Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 700 Valentine's Day Surprise

So more people looked towards the stage, and they first found that the man's figure was very good! He is slender and straight, with long legs and narrow shoulders, which is a golden ratio. He wears basic clothes, but he wears the aura of a model. He is handsome and extraordinary.

Looking at his face again, his skin was china-white illuminated by the cold light of the bar, which made his lips particularly red, the red of cherries. The most amazing thing was his eyes, which were as clear as a bay of spring water. , but as deep as the starry sky on a summer night.

The girls are excited, they are really handsome! ! !

He stood in the beam, his eyes did not have any audience under the stand, but raised his head and looked towards the second floor. The golden light of the spotlight above his head was like a woven brocade, spreading on his cheeks and between the strands of hair. . He is like a child of light, everything around him seems to have become hazy, only he is elegant and beautiful.

The audience was confused, is this man a star? Because he does look a little familiar.

The sound of the music accompaniment sounded at this moment, and the main topic began... Some people who are familiar with European and American music immediately realized that this was the prelude to the classic English song you are my love.

The man picked up the microphone and sang:

you are my love,

you are the dawn and the morning light,

you are the melody of spring time,

and a angel in my dream,


Yu Zhan's singing is getting better...

Liu Man's brows gradually stretched, she seemed to imagine Yu Zhan too fragile, she still remembered a group incident, Yu Zhan was surrounded by a group of boring netizens, his face was pale and sweaty, as if he couldn't even breathe. become extremely difficult.

At this moment, he looks omnipotent on the stage, how can there be any panic? !

And his voice is so good...

Liu Man used to always see the word open to kneel in her fans' messages. She has never been able to understand whether the word is positive or derogatory, but at this moment, listening to Yu Zhan sing, she has a kind of open to kneel. Feel.

Having known him for so long, she didn't even know that he had a good voice. His singing was as clear as his own, as if it could penetrate the crowd and reach her heart.

She looked at Yu Zhan without blinking, trying to understand the meaning of the English lyrics he sang.

The audience off the stage were also excited by the man's singing. Some of them stood up from their seats again, some took out their mobile phones to take videos again, and many were listening to him sing carefully.

This is a love song and also a slow song, it doesn't need a high atmosphere.

you are my love,

I've been searching for a lifetime,

knew one day that I'd find you,

at the right time,


I'll be there for you.

After Yu Zhan sang the last lyric, the reverberation followed the ending melody, and the bar was still silent until the melody ended.

He's not the only one who sings love songs tonight, not the only one who sings slow, not the only one who sings English songs, but he's the only one who sings Valentine Feeling because other singers sing and their usual performances There is no difference.

Oh no, this man is not a singer, he said that he is just a passerby, and his eyes always only look at one room - the VIP box on the second floor. Some people also followed his line of sight, the light was too dim to see anything clearly. Everyone is very curious about his girlfriend, what kind of woman can find such a good boyfriend!

Until Yu Zhan smiled at the curtain call to everyone, Thank you, thank you!

His smile is warm and pure, and at first glance, it can be seen that it is sincere, sunny, and transparent, making others feel happy.

Finally, someone recognized him,

My God, he turned out to be Liu Man's boyfriend!

It's really him, Doctor Yu.

It seems that the full name is Yu Zhan.

That's right, it's him.

Isn't that Liu Man is also there, his song is sung to Liu Man!?

Liu Man, Liu Man, I want to see Liu Man!


The audience in the bar was even more excited than when Xiao Keer appeared on the stage. They were scrambling to rush towards the stage, but found that the security was tighter. Block the way.

And Yu Zhan has left the stage under the strict protection of security.

He returned to the private room, and just after closing the door, Liu Man hugged his waist from behind him, and he could feel the girl's warm nephrite on his back. Yu Zhan smiled, secretly delighted in his heart, and at the same time a little regretful, why didn't he know earlier that singing a song would make his girlfriend take the initiative to give him a hug.

What's wrong? he asked knowingly, I'm moved by me, don't you want it?

Well, Liu Man said in a small voice, Why did you suddenly run up to sing? It scared me.

How bad is my singing? To scare you like this? There was a hint of a smile in his voice.

No, you sing really well, even better than Lu Yuanning's!

Yu Zhan took Liu Man's hand and turned around with an unhappy expression on his face, You really spoil the atmosphere, why do you mention other men so well, are you interested in that Lu Yuanning?

Liu Man originally thought about Yu Zhan's heart disease, but he was amused by his words, Lu Yuanning is the king of songs. I compare you with the king of songs. I'm obviously complimenting you, can't you hear it? She looked Looking at Yu Zhan, it was so dark in the box, but her bright eyes seemed to be full of stars, When filming Home for the Spring Festival, I was by Lu Yuanning's side and listened to him sing First Love. I am old, but there is still a youthful feeling in your eyes, and you gave me the same feeling when you sang just now, you remind me of the blue sky, the light clouds, the smell of plants and the light of the morning sun.

Hearing these words, Yu Zhan's heart softened.

At this moment, Liu Man's Han Index is more than five stars, and it has almost reached the max value. Thanks to her drinking a little cocktail, the wine can strengthen her courage. Her hands couldn't help but climb Yu Zhan's face, Jian Shui's eyes were full of infinite tenderness, and she looked at him for a moment, Thank you for singing this song for me, I understand the lyrics, As she said that, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek, gentle and warm.

Yu Zhan was sluggish for half a second, and then he realized that he was ecstatic. It was the first time Liu Man took the initiative to kiss him!

What is he hesitating about? Hurry up to seize the opportunity, grab the back of her head, and give her a deep kiss. After kissing Liu Man's legs unsteady, he let go of her. He said in a hoarse voice in her ear,

I used to sing very little, and I didn't know many songs. Today is the first time I sing in public, and I don't know what kind of effect I will sing.

Second update~

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