The ward where Wang Zhihua lives is the noisiest in the whole hospital. In the first two days, the police came to inquire and investigate, caring people sent here and there, and the leader of Liu Chengyu’s unit sent people to come with gifts to express condolences... The hype became the headlines, and Wang Zhihua's reputation soared.

Mrs. Wang never stopped, crying poor and pitiful when she met everyone, saying how sorry that Internet celebrity Liu Man was to her family. At the beginning, other patients and their family members sympathized with them, but no one could stand such nagging every day, like a complaining woman, affecting other people's mood and rest. The patients in the same ward as Wang Zhihua really wanted to apply for a room change, but there were not enough beds in the hospital, so they had to endure it.

Mrs. Wang only had Wang Zhihua in her eyes, and she wished she could sacrifice her injured son as an ancestor. Wang Zhihua's injuries were mainly in his lower limbs, and he couldn't get out of bed.

Wang's family members were all there, but Mrs. Wang asked Cao Chuanxiang to stay in the hospital with her to take care of Wang Zhihua, and she was also asked to wash clothes and shit bowls for Wang Zhihua. Moreover, Cao Chuanxiang has already said that she is here on leave and time is very tight. But Mrs. Wang didn't care. Her ideas were feudal and outdated, and she believed that it was only natural for the eldest daughter-in-law to be filial to her and serve the entire Wang family.

As a result, she couldn't command Cao Chuanxiang this time.

Cao Chuanxiang, who has always been timid, refused. She said, I have to take care of my two daughters. If I don't have time and work, we will have nothing to eat.

Only then did Mrs. Wang remember to pretend to care about her daughter-in-law and ask her where she works.

Same as before, odd jobs.

Oh, aren't you still busy and unable to make money? You still blame me for not bringing Dandan (Cao Chuanxiang's youngest son), even if I bring you, you won't have time to take care of it.

The Wang family has all come to the capital, and Mrs. Wang entrusts Cao Chuanxiang's youngest son to a neighbor to take care of him. This approach completely aroused Cao Chuanxiang's hatred of Mrs. Wang. The reason why she was willing to ask for leave to come to the hospital was because she thought that Mrs. Wang might bring her grandson to the capital. Cao Chuanxiang wanted to visit her son, not Wang Zhihua! At the beginning, she wanted to bring all three children with her, but Mrs. Wang firmly disagreed with her taking away the youngest son. She said that the youngest son was her grandson and the root of the Wang family, and they should be raised by their family.

Seeing Mrs. Wang's attitude, Cao Chuanxiang thought that she would treat her son well. After all, she really didn't have enough financial ability and energy to take care of her three children. The two daughters have gone to school and are sensible, and the son is 3 years old. Someone needs to be by his side all the time. With the compensation in her hand, Mrs. Wang is rich, and life will be easier for her son to follow her.

A 3-year-old child cannot live without people, but Mrs. Wang can throw the child to irrelevant people. Cao Chuanxiang also knows the neighbor of the Wang family. They don't even care about their own children, how about other people's?

Cao Chuanxiang was worried about the safety of her youngest son, and planned to go back to the countryside to bring her son to the capital.

Now that she had made up her mind, Cao Chuanxiang was annoyed even to look at Mrs. Wang and Zhihua Wang one more time. She was about to leave. Mrs. Wang asked her at this time: How much money do you have?

A rich woman who manages 3.1 million yuan in her hand asks a question like this to a person who only earns 3,000 yuan as a part-time job... Cao Chuanxiang quietly looked at Mrs. Wang without saying a word. Mrs. Wang was embarrassed by her gaze. She explained, Yao'er needs money for medical treatment, and the family's money was used to build a house. Now the money is gone.

Only then did Cao Chuanxiang realize that Mrs. Wang asked her to come because she wanted to ask her for money!

She felt very ironic and ridiculous. When she was begging her mother-in-law for living expenses like a beggar, she never thought that one day, her mother-in-law would lick her face and do the same thing.

Money, of course she has no money.

Cao Chuanxiang said poorly, It's getting harder and harder to make money in the capital. I haven't worked in this new job for long. Two children cost a lot, so where can I save money?

Mrs. Wang didn't believe what she said, and said anxiously, The hospital has issued a reminder for the bill. If you don't pay the full amount, the medicine will be discontinued.

You can go to the person who caused the accident to pay for it.

Liu Chengyu was arrested, and they couldn’t see anyone. The police said that this kind of injury, whether it involves criminals or not, is to be paid by the family members themselves for medical expenses first, and then take various documents as evidence, and wait for the court to award compensation to the perpetrator. .

Unless the perpetrator suddenly realizes his conscience, or his family members are particularly kind-hearted people, he will first pay the other party the money.

Granny Wang immediately thought of Zhang Pei's mother and daughter. The first time they met, they offered them 100,000 yuan. They should be very kind people, but this time, Granny Wang could no longer contact them, even if The perpetrator was still Liu Chengyu, but they didn't even show their faces, with an attitude of indifference.

The Liu family is really hateful. One of my two sons was killed by Liu Chengyu, and the other was injured like this. His family didn't even come to see it, and no one apologized for it! You asked me to ask Liu Chengyu's wife for money, Where can I find them!

I didn't ask you to ask them for money. Liu Chengyu is divorced, and her wife has no obligation to help him. If you are wronged, you should go to Liu Chengyu directly, Cao Chuanxiang said when Zhang Pei told her what has been said.

Why are your elbows turned outward! Mrs. Wang suddenly became angry, Why don't they have an obligation!? Liu Chengyu is always Liu Man's biological father. If I do something wrong, the child will have to bear it!

Cao Chuanxiang couldn't communicate with this old woman. His son was injured in the process of asking for money and wrangling. She also wholeheartedly hoped to get money from Liu's family. They completely regarded their family as clowns.

Cao Chuanxiang was too lazy to pay attention to Mrs. Wang, she left the hospital on the pretext of going to the bathroom, and then blacklisted Mrs. Wang's mobile phone number.

The next day, she asked Zhang Pei for another day off, and this time Zhang Pei asked her why she asked for leave. She said, My youngest son was abandoned by his mother-in-law in the countryside. I was very worried and wanted to go back and bring him to the capital.

Have you discussed it with your mother-in-law?

No, I didn't tell her. If I did, she would definitely not allow it. She would yell like hell.

Zhang Pei could imagine the scene Cao Chuanxiang described. She knew that the day before, Cao Chuanxiang asked for leave to visit Wang Zhihua in the hospital, and it seemed that they broke up in the end. She asked Cao Chuanxiang, Where is your hometown? Is one day enough to go back and forth?

Enough is enough. My hometown is not far from the capital. As long as I can catch the bus, I can come back at night.

How many times does the bus run a day?

Two back and forth.

Zhang Pei thought about it for a while, How about this, I will drive you to pick up the child. This will be faster, so as not to delay the journey for too long, and both you and the child will suffer.

Second update~

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