Tao Hejin has been going smoothly all his life, but he never thought that after retirement, he would fall so badly.

Don't mention that bastard's name to me again, Tao Hejin gritted his teeth, and put the teacup heavily on the table.

He Huaguang chuckled, I saw that you didn't move at all, I thought you and Ji Qiansong shook hands and made peace.

Tao Hejin's face was embarrassed. Although he didn't want to admit it, he had to tell He Huaguang, Zhiwei and I haven't thought of a way to get back at Ji's family. He knew that He Huaguang would have guessed it if he didn't say anything.

Ji Qiansong's ambition is worthy of his strength, and Xinji Group gives him this confidence.

These days, Tao Hejin and Tao Zhiwei have been thinking about what to do next. They have conceived several plans, all of which are methods of injuring one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-injury. Ji Qiansong is confident and pre-emptive. Their situation is very passive.

Ji Qiansong has been keeping a low profile and doing things in a low-key manner. He belongs to the type of businessman who makes a fortune in silence. The New Season Group never advertises or exposes itself in front of the media. Even their office building is a dusty old-fashioned office building. However, after fifteen years of precipitation and development, this company has a solid foundation, and Ji Qiansong's power has penetrated deeply, making it difficult to shake.

Ji Qiansong is quite stable now, with great power in his hands, monopoly operation, no one competes with him, but he also has weaknesses, He Huaguang reminded, Have you forgotten how the Xinji Group came about?

Tao Hejin focused, and raised his eyebrows to look at him. He made such a big detour, and finally got to the point.

I remember that you still have 10% of the shares in the new season. You haven't sold it?

No, Tao Hejin not only did not sell, but also kept the 10% of the shares in his own hands, and did not hand them over to Tao Zhiwei. Just in case, this fund is his last resort.

He Huaguang was very satisfied. He tapped his fingers lightly on his knees and looked at Tao Hejin thoughtfully, I haven't sold 2% of the shares in my hand.

Tao Hejin understood what he meant a little bit, Do you want to buy my shares, or do you want me to buy yours?

None. He Huaguang shook his head. We bought these shares from that kid Yu Zhan back then. Now that he has grown up, we should give him back what belongs to him.

Tao Hejin was delighted, he thought it was funny, When did you become a philanthropist? We neither stole nor robbed, I exchanged real money for shares, could it be that because of poor Yu Zhan's background, it was for nothing? Give him the money?

When did I say I gave it away for nothing? He Huaguang was speechless, I want to say that you are a stickler, lest you will be unhappy. Some people and things don't have a deep understanding, and they draw conclusions on their own. Good people can't recognize them, and bad people As a friend, try telling Yu Zhan to give him shares for free right now, and see if he will accept it! Do you think of Yu Xianwen's son so badly?

Tao Hejin was ridiculed by He Huaguang for a while, knowing that he was wrong, he was speechless.

Let me tell you the truth. Back then, I insisted on buying 5% (original shares) of the Yu family's shares. I just wanted to leave room for this kid, Yu Zhan. Xianwen and I are real friends, not you and Ji Qiansong. This kind of plastic brotherhood, I don’t want Xianwen’s company to completely change its name a few years after his death, and it has nothing to do with the Yu family. These shares have not been touched, and I have been waiting for an appropriate time to return the shares to Xianwen's son.

Besides, why didn't you mention that you and Ji Qiansong saw that there was only one orphan left in the Yu family, isolated and helpless, and the company's people were scattered, so they deliberately lowered the price and bought a large amount of shares at a price far lower than the actual value?

No, I didn't lower the price, Tao Hejin firmly denied, Ji Qiansong told me at the time that the price was negotiated between him and Xianwen's father-in-law in advance, and he pitied Yu Zhan for losing his parents, so he added 2 percentage points per share on purpose. , He said that we must unify our caliber to prevent others from lowering the price.”

Hehehehehe... He Huaguang didn't say anything, just smiled sarcastically, making Tao Hejin bow his head in shame.

Your Jin Tao can reach today's scale, thanks to your father and grandfather, thanks to your son, He Huaguang scolded without a word, You can also call him brothers and sisters with such a thing, I really don't want to say that birds of a feather flock together.

After being scolded by He Huaguang, Tao Hejin became clearer. He counted the decades of dealing with Ji Qiansong, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the other party was lying to him and cheating him. Did you really not guess at all? He knew very well that he was following Ji Qiansong to fish in troubled waters. Tao Hejin couldn't help feeling guilty towards Yu Zhan in his heart. According to He Huaguang, he seemed to be really colluding with Ji Qiansong and taking advantage of a child.

Now, Tao Hejin's hatred for Ji Qiansong is beyond words, and he finally understands He Huaguang's intentions.

The shares of Xinji Group are roughly divided into three parts. The first part is 35% of the shares held by Ji Qiansong; Distributed in the hands of other shareholders, Ji Qiansong was undoubtedly the largest shareholder and was able to serve as the president of the group.

But what if they sell all the shares in Xinji in their hands to Yu Zhan?

Tao Hejin began to quickly calculate the accounts in his mind, he had 10%, plus He Huaguang's 2%, Gao Yihuai (Song Junzhe's father) still had 8%, this is 20%!

But still not enough.

He Huaguang reminded him, Lanxi is also here today, do you remember her?

Remember, I chatted with her just now. Speaking of this, Tao Hejin suddenly remembered that Lan Xi's ex-husband Zheng Rui was also one of the buyers back then, and he should still have 2% of the money in his hand. shares.

But I didn't even see Zheng Rui attended the shareholder meeting. Did he sell his shares? Tao Hejin wasn't sure.

It's a trivial matter. It won't be long before you ask him. Besides, we small shareholders are usually too lazy to attend shareholders' meetings. I have shares in more than 20 companies in my hand. I go to every company's shareholders' meeting. , I don’t have to do my job all year round.”

He Huaguang stared at Tao Hejin, The main question now is, do you agree with my plan? It can not only bring down Ji Qiansong, but also restore the original glory of the Yu family. Both of our goals have been achieved!


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