At ten past ten, Liu Chengyu hummed a tune and arrived at his work unit. While waiting for the entrance and exit barriers, he finally noticed in the rearview mirror that there was a BMW following him, and it was a BMW with good performance. It was the car that Liu Chengyu dreamed of owning the most. But now that he has a supercar, he naturally doesn't like the ninety-nine percent mortal car.

At the moment when he was distracted, Wang Zhihua got off the BMW, walked to his car window, and knocked on the glass with his hand.

The windows of this sports car can't be opened alone. To communicate with people outside, the entire car door must be opened. Liu Chengyu looked at this strange young man through the glass, without thinking too much, thinking that he was a new colleague from the unit. After all, he was driving a BMW. Liu Chengyu subconsciously thought that the other party was harmless, so the car door slowly opened, he got out of the car, and asked, What's the matter with you?

Wang Zhihua stared at the cool car doors and luxurious interiors that he had only seen in online videos before, trying his best to hide the greed in his eyes, and asked forcefully, Are you Liu Chengyu?

Liu Chengyu nodded, very puzzled, he was sure that he had never seen this person before, and looking closely at this person, Liu Chengyu felt that he was a little earthy, that is, the kind of rusticity that just came out of the countryside and has not fully integrated into the big city. Liu Chengyu used to be like this when he was a student, but he has taken root in the capital for nearly 30 years, his habits and demeanor have become more and more natural, and even his accent has become like the locals.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Chengyu doesn’t want to know about Liu Man. He doesn’t have common social software such as Weibo and Douyin on his mobile phone, and besides, he can’t play these things at his age. He didn't know about the farce that happened at Capital University last night and the explosive headlines on the Internet.

Who are you? His tone was a little impatient.

Wang Zhihua saw that Liu Chengyu looked down on him. He came here with resentment. The person who killed his brother was not unemployed, and he can continue to work in such a good unit—even if it is a public institution with a monthly salary of 6,000+, it doesn’t matter. Even college students can't get in, so Wang Zhihua wants to work in this kind of unit after graduating from college.

Moreover, Liu Chengyu's mental state is better than him. Although he is a bit thinner, his gray hair has been dyed all black. The image of the rich man.

Wang Zhihua didn't understand why people who did something wrong dared to be so arrogant! Can also drive a supercar! Shouldn't Liu Chengyu be a man with his tail between his legs?

I'm Wang Zhihua, he said his name word by word. Sure enough, Liu Chengyu had no impression. He was impatient to waste time with this boring BMW bum, and turned around to get back in the car.

Wang Chunhua is my elder brother, I want to seek justice for my elder brother!

Liu Chengyu's movements paused, his casual expression condensed on his face, his pupils dilated suddenly, his face paled in shock, and he almost lost his grip on the car keys. A bloody man flashed across his mind, his eyes wide open, staring at himself, full of resentment and resentment.

That was the last time Liu Chengyu saw Wang Chunhua when he sent Wang Chunhua to the hospital. Wang Chunhua looked at him like this, as if he wanted to see into his soul. At that time, his feet were so frightened, his mind was in a mess, and he was very scared, so he chose to leave the hospital without hesitation after watching the medical staff push him into the emergency room.

It's been so long, he can't remember many details of the car accident, but he only remembers Wang Chunhua's eyes and his name. Liu Chengyu was flustered for a while, he subconsciously looked at the surrounding situation, his supercar was blocked in front of the barrier, behind him was a BMW, and behind the BMW were two cars of colleagues from the unit, the security at the gate had already set up the barrier, Looking at his eyes, he was urging him to hurry up, not to block the road, and prevent the entry of vehicles from the unit, but the security guard dared not speak out. Liu Chengyu is a celebrity in the unit, and driving such an expensive sports car, there must be someone behind him.

Didn't I pay your family three million? What more do you want? Liu Chengyu used a very cold and disdainful voice to disguise his fear.

Our family regretted it. We shouldn't have signed that mediation agreement. We shouldn't have let my brother die under your wheels for money. He lost his life, and you not only didn't get a little bit of punishment, you got away with it, and you got away with it. I don't accept such a good life, you are responsible for my brother's death, you should go to jail!

Wang Zhihua was on the rational side, and his voice became louder and more excited as he spoke, causing many people to look sideways.

Liu Chengyu panicked. Except for the new leader, no one in the new unit knew that he had committed crimes. Wang Zhihua was going to smash his job! Of course, smashing his job is a small matter, but his reputation is a big matter.

He was worried that everyone would know that he had a relationship and avoid a prison sentence. In that case, things will become big! They themselves are touching the red line of the law. They are playing around the edges. They are shameful and disgraceful. Even if they have a mediation agreement, if they don't say hello in advance, let alone pay 3 million yuan, the judge can still pay 30 million yuan. Sentence him to at least three years in prison.

If his drunk driving incident is made public and known to everyone, then the court may be forced by public opinion to retry his case. At that time, the former leader will definitely not help him, and Sun Yiyi will not help him. Zhang Pei Not to mention paying for him, who does he rely on?

Yu Zhan?

After this period of contact, Liu Chengyu has already trusted Yu Zhan, but he is still not sure that Yu Zhan will help him and protect him in this matter. For the second time, unless Yu Zhan has the ability to reach the sky, all the relationships can be dredged. And they have only known each other for more than a month, and Yu Zhan and Liu Man are not married, so why do they pay so much for him?

After Liu Chengyu made such an analysis, his heart turned cold, and he angrily reprimanded Wang Zhihua, Nonsense! I don't know what you are talking about. He resolutely refused to admit it, ignored Wang Zhihua, and got into the car to leave.

Wang Zhihua shouted, Don't even try to run! At the same time, he pulled his arm hard. It stands to reason that Liu Chengyu, who is in his fifties, is definitely no match for a young man in his early twenties, but he insisted on throwing Wang Zhihua away. , close the door and start the car with lightning speed.

Wang Zhihua also reacted quickly, pulling the rearview mirror of the car, at this time Liu Chengyu had already started the car, he knew that Wang Zhihua was on top of his car, but stepped on the accelerator without hesitation.

The starting speed of the super sports car is amazing! In the blink of an eye, Wang Zhihua was dragged tens of meters away.

first update~

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