Zhang Pei is currently preparing to pick up the goods at the second warehouse. Counting the time, the remaining 14 trucks are almost there. Presumably Peter didn't want Zhang Pei to be too tired, so he rushed over to help at the right time.

I'll ask Yu Zhan to drive you there, Liu Man said.

No, I booked a taxi. Peter has only been in China for more than a month, and he is already proficient in using various Chinese taxi-hailing apps and food-delivery apps. He is no less familiar with various areas of the capital than Liu Man.

Peter noticed that the mobile phone in Liu Man's hand was constantly flashing text and patterns on the screen, It seems that someone sent you a message.

Only then did Liu Man realize that he was still on the live broadcast! She looked down, and it turned out that a fan gave her a gift. On the screen, there was an animation of the gift, as well as the pulsating message, which Peter mistook for a social text message.

She quickly explained to Peter, I'm doing a live broadcast, and this is my live broadcast room. Fortunately, the English name of Ai Live Broadcast is a literal translation, and it is displayed on the opening page of the APP, which impressed Liu Man deeply, otherwise she would Can't translate the word live room.

Peter raised his eyebrows, Oh, I've heard of webcasting. Although his daughter is also a small Internet celebrity, she only posts photos on ins and has never done a live broadcast. He saw Liu Man covering the phone lens with his hand and smiled. Laughing, It's okay, I don't mind if you shoot me, I don't mind being seen by your fans, and I don't mind visiting your live broadcast room.

Liu Man was surprised, she found that there seemed to be a trace of curiosity in Peter's eyes? ! Is he actively asking to visit her live broadcast room?

The moment the audience appeared on Peter, they started talking about him, but after a while, their screens went black! Only the voices of Liu Man and Wai Guoren could be heard. When everyone was concentrating on understanding what they were saying, the screen turned on again. Gray-blue eyes that are slightly distorted by reading glasses.

At the same time, the person also said, It's all in Chinese, and I can't understand a single word, so these little hearts that shine are all RMB?

Yes, a heart is equivalent to a dollar.

Oh, interesting! You made a lot of money in just a few seconds, Peter looked surprised, It's unbelievable, at this point in time, there are still three million people watching your live broadcast, and the entire city of Oakland is only a little over one hundred Thousands of people!

Holding Liu Man's mobile phone, Peter is very interested in every function in the live broadcast room. He has not realized that his rich facial expressions have been clearly seen by three million people, and the comments in the comment area are crazy rolling.

Peter returned the phone to Liu Man and asked her, There are too many messages from the audience, what are they talking about?

Liu Man was so dazzled by the comments that she could only randomly translate one of the most frequently spoken words, Fans praise you for being handsome.

Peter laughed, and the smile lines on the corners of his mouth became more obvious. He accepted the fans' compliments unceremoniously, and said to Liu Man, Please thank them for their compliments instead of me!

You can tell them in person, Liu Man said with a smile.

Peter pointed to himself, Can I do a live broadcast too?

Of course, just speak to the camera and keep your face in the middle.

Sounds easy, let me try.

Liu Man handed his mobile phone to Peter's hand again, and Peter raised the mobile phone slightly to make his face look less abrupt. Soon, he found the most handsome angle for himself, with the corners of his mouth curled up perfectly Although the light at night is dark, it can blur people’s edges, corners and wrinkles. It has a self-beautification function. Peter wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which makes him look more refined and younger. Many netizens left messages saying too handsome.

Fans of Liu Man, hello, I'm Peter Atkinson, I'm from New Zealand, thank you for saying that I'm handsome, thank you! The last thank you, Peter said in Chinese.

This handsome uncle can speak Chinese! It's so good!

Inexplicably feel that his smile is warm and cute.

Tonight's live broadcast has become more interesting.


In Peter's eyes, the comments from netizens are just unfamiliar graphic blocks, Although I can't understand what you are talking about, I think you must be praising me and welcoming me, right?

The replies in the comment area were all yes, and some people left messages in English, Welcome to China! More fans sent gifts and gave Peter pen refills.

Encouraged by everyone's enthusiasm, Peter continued, Thank you Liu Man for giving me this opportunity to explore her live broadcast room, Liu Man is a very good girl, recently there are some bad comments about her on the Internet, I think it is It's untrue, it's ridiculous, I really believe in Liu Man's character, I hope everyone will not listen to some people's one-sided words, and support her firmly and rationally.

Liu Man was stunned, she didn't expect Peter to mention this, let alone he would pay attention to it. After the dispute between Liu Chengyu and Wang Zhihua broke out, Liu Man and Zhang Pei did not show any abnormal behavior at work, and everything went on as usual. Liu Man didn't know whether the company employees talked about them in private, at least it didn't reach her ears.

Anyway, everyone has learned the whole story from a third party——Tang Tu, and also knows that what Liu Man's father did has nothing to do with Liu Man himself, but it is impossible to deny that Liu Man and her daughter are still being punished. In addition to the spread of negative information, the most intuitive manifestation is that the sales of cat food in their online store have shown a significant downward trend for the first time in the recent period, and now they are trying their best to make a big deal. When the results were shown to Peter. Liu Man is trying every means to save her, such as doing a live broadcast now, so as to give Peter a job, but Peter instead speaks for her...

Uncle, don't worry, if we don't support Liu Man, it's impossible to watch the live broadcast here without going to bed in the early morning.

The princess is greatly dragged down by her father.

It's enough for me to watch the live broadcast and have fun. I don't care about other people's private affairs.


Peter couldn't understand what the netizen said, and Liu Man felt a little embarrassed and didn't translate for him. Peter had finished what he wanted to say, said goodbye to the audience in the live broadcast room, and handed the phone back to Liu Man. The scheduled taxi arrives.

After Liu Man sent Peter to the car, she found that many fans were asking her, Who is this handsome man?

She explained to the group, Mr. Atkinson is the vice president of global marketing for Cats' Garden pet food.

The audience was stunned. They thought that Peter was just an ordinary employee sent from the head office in New Zealand. It was hard to imagine that the high-ranking vice president would stay up late working with small agents. This boss is too dedicated!

The third one is done~

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