It is undeniable that in the fourth video, Liu Man's performance is intended for Wai Guoren to win their favor, just like some foreigners who become Internet celebrities in China learn to speak Chinese and sing Chinese songs .

Liu Man himself was too busy to shoot this video, but He Lushen's idea for the shooting was He Lushen's idea. Seeing that Princess of the Han Dynasty became more and more popular on the Internet, He Lushen was no longer satisfied and just reposted the old video , he urgently needs the kind of content that can blow up the Internet.

So he called Liu Man again and transferred another 2 million to her, asking her to shoot some new things.

Liu Man asked him what the new thing was.

In fact, He Lushen didn't have any good ideas. He was too caught off guard. He didn't expect foreign netizens to buy Liu Man's ancient music so much. His father rarely praised him, saying that the film promotion and planning work this time was very good! For several days in a row, he was so excited that he couldn't even sleep, he felt that he had finally come to his senses! His only idea now is to make the account Princess of the Han Dynasty continue to be popular. Battle of the North Wind can also be released abroad!

But He Lushen is not a real internet celebrity after all, he doesn't have any experience in being an internet celebrity, how can he attract fans further? He Lushen only knows that Internet celebrities, especially those in the initial stage, must maintain a good update speed, preferably every day. For example, Liu Man in the early days broadcast live every night in order to retain fans. So he said to Liu Man, You can play another piece of music on the guqin, any piece of music is fine, as long as it is the latest, you can shoot it yourself, and I will post it on the Internet.


Due to the accumulation of various things during this period, Liu Man was seriously lazy in practicing the piano. If she was asked to play those classic songs, without two or three days of brewing and practice, what she played would definitely be unsatisfactory. She can't coax foreigners into fools, just make a video to deal with it. It's true that foreigners are not familiar with Chinese music and Chinese musical instruments, but it doesn't mean they don't have the ability to appreciate art. Liu Man also saw the comments on the Internet. Without Fan Qiang, many enthusiastic domestic netizens have already translated screenshots of foreign language comments, made huge long pictures, and posted them on Weibo, so that other netizens and Liu Man can experience her. How popular is it abroad? From the content of these messages, it can be seen that many foreign audiences are very professional, and they comment on the music well. If Liu Man is lazy, these picky audiences will definitely find out immediately.

He Lushen managed to spread a small part of Chinese culture abroad by mistake. He just got a little attention, and then he started to deal with it perfunctorily. Wouldn't he be shooting himself in the foot?

Besides, fans both at home and abroad love and trust her so much, she can't be hasty.

So Liu Man chose to play you are my love.

Because this is the only piece she has played recently, the other being Autumn Moon.

Liu Man was deeply impressed by the song Yu Zhan sang for herself in the bar, and she couldn't forget it. She felt that you are my love was a song of love between the two of them, and its meaning was no different from the ancient token of love. After moving to live with Yu Zhan, Liu Man found the original version of the song and listened to it several times. The original version is definitely the best, but in her mind, it is still not as good as Yu Zhan's singing voice. After all, in the eyes of lovers Out of Xi Shi Well.

At that time, Liu Man took the time to try to adapt you are my love into Guqin score. Originally, she wanted to play it as a birthday present for Yu Zhan on his birthday, as a surprise gift in return.

It is not an easy task to change modern music, especially American pop music, into a melody that conforms to the style of guqin while retaining its classic core. It took Liu Man intermittent revisions for a month to complete the revision. After more than a dozen versions, she quietly played and practiced each version while Yu Zhan was not at home. After several revisions, she finalized the final draft.

Next, just wait for Yu Zhan's birthday with peace of mind. The plan always fails to keep up with the changes, and He Lushen's task is coming. Everything has a priority, is it important to celebrate Yu Zhan's birthday, or to become an international Internet celebrity? Liu Man only hesitated for a while before choosing the latter. For Yu Zhan's birthday, other gifts can be prepared, but this may be the only chance to become popular all over the world.

Liu Man never hides his ambition. Therefore, in order to cooperate with He Lushen's work, she made this birthday gift public in advance. Yu Zhan is the shooter of the fourth video, and the shooting equipment is the new mobile phone he gave to Liu Man. Liu Man finished playing the entire piece in the living room of his apartment, all in one go.

Yu Zhan knew nothing about Liu Man's original plan. He thought that He Lu Shen asked Liu Man to play an English song to cater to the tastes of foreign netizens, but she just happened to choose the song he sang. He told Liu Man before that, He is a fan of Jason Harmer, Liu Man is influenced by him and seems to listen to this song often. If Yu Zhan knew that this was originally his birthday gift, maybe he wouldn't be so enthusiastic and dedicated to helping Liu Man and He Lushen.

On the night when the guqin version of you are my love was recorded, He Lushen impatiently released the video until the evening. After posting, like a boy who has never experienced anything, he stood in front of the computer with longing, eagerness, and anxiety, waiting for feedback from foreign netizens, and the final result did not disappoint him.

It's unbelievable that she played a song we are familiar with with an esoteric instrument. The two are completely out of line, but can I say that I have a refreshing feeling?

'you are my love' was meant to be a slow song, and our princess made it even slower, in fact, I don't like slow songs, but I'm willing to stop for this video.

There is no doubt that the princess is trying different things to make us happy, come on, girl! No matter what type of music, I will support you, and I subscribe to every video of yours!

Oh, she looks like the girl of my dreams. I can't wait to go to China. I want to tell her that I love her!


The unrestrained and humorous nature of foreign netizens compares favorably with that of domestic netizens. The sharp increase in viewing volume allowed this video to successfully enter YouTube's latest video playback list after five hours, ranking first.

The title of the video is How to play Jason Harmer's You Are My Love with Chinese instruments? This title was post-processed by the backstage staff of YouTube, not the original version uploaded by He Lushen.

No one knows what keywords are more attractive to users than YouTube itself.

The first update~ Well, I didn’t go home until after eight o’clock in the evening. The exhibition is too big, and I’m so tired from shopping. . . Update a chapter first, go to bed, and continue writing tomorrow when I get up, good night everyone.

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