Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 804 Computer Stolen

Cao Chuanxiang was still in a hurry when her son was just picked up. She had to take her two daughters to elementary school, her youngest son to kindergarten, and her own commute to and from get off work. Zhang Pei also understood this and allowed her to Late and leave early.

However, for today’s unloading work, Liu Man specially held a mobilization meeting in advance, emphasizing that everyone must work overtime. Cao Chuanxiang is embarrassed to cause trouble for Zhang Pei’s mother and daughter. Fortunately, the overtime time is on Saturday, and the children do not have to go to school. The very sensible eldest daughter (10 years old) takes care of her younger brother. The night before, she waited until the three children were sound asleep before taking a taxi to the company and working overtime with everyone. The taxi fare can be reimbursed.

She just called the eldest daughter (the child used her old mobile phone) and asked her about the situation at home. The little girl assured her that everything was fine and reassured her.

Because of this call, she happened to miss Yu Zhan asking everyone about breakfast. After she finished talking on the phone, everyone had finished ordering, and she was embarrassed to ask Yu Zhan for food. She didn't expect Yu Zhan to be so careful and still remember her.

Cao Chuanxiang's eyes wet when he thought of Zhang Pei's mother and daughter's care for him during this time, and also thought of Yu Zhan's respect for him. Her husband died because of Liu Chengyu, but she was reborn with the help of Liu Chengyu's relatives. In fact, they had no obligation to help. Cao Chuanxiang even feels that her current life is tiring, but it is much more fulfilling than the previous life of clinging to her husband and mother-in-law and surrounding her three children at home.

Before Cao Chuanxiang could respond to what Yu Zhan wanted to eat, Liu Man called her, Sister Cao, come here.

Cao Chuanxiang hurried over.

Liu Man said to her, You get off work now.

But there are still three loads...

It's okay, you've been busy all night, you can get off work, Liu Man also considered Cao Chuanxiang's three children. In fact, after the overtime mobilization meeting, she found Cao Chuanxiang alone and allowed her not to work overtime, but Cao Chuanxiang strongly demanded Working overtime, she said that she didn't want to engage in special circumstances, and she was afraid that other colleagues would have opinions, and said that her eldest daughter could help her with housework when she was at home.

In ancient times, 10-year-old girls could indeed manage affairs. Considering this, Liu Man followed Cao Chuanxiang's wishes.

Cao Chuanxiang has worked so far, and Liu Man feels that it is enough. The children have to eat during the day, so the eldest daughter can't let her cook. She said, I asked Yu Zhan to give you a ride to the subway station, and you happened to be with Yu Zhan too. Let's go and buy breakfast for the kids.

Liu Man was very thoughtful, and Cao Chuanxiang didn't even have a reason to refuse, and besides, she was stupid in the first place, so she just kept saying thank you.

So, when everyone saw Cao Chuanxiang getting into Yu Zhan's car, they didn't know what was going on, and they didn't dare to ask. They all thought that Yu Zhan couldn't get breakfast by himself, and asked Cao Chuanxiang to go with him to help? !

It turned out that Yu Zhan came back alone, with a car full of breakfast. While having breakfast, everyone discussed in low voice where Cao Chuanxiang had gone. Cao Chuanxiang never showed up again until the end of overtime work all morning.

Zhang Pei and Peter's work progressed faster because the warehouse has a large space and there are not so many restrictions on the placement of goods, and Zhang Pei hired a large number of temporary workers in County A. Around eleven o'clock, Zhang Pei drove Peter and Mao Yuchen back to the company. It just so happens that everyone can have lunch together at noon, and they have to continue to work in the afternoon. New products are on the shelves, and Liu Man wants to take advantage of the heat of the live broadcast to do promotional activities—the doll marketing plan in cooperation with Luo Youyou Company.

So she really has no time to take care of Wang Zhihua and Liu Chengyu.

The first thing Peter did when he came back was to go to Liu Man's office to get his laptop. He received a call from a European agent in the morning and needed to send a document to him.

Liu Man's office was unlocked. Peter pushed the door open and saw an empty desk. He thought that Liu Man had transferred his computer to Zhang Pei's office, because he usually worked in Zhang Pei's office. , Last night was an exception. Zhang Pei was in County A, and her office was locked, so he put it at Liu Man's side.

He went to Zhang Pei's office again. Zhang Pei just came in and was sorting out the files, Did you see my laptop?

No, Zhang Pei was more puzzled than him, Did you leave the computer with me?

At this moment, Peter already had a hint of ominous premonition. With a serious face, he turned around and walked downstairs. Seeing this, Zhang Pei felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly followed him. Liu Man and Yu Zhan were in the warehouse downstairs.

Peter walked up to the two and asked Liu Man if he had put away his computer.

No, I didn't touch your things. Last night was too busy, Liu Man didn't pay attention to Peter's laptop at all.

Zhang Pei was more anxious than Peter, and said to Liu Man, Think again, who has entered your office.

At this point, they both realize that Peter's laptop may have been stolen. Liu Man frowned. When she and her mother were in the company, they often forgot to lock the office door. They trusted their employees, and the company's security was also very strict. Since the company was established, nothing has been lost.

But today is an exception. Since the early morning, the company’s doors have been opened to allow trucks to enter and leave the yard freely. Everyone is busy in and out. It is impossible for the security guard to keep an eye on everyone and monitor whether outsiders come in. Liu Man felt as if she had closed the office door casually at first, but she ran between the warehouse and the office, and she couldn't remember when she forgot to lock the door again, which caused such a catastrophe. She felt that this incident was more terrifying to her than Liu Chengyu dragging Wang Zhihua away.

She blamed herself very much and was very impatient! His face was extremely embarrassed.

Don't worry, let's adjust the monitoring records first, Yu Zhan put his hand on Liu Man's shoulder to comfort her, and said to Peter, Your computer should have a password.

Peter nodded, With the password, others can't open the computer, but the files inside are very important to me. Peter is not worried about the leakage of industry secrets, but he is afraid that the thief will destroy his files. Peter was born in a big family. Have you ever seen such a big storm and intrigue? He was calmer, and in turn told Zhang Pei not to panic.

But Zhang Pei had to panic! The value of Peter's computer is immeasurable, and it was still lost under their noses. They bear the unshirkable responsibility, especially when Liu Chengyu and the Wang family caused their reputation to be damaged. It's like adding insult to injury, if Peter gets angry and stops cooperating with them, they will have nothing to do, and they will probably have to compensate Peter for a huge loss.

first update~

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