Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 726 Campus Recruitment

On the next Friday, according to the process that Liu Man and Zhang Pei expected, they should conduct business negotiations with Peter on agency cooperation matters. If everything goes well, the contract can be signed on the same day.

However, imagination is always different from reality.

In the morning, just as Liu Man and Yu Zhan were about to go out to the company, she received a call from Zhang Pei. Zhang Pei said that Peter proposed to visit the capital first. It was his first time in mainland China and the capital. Local customs feel novelty.

For breakfast in the morning, Peter didn't eat the western buffet provided by the hotel, but insisted on eating the capital's characteristic Chinese breakfast. Huang Shiting was at a loss as he was also a foreigner. So Zhang Pei drove more than ten kilometers from the suburbs early in the morning to help him buy breakfast. In order to satisfy Peter, she went to several time-honored stores.

When calling, Zhang Pei was dining with Peter.

Liu Man asked intentionally, Is Manager Huang here?

Zhang Pei said, He has something to go out with Xiao Song (Song Junzhe).

Everyone knows Peter's Sima Zhaozhi, but the witty Huang Shiting is not a light bulb.

Liu Man hung up the phone and looked at Yu Zhan with blank and confused eyes, Peter seems to have found a chance to be alone with my mother, we don't have to go there today.

Even Yu Zhan was a little surprised, and Peter was too impatient. Did he come to the capital to sign an agreement or to chase after a woman? But Yu Zhan thought about it again, Peter, a man in his fifties, finally met a woman he likes, is he still like young people like them, twitching and playing tricks? It is in line with his style to be quick and ruthless.

Besides, Peter has been waiting for this year since last year. Judging from this posture, Peter will definitely not discuss business with them today.

Let me take you to school, Yu Zhan said.

Liu Man shook his head, No need, we only have two classes in the morning today. I called the teacher in advance to ask for leave, and the class has already started, so it's too late to rush over now, which will make the teacher unhappy.

Then what arrangements do you have? Yu Zhan suddenly thought of his work here, Today Xinghe Film and Television has a recruitment fair at the Capital Film Academy. Come and watch it with me.

After the festival, Xinghe Films and Television began to prepare for a new film and television drama in full swing. Ye Zi'an's Late Ming Dynasty Dream has been completed and entered the post-production stage.

Tang Tu's schedule is free, and Qiu Jing will give him a new script immediately, which is a modern food movie called Little Walnut. At the same time, Xinghe Films will also start filming a TV series Youth Project with the theme of youth campus, and all the role candidates are to be determined.

Xinghe Film and Television is now in a state of waiting to be done, and it is in great need of fresh blood. Previously, Late Ming Dynasty Dream had twists and turns. The male lead, in turn, wanted to gain fame, and Qiu Jing also had a backbone, and her attitude at the time was very clear - ignore it at all. As a result, many first- and second-tier actresses and their brokerage companies have been rejected by her.

After the news that Tang Tu was going to star in Little Walnut came out this time, these brokerage companies didn't want to put on a hot face and a cold butt, so they kept their faces and observed secretly. They heard that Yu Zhan is the investor behind Youth Project and Little Walnut. Yu Zhan himself is a newcomer in the entertainment industry - a new boss. A well-known director hosted a banquet and wanted to invite him, but he politely declined and didn't give the other party any face, because the director's style of fame in the circle is not good, especially in terms of private life. The great director of the movie is a chicken of the same species. Yu Zhan is not He Lushen, he is used to self-willedness because he looks forward and backward.

The director said at the time that he would never cooperate with Xinghe Film and Television.

Another manager of a well-known first-line actress contacted Qiu Jing, saying that the actress herself is willing to invest tens of millions of dollars in Little Walnut, on condition that she plays the heroine, which is the so-called bringing money into the group. After Qiu Jing told Yu Zhan the other party's request, Yu Zhan said with a smile, Does she think I'm short of money? The actress was very angry, and she tweeted without naming names, It turns out that there are really people in this world. Lots of stupid money!

Insiders know that she is referring to Yu Zhan,

Therefore, Yu Zhan has formed a high-cold image in the minds of his peers.

The bosses of other film and television agencies are also very unimpressed with Yu Zhan. As we all know, Yu Zhan is a veterinarian who runs a pet hospital. big! He is still here to add to the chaos! The bosses disdain Yu Zhan in their hearts, but they dare not show it on the surface. The relationship between Yu Zhan and Huaguang Film and Television is obvious. They dare to offend Xinghe Film and Television, and they dare not offend Huaguang. Very dark background.

The situation Yu Zhan faced in the entertainment circle was a bit similar to when he first entered the capital veterinary hospital circle.

Last year, Xinghe Film and Television publicly recruited actors with great fanfare. There were tens of thousands of applicants. The workload of screening and reviewing resumes was huge. .

So busy, they finally recruited only six actors, four women and two men, and one of them was Chu Yu who came in through a relationship. And they received a total of more than 70,000 resumes, and only had time to read more than 10,000 of them. It is enough to see that the profession of an actor is very different from other jobs. Too many people expect to become famous and earn a lot of money, but they do not have the conditions to be a star, so it is not reliable for film and television companies to recruit from the society.

Yu Zhan's attempt actually ended in failure.

It is far from enough for a film and television company to have only a few actors. Qiu Jing even considered whether to cancel the artist management department and focus on investment and production of film and television dramas. The actors would sign artists from other management companies. But this also means that they have to pay more money to these brokerage companies, and they have to earn intermediary fees, which virtually increases the production cost of film and television dramas.

Yu Zhan thought of another way, he asked Qiu Jing, Can we go directly to the film and television school to recruit?

Yes, it is possible, but students with exceptional talents are selected to sign early contracts when they enter the school. As for other students, the general school recruitment is in September or October. Now it is March, and students are about to graduate at this time. Well, the students who haven't found a job are usually poorly qualified and left by other companies, or they failed the postgraduate entrance examination or went abroad, generally speaking, they all failed... Qiu Jing Having said that, but the leader had spoken, she still decided to hold a school recruitment at the Capital Film Academy to try her luck.

twenty four

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