Li Xiaoru, who is studying at the Juilliard School of Music, finally realized her childhood dream, but the reality is far crueler than she imagined.

Since coming to the United States, Li Xiaoru's weight has plummeted. She was already very slender, with a height of 170 and only a little over 100 kilograms. Now she is only 90 kilograms. scary. Every time she made a video with Jiang Chengfeng, she turned on special effects to make herself fatter and do the opposite of others. She is grateful for the high tech that helped her hide her poor health from her family and her boyfriend.

After Mr. Martin led Li Xiaoru into Julia's territory, he didn't care about anything. Every teacher in this school is very busy. Unless you are extremely talented and unparalleled in the world, you will only be beaten by the strong when you come here.

Li Xiaoru has self-knowledge, she knows that she is under the influence of Liu Man, to be more precise, Yu Zhan. On her first day in New York, one of Mr. Martin's assistants came to meet her at the airport.

On the way to the school, the assistant chatted with her and said that their piano department has many exchange students from all over the world come to study every year, as well as other majors. These students are outstanding in their respective countries' music academies, and they are geniuses, but Mr. Martin rarely asks about the affairs of exchange students. He is too busy, and such trivial matters are not worthy of his concern.

But there are exceptions, Li Xiaoru is a special case, there are several exchange students before her, who also received special attention from Mr. Martin, it's not that they are powerful, it's just that they have extraordinary backgrounds, some are the children of European royal families, some are the children of tycoons, Some people's grandparents are all senior politicians.

The assistant asked Li Xiaoru in a curious tone, what does her family do, and is it the second or third generation of a certain Chinese?

The innocent Li Xiaoru only heard his implication at this time, no matter when and where in this world, there are three or six or nine classes, and the assistant probably wanted to know her identity, and took advantage of the opportunity to please her or indifferent to her.

Embarrassed, she didn't know how to answer the assistant's questions.

The assistant also knew the etiquette and didn't ask, but after completing the admission procedures, Li Xiaoru never saw this person again. She thought that the assistant should have asked about her background from Mr. Martin. If you find out that she is ordinary, then you don't bother to talk to her.

But the teachers in the school are not snobbish, because they are used to seeing celebrities, or they themselves are celebrities, so they don't care about these things.

But Li Xiaoru's studies did not get better because of this.

Every exchange student in Julia will be assigned to study under the name of a teacher, which is a bit like a postgraduate teaching model. The teacher assigned to Li Xiaoru is a female professor of the piano department. She mainly learns piano sight-reading with her. Other courses in the third grade have a full schedule, so that exchange students can learn more in just one year. So Li Xiaoru couldn't even find time to work part-time.

This professor is also a pianist. Li Xiaoru didn't know her name before, but she is quite famous in the United States. According to the course schedule, Li Xiaoru has to go to her office to report at least twice a week and receive personal instruction from the professor.

The professor is busier than Mr. Martin, so busy that he doesn't even have time to manage his own studies, let alone foreign exchange students?

She spends two-thirds of a month running outside, participating in various performances, or going out to other celebrity occasions. Li Xiaoru has been in the United States for almost half a year, and the number of times she meets her can be counted on five fingers. And it was probably because she was used to seeing all kinds of super pianists in her career as a professor of music and art. No matter how well the students played the piano, she would never laugh or praise her, and her personality was a bit cold. But if the playing is not good, or if there is a slight mistake, it will be a tragedy. She will definitely tell the students coldly, come back to her after going back to practice, so as not to waste each other's time.

Li Xiaoru encountered such a situation twice when she was just a fledgling. She immediately re-practiced in fear and humility. The problem is that after she went back to practice and saw the professor again, it was already a month later. The professor completely regarded her as a person and her. Forget about everything.

There is nothing wrong with the professor's teaching method. She didn't mean to wear small shoes for Li Xiaoru. The other students did the same. She didn't favor anyone. She even arranged two rare small-scale performance opportunities for Li Xiaoru with caring nature. It's mediocre, it's not that Li Xiaoru is not good enough, but that there are so many masters here - waiting for an elevator, going to the toilet, looking up and down, you can meet world-famous musicians. Li Xiaoru was not well-known and had no background, so she was naturally unknown.

Li Xiaoru's sense of freshness and excitement when she first came to a famous school has completely disappeared, and after the shock of two performances, her self-confidence has almost been wiped out.

What's more, she is a newcomer, unfamiliar with the place, and has language barriers, so she can't quickly integrate into the local culture. There are also Chinese students in the school, but these people are very rich and are not in the same world as her.

Coupled with the sense of panic brought about by financial difficulties, she could only practice piano desperately. She practiced piano until three o'clock in the morning every day before resting. She got up at seven o'clock in the morning and had to go to professional courses. She and Bai Ying have the same skinny method - tired.

She has never studied so hard in the dark like this. She feels that she has worked hard to the limit, but her hard work is still not enough. In fact, she doesn't have to push herself like this. She can easily complete a year of school - as long as she passes That's enough, the school won't embarrass the exchange students. After returning to China, she is still an excellent student, and with her experience as an exchange student, she can also have a good future.

But she is not reconciled.

It's not easy for her to come to the United States - she spent all her family's savings, borrowed money from her friends, and took advantage of her boyfriend. Did she just go back in despair? She doesn't see herself as a mediocre person.

She wants to stand out!

On this day, as usual, Li Xiaoru went to the third grade professional class of the piano department in the teaching building on time.

The moment she walked into the classroom, she found that everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her, and some of them had never looked at her before. She felt very uncomfortable. After she followed Liu Man and became a well-known Internet celebrity, she often encountered similar scenes. But in the United States, she almost forgot the feeling of being in the limelight.

She thought she had something on her face and touched it, but there was nothing. She lowered her head again, is she wearing the wrong clothes? ?

At this time, the teacher who taught this course came in from the outside. When he saw Li Xiaoru, he was stunned for a moment, and asked her, Are you the ensemble performer of the princess of the Han Dynasty?

The first update~ Thank you very much for your rewards and votes!

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