Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 723 Advertising Fee

I'm just stating objective facts. Besides, they made me a lot of money last year. To be honest, I don't mind continuing to sign a cooperation agreement with Liu Man, Huang Shiting joked half-truthfully. They have fulfilled the contract conditions you set, 1,000 bags a day, and they have really completed it, and it has been completed ahead of schedule, so you and I are here. It is impossible for me to renew the contract with them, Huang Shiting spread his hands regretfully.

Peter laughed. You still don't admit that you didn't support them.

Huang Shiting shrugged, Maybe.

Liu Man was very grateful to Huang Shiting for helping them speak, but she felt that their relationship with Huang Shiting was not to the point of heart to heart, and she couldn't figure out why Huang Shiting praised them so much in front of Peter.

Peter suddenly turned his head and said to Liu Man, Our company has a direct online store on Amazon, and the purchases are also good.

Liu Man was surprised, why did Peter throw out the word direct marketing suddenly? Could it be that he wanted to bypass their company and directly open an online store in China? She was still thinking about how to answer this sentence.

Zhang Pei said in her English with a slight accent, I have seen the monthly sales volume of your Amazon online store before, which is basically the same as our store, but Amazon is for consumers all over the world, and we only focus on mainland China, the Chinese population and The world's population, sales ratio, and sales volume are high and low at a glance. I can say without exaggeration that our customer traffic is brought up by my daughter. Without her, Cats' Garden's popularity in China would not be as high as it is now. In the past, Cats'Garden was positioned as high-end cat food in China, and ordinary people were discouraged. Now my daughter makes high-end cat food available to thousands of households, but the price has not been lowered. If you sign an agency with us, the advertising fee will be waived.

Liu Man immediately looked at her mother with admiration. She had never paid attention to foreign e-commerce platforms, but her mother had noticed these details in advance. More importantly, she was also amazed by her mother's English. Although Zhang Pei's oral English was not as fluent as Yu Zhan and Huang Shiting, she was able to express her own views. Liu Man didn't even know when her mother Learn English to this point.

Peter asked Zhang Pei, Advertising fee?

Zhang Pei said proudly, Yes, my daughter is the most famous Internet celebrity in China, with tens of millions of fans, countless companies want to ask her to endorse and sell their products on behalf of her, and if we represent their products, not only Instead of paying an agency fee, they pay us a lot of money for advertising, and we choose to continue working with you.

You mean, you have dispensable ideas about cooperating with us?

Of course not, we hope to cooperate with you very much, there is no doubt about it. But I want to say that anytime, anything, it is a two-way choice,

If you insist on disliking our place for being old and small, there is nothing we can do.

They took the distinguished guests to visit in a decent manner, why does Liu Man feel that the cooperation is going to be ruined after talking and talking? Yu Zhan and Huang Shiting appreciated Zhang Pei's attitude very much. Liu Man's language proficiency is still not enough, and he didn't get into the mood immediately.

In fact, the moment they picked up Peter from the airport, business negotiations had already begun. No matter how approachable Peter was, he was still a businessman, their client, and the person they needed to bargain with.

Peter mentioned that the company's environment is not good, just to criticize, Huang Shiting looked at Yu Zhan and Song Junzhe's face, and helped them regain a bargaining chip. Peter deliberately mentioned direct marketing again to test their attitudes. Zhang Pei probably understood Peter's meaning and got a little angry, so he negotiated advertising fees with him.

What Zhang Pei said is right, they are equal and they are talking about business. No one is inferior to the other. They don't have to be inferior to Peter, let alone put on a posture of kneeling and begging him, but should be like Zhang Pei. Confidence, backbone, and speaking out your opinions with confidence, this is the real sincerity, and it will make the other party pay more attention to them.

Peter didn't speak, he looked at Zhang Pei fixedly, just when Liu Man thought he would refute her mother, he suddenly smiled, the faint lines at the corners of his eyes added to the charm of a mature man, he said, Please now Just take me on a tour of this 'old and broken little'.

Hearing his reference, Zhang Pei also laughed.

Liu Man felt a little strange from the atmosphere between the two. To be precise, when she was in the hotel just now, she found that after Peter and her mother got off the same car alone, the two had been talking and laughing, as if they were in a hurry. The child became very familiar.

So during the visit, Liu Man almost never took the initiative to speak. He followed behind his mother, and Yu Zhan and Huang Shiting even didn't talk. Zhang Pei was introducing Peter to Peter during the whole process. The two communicated unless Zhang Pei met someone who really wanted to Yu Zhan will remind her of the words that she can't remember.

After walking around, Peter was all smiles, and Zhang Pei was also in a good mood.

Liu Man felt even more weird. She found that when her mother was introducing the internal environment of the company, Peter seemed to be looking at her mother's face as if there was nothing, not out of respect during a normal conversation, but looking at her, and after a while Just take a look. Liu Man felt that when she brought Song Junzhe to visit the company that day, Song Junzhe was more serious than Peter!

Peter was very interested in the 7 cats that Mao Yuchen kept in the yard, and teased them for a long time. As the owner of a pet food company, he is of course also a small animal lover. To be precise, there is no one in his whole family who does not like them. small animals. Peter has two cats and two dogs at home. And like Yu Zhan, he has the magical physique to attract small animals. The 7 cats are not afraid of him at all, they flock to him and let him stroke their heads and backs.

As Peter petted, he muttered little cuties in his mouth, and his eyes showed his sincere love for small animals.

Then, they entered the warehouse. The workers had received the news in advance and worked harder to show themselves in front of the boss and distinguished guests. Mao Yuchen was also present, and Zhang Pei and Peter were still talking.

Liu Man took two steps back and looked around. All the employees in charge of the warehouse were here, except Cao Chuanxiang. Liu Man asked Mao Yuchen, Where is Cao Chuanxiang?

She went to the courier company to get the bill.

The 1st of every month is the day when Liu Man’s company settles bills with various courier companies. They cooperate with almost all courier companies. The courier company often does not have enough time in one day.

This was originally Mao Yuchen's job. After Mao Yuchen was promoted by Zhang Pei to be a supervisor, Mao Yuchen handed over this non-technical task to a newly recruited employee at the end of last year, who was also a girl.

twenty one

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