Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 753 Suspension of Classes

A few netizens were very disgusted, and Sun Weiwei sent them traffic to other apps, To join in the fun, I have to download another app, so I don't want to watch it.

It feels like an advertisement for 'Ai Live Broadcasting'?? How much advertising fees did 'Ladies and Sisters' charge?

I hate this kind of compulsive recommendation software, and I have canceled it.

I just took a look at it. This account that loves live broadcasting has just been registered and has only a few thousand fans. These fans probably followed this Weibo after seeing it.


For this, Sun Weiwei did not give any explanation. Anyway, the opposition will always be a minority. A few small stones will not stir up any big waves and will not affect the choices of most people. Liu Man also cooperated with the team and reposted this Weibo, I hope everyone will support the new account of 'Ladies and Sisters' on Ai Live. Remember to follow and bookmark, thank you very much!

Liu Man started her career on Ai Live. Many of her fans are loyal users of Ai Live. Of course, they don’t have any opinions. Fans have grown from a few thousand to tens of thousands.

The next day, at school, the students came to ask Liu Man and Sun Weiwei what the mysterious special prize was. The discussion about the prize had extended from online to offline.

Many students from Capital University started to know Sun Weiwei from following Happy Pot, and then followed her to follow Miss and Sisters. They are the first batch of original fans of Miss and Sisters. Many people joined in the fun and signed up for the lucky draw Activity.

What if you get lucky and win the lottery! ?

Liu Man's current campus life is relatively peaceful. She no longer has filming, live broadcasting, or performances. To make money, she spends all her time mainly on three things: study, cat food business and calligraphy lessons.

Last week, Capital University’s first public elective course, the Seal Script course, appeared on the course selection system. Within 20 seconds of its launch, 150 courses were emptied. Such a course taught by renowned professors.

The seal script class also officially started last week. There is only one class per week for 2 hours, and the class is held on Friday night. With the experience of teaching regular script last semester and the calligraphy she is good at, Liu Man was not nervous. She prepared the courseware in advance, showed it to Professor Su, revised it after seeking his opinion, and finally finalized the courseware.

In the first seal script class, it wasn't a matter of all the seats being filled, but that there wasn't even room to set foot. The 150 students who took the course—they couldn’t squeeze in at all. The students from our school and other schools who tried to attend the course came first, and the seats were fully occupied. These people scrambled to squeeze in. Some media even got in the mix, wanting to get first-hand news material. So many people seriously affected the order of the entire teaching building, and the students in the surrounding classrooms were completely unable to study by themselves due to the noise, and other evening classes were also affected.

After Liu Man arrived at the teaching building well prepared and confident, she was surprised by the exaggerated scene. Not to mention the class, she didn't even dare to show her face. She called the counselor for help outside the teaching building.

In the end, the school had to dispatch security guards to maintain order and chase people away. The whole process lasted for more than half an hour, but only 45 minutes per class. What's the point of wasting so much time?

As a result, the first seal script class at the Capital University and even at universities across the country was forced to be cancelled, and it was even on the news that day.

The next day, Capital University issued a statement on the school's official website. First, it emphasized the school's discipline and order. First, people outside the school are not allowed to enter and leave all undergraduate teaching buildings. It is forbidden for any student to attend the course selection; third, the seal script class is temporarily suspended, and the resumption time will be notified after the discipline is rectified.

The school was also worried about safety accidents, so it issued this one-size-fits-all order. No student objected to this, and everyone was honest. And this matter has strengthened Liu Man's determination to launch the Xuewen Tumo app. No matter whether everyone is following suit or for other reasons, at least they are willing to listen to her about calligraphy lessons. This is the intention of Vice Minister Guo. , is enough.

The heavy burden in the early stage of studying literature and ink - research and development, mainly rests on Jiang Chengfeng. Jiang Chengfeng is currently in the stage of retreating and practicing, holding back his big moves. He leaves early and returns late, and programs behind closed doors. For professional courses that are a little simpler or where the teacher does not call names, others will not come directly. He didn't go back to the dormitory at night, and even his roommate didn't know what he was doing.

Then again, in the second semester of the junior year, the school atmosphere is quite different from before. Everyone is planning their own future development and way out. Those who should be admitted to graduate school, those who should take the postgraduate entrance examination, those who should apply to foreign schools, should improve their grade points Yes, it’s time to find a job, each of which is a major event in life, a major turning point, and is imminent. Everyone is too busy with their own affairs, and in fact, they have no time to pay attention to what others are doing.

Jiang Chengfeng went in and out of the postgraduate office building, and undergraduates seldom came here, not to mention undergraduates seldom came here, and even postgraduates didn't pay much attention to the empty laboratory next door.

Jiang Chengfeng's three roommates, roommate A and roommate B are all planning to go abroad, and roommate C needs to keep graduate school. They are more self-disciplined and go to the self-study room. They don't even bring their mobile phones with them, and they don't pay much attention to things on the Internet. Most of Jiang Chengfeng's classmates are like this, everyone can understand that everything is just a cloud in front of the future.

They also asked Jiang Chengfeng what his plans are for the future, whether to study in graduate school or go abroad, Jiang Chengfeng said vaguely, Let's take a step and see.

How can you be so perfunctory about your own future?

Jiang Chengfeng seemed to have no intention of continuing his studies or finding a job at all.

The three roommates were very worried about Jiang Chengfeng. They thought that Jiang Chengfeng planned to make a career as a female clothing boss. The Internet celebrity industry is indeed making money now, but no one can guarantee what the future will be like unless Jiang Chengfeng can guarantee himself If he stays popular for a long time, otherwise he will eat a bowl of youth rice. And everyone knows that Jiang Chengfeng's girlfriend went to a prestigious American music school for further studies. In case she becomes a pianist in the future, Jiang Chengfeng is still a big guy in women's clothing, emmmmm, they don't look like a good match at all, and they probably want to blow up .

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