh, so she chose a relatively old-fashioned light brown.

The text on the navigation bar on the homepage is standard regular script, written by Su Yi himself. Su Yi enjoys writing these commercial fonts now, and his fonts are very recognizable, especially after the signature font of Yu Zhan Pet Hospital has been widely advertised. Su Yi's calligraphy has been fired at sky-high prices, ranging from 100,000 to one million characters. There is an endless stream of people asking for characters every day, but he only sees people writing. If people who hate people give him 10 million, he will not write; he likes it He can give it away for nothing.

Liu Man is busy these days, and Su Yi is also busy. He has written more than 300 words for the website and APP of Xuewen Tumo, each of which has exhausted his life's accumulation and skill, for his own sake. My dear apprentice, he really tried his best.

A netizen who visited the official website before said with a smile on Weibo, The official website of 'Xuewen Tumo' has an elegant taste of money and is priceless.

Indeed, ordinary people cannot buy these calligraphy and paintings even if they have money.

Liu Man, who is used to using mobile phones and rarely browses the web, originally thought that the official website is not important, and it is enough to make the APP well. It was Li Xiaozhou who reminded her that the official website is the face of the APP and must not be ignored. Due to limited time and hasty preparations, their official website has only three parts in total. The first part is the homepage calligraphy and painting, and the second part is the introduction of teachers. I won’t go into details about the strength of its faculty. The professors at Capital University are very supportive of Liu Man’s work. After discussing with the professors, Liu Man posted their resumes after obtaining their consent. For example, he taught Liu Man last semester. Professor Ma of Man’s phonology, although he has on-the-job tasks and is usually very busy at work, he can’t spare time to conduct live broadcasts, but he agrees that when he is teaching undergraduates, the staff of Liu Man’s company can enter the venue Filming, real-time live broadcast, and other professors also teach in the same way.

The third part is the download page. In the past ten days, Liu Man and Aizhibo have jointly carried out an overwhelming publicity for the beta version of Xuewen Tumo. They bought almost all the news and Hot on social media. Only this part of the investment cost 18 million.

The hemorrhage of investment, in exchange for the return is also considerable.

In the first ten minutes after the opening of the download channel, the download volume of the beta version exceeded 100,000+. For a software that has just launched and everything is zero, there are already a lot of 100,000 initial seed users. Some big-name software, users in the initial stage The number is far from 100,000.

After downloading and installing, the user will enter the interesting answer page mentioned above, and at the same time choose the direction they are interested in. Is it Chinese studies, calligraphy or folk music?

However, during the test phase, no matter what the user chooses, the content pushed by the APP is limited. For the time being, only one or two videos are uploaded under each category. The videos were shot by Liu Man, Liang Shengnan and Xiong Jie respectively. 45 minutes, exactly the time of a class.

Users are not in a hurry to watch these courses, they are all waiting for Liu Man's live broadcast.

Liu Man posted a preview on Weibo last night. She will do her first live broadcast on Xuewen Tumo at 9:15 this morning. Her fans, even if they don't like to study, want to watch her live broadcast. You have to download the APP quickly.

At this moment, Liu Man is in a classroom at Capital University, making final preparations before the live broadcast. The huge classroom is full of people, all of whom are staff assisting her live broadcast, including Jiang Chengfeng and the technical team of Ai Live. Professor Su and President Fang came to the scene in person, and the dean of the School of Computer Science also arrived. Zhou Buyi sat on the seat with his teacher. There are security personnel outside the classroom to maintain order, and idle students are not allowed to approach.

There are two large LCD screens directly in front of Liu Man. One screen is connected to the computer, showing the real-time download volume of Xuewen Tumo, and the other screen is connected to the mobile phone, which will display her live broadcast content later, so that she can interact with the audience .

Liu Man feels that this is probably the most valuable live broadcast she has ever done. Li Xiaozhou has already helped her do most of the pre-publicity work. This live broadcast is equivalent to the launching ceremony of the software. She has to mobilize fans and ordinary netizens to support it by herself. Learn to write ink.

Mr. Liu, there are 30 seconds left, a technician who loves live broadcasting said to Liu Man.

After these days of working together, Liu Man has gotten used to the somewhat embarrassing title of Mr. Liu. She nodded solemnly, Okay.

She took a deep breath, exhaled it heavily, and touched her beating heart.

The staff started counting down, 10 seconds, 9 seconds... 3 seconds, 2 seconds, 1 second, enter the screen!

Liu Man's expression has been controlled to the best state, she said to the camera with a smile on her face, New users of 'Xuewen Tumo', hello, I am Liu Man, thank you for downloading our website in the first time beta software and tune in to my stream.

The first update~Thank you for your rewards and votes!

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