Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 648: Cooking Expert

Preparing New Year's Eve dinner is a big project.

The kitchen of the studio villa is divided into an inner kitchen and a western kitchen. The space is very spacious, enough for Zhang Pei to flex her muscles. The girls all helped her, and even Yang Huayue helped her choose dishes.

The ingredients that Liu Man and the others bought filled the kitchen to the brim.

Among the few girls, Chu Yu, Tao Zhiyao and Miao Xiaomei are the most capable, quick and good at doing things. The others are either clumsy or too slow.

Liu Man was constantly disliked by her mother,

I asked you to buy sharp peppers, not green peppers.

My God, is this the shredded carrot you cut? It doesn't matter if it's thick, and it's different in length. It doesn't look good at all! It's a waste of ingredients.

Hey, forget it, go to Huayue's and choose vegetables with her.


Everyone was snickering, Liu Man blushed, and silently walked to Yang Huayue's side, Shen Mozhen didn't want to be a disservice, so she also washed vegetables here.

Liu Man said embarrassedly to Shen Mozhen, I laughed at you for setting the kitchen on fire, but I'm not much better than you.

That's why I'm more conscious today. I just came here to wash the vegetables, and I won't go into the kitchen, Shen Mozhen said quite self-aware, I won't cause trouble for auntie.

Isn't there a saying that there is a specialization in art? You two are good enough if you can play the piano with your hands. You also need to be talented in cooking, Yang Huayue said while chopping spinach. During that time, she was the one who cooked for Jiang Yichao. Jiang Yichao praised her cooking skills more than once, which should not be flattery.

If Yang Huayue hadn't been unable to stand up, she would definitely be willing to help out in the inner kitchen. Besides, your mother is so capable, you just need to open your mouth and eat.

What Yang Huayue said was right. In Liu Man's memory, Zhang Pei's care for the former owner was really comprehensive and unambiguous. She lived a life of opening her mouth for clothes and stretching out her hands. I have washed the dishes, and I haven't even been in the kitchen a few times.

Being misunderstood by Yang Huayue that she was a spoiled little public servant, Liu Man could only acquiesce.

As for herself, there is no one to serve her or spoil her in the cold palace. She can only eat what the palace people give her, and there is no room for choice. The food materials two thousand years ago were poorer than today's, and the food provided by the cold palace is even the most inferior food. I am afraid that even pigs would not eat those things now.

Before the women in the cold palace came in, all of them were beautiful and pampered Miss Jiao. They fell from the sky to hell. They were helpless and never thought about changing the status quo. Otherwise, the story of Wang Zhaojun will not be passed down through the ages. Looking back now, Liu Man feels that they were not incompetent, but that their thoughts were imprisoned by that era, just like themselves before time travel.

Sister Chuyu, you are amazing! Sun Weiwei's exclamation interrupted Liu Man's memory, and they all looked inside. At the same time, there was a scent, which came from the steamer on the gas stove. Chu Yu turned off the fire, opened the lid, and a more intense smell of steamed beef wafted out, and everyone couldn't help sniffing hard.

Let's eat some beef patties first to pad our stomachs.

Before Liu Man went out to the supermarket to buy ingredients, Chu Yu had already started to work in the kitchen. She said that she would be in charge of everyone's lunch and would not ask others to help.

Unexpectedly, she would cook such delicious food without saying a word. Liu Man was not very hungry at first, but was hungry because of the smell.

Chu Yu shoveled the steamed beef patties out of the steamer, and sprinkled some chopped green peppers and diced carrots on the surface. That’s right, Liu Man was taught by Zhang Pei to buy and chop the wrong ingredients. Nothing was wasted, and all the waste was used. Liu Man was so moved beyond words.

The eldest sister is good, and everyone else is laughing at her, but Chu Yu is thinking about how to help her out.

The beef patty was relatively large and hot, and it was unsightly to hold. Chu Yu used a knife like a pizza, cut it into four small portions, and handed it to Zhang Pei, the only elder present, Auntie, eat a piece first .”

Looking at the fresh beef flowing down from the dough, Zhang Pei's appetite was wide open. He took a breath, let it cool down a bit, and lowered his head to take a small bite. There was a fragrant and fresh breath, with the strong aroma of the beef itself, almost It rushed into her mouth in an instant.

She exclaimed, It's so delicious!!!

Zhang Pei is very good at cooking, and she is much more picky than Liu Man when it comes to food. She always feels that the food in restaurants outside is not as delicious as her own. But she is busy with her career and has no time to go to the kitchen. That's normal, she hasn't eaten food that suits her taste for a long, long time.

Seeing this, everyone is even more ready to move,

Yang Huayue ate the second piece, her eyes widened and she didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing her expression, Chu Yu thought she hadn't done it well, so she asked in a low voice, Tell me if you have any questions, I haven't made beef patties for a long time.

Yang Huayue suddenly raised her head, turned to look at her, her eyes were particularly aggrieved, Sister Chuyu, you are so ugly! You have such a good cooking skill, so I can only drink porridge every day, from morning to night , From Monday to Sunday, from sweet porridge to salty porridge, I go to the toilet three times more than others every day!

When the words fell, everyone laughed,

Tao Zhiyao stood up and spoke for Chu Yu, Patients can't eat too greasy food, and didn't you find that the porridge cooked by sister Chu Yu is particularly delicious? Mo Zhen and I have to drink a bowl every night for supper , I really don’t know how to be blessed when I am in the blessing.”

Shen Mozhen nodded repeatedly,

I really like the black rice and barley porridge made by sister Chuyu, it's even better than the ones in the dessert shop!

Chu Yu said to Yang Huayue, dumbfounded, The doctor said that you can only eat light liquid food for the first month. I didn't deliberately feed you porridge every day.

While they were talking, Liu Man couldn't bear it, and picked up a piece of beef pie. When they found out, Liu Man had already eaten a whole piece of pie... There was still oil juice and diced carrots on his mouth.

Everyone burst out laughing,

Tao Zhiyao laughed loudly, I just realized that you are a gluttonous cat, no wonder both Sunlight and Moonlight have become so fat.

Is it really that delicious?

I want to try one too!


All of a sudden, there was a piece of beef patty in the kitchen, and there was no sound. They all focused on eating, and no one spoke.

Soon, there was only the last beef patty left in the pot, and everyone had almost eaten it at this time.

It's just right, the last one is for me to take a picture and send it to Moments, Tao Zhiyao said, and his phone was already pointed at this very appetizing beef patty.

Tao Zhiyao has never had the habit of taking pictures when eating, but Chuyu's beef patties gave her the urge to show off in her circle of friends for the first time.

Second update~

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