Sure enough, as Liu Man expected, when it came to the important evidence—candid photos, He Lushen agreed to Che Muyang's conditions without the slightest hesitation.

He said, The apartment Fu Feiqian lived in was given to you now, are you satisfied?

Satisfied, satisfied! For Che Muyang, this was definitely a surprise. The apartment that He Lushen mentioned was Fu Feiqian's private meeting with other men's house, it was his house!

He lent it to Fu Feiqian, who had just come to the capital to work hard, to live. After the breakup, he generously gave Fu Feiqian a better house, and the small apartment was left unoccupied. However, He Lushen didn't ask Fu Feiqian to get back the key. He didn't know who Fu Feiqian had placed or rented out the house to.

He Lushen has been used to spending money lavishly since he was a child. He has never cared much about small money and has no idea. But he realized that he could no longer be so generous now. A woman spent his money in his house to date other men. In the end, he even paid for the abortion. her, let her make more money.

He was so taken for a ride, it was really aggrieved!

Zhang Daqiang envied Che Muyang's good luck, he actually earned a house with a little material. This is definitely the most cost-effective deal in the history of paparazzi, but he also reminded Che Muyang, There is no evidence for what you say, you have to sign a contract.

He Lu was deeply disdainful, It's just a small house, I won't deceive you.

If you get the photo and don't give me a house, I can't help it. Your status is too high, and I can't find anyone, Che Muyang insisted on signing the contract.

The two parties agreed to meet again in He Lushen's office in the capital the next morning, sign a contract, and hand in photos.

Che Muyang and Zhang Daqiang left the cinema first, and He Lushen sat on a chair and calmed down, while clearing the messy thoughts in his mind - he was thinking about how to make Fu Feiqian fall into hell as quickly as possible .

And Liu Man was a little sleepy, leaning on Yu Zhan's shoulder, already asleep, and she didn't hear about the house contract. Just then He Lushen's cell phone rang, and the ringtone woke her up.

He Lushen didn't answer the phone, pressed the reject button, got up and said to the two of them, Let's go, thank you for your hard work.

Yu Zhan asked, Did Fu Feiqian call?

Well, it seems that the murderer is really her, she is in a hurry, He Lushen sneered.

After he arranged for Fu Feiqian to play the role in Battle of the North Wind, the two of them hadn't been in touch for a long time. She called suddenly at this time, and her intention was self-evident.

Liu Man didn't mention anyone's name at the premiere. The core of her every sentence was to call the police. If she didn't have a guilty conscience, she just waited and watched the excitement. Why be afraid?

Yes, Fu Feiqian was terribly scared at this moment, fidgeting in the rest room on the set.

The high-definition video of the premiere of The Autumn Moon in the Han Palace can be watched on all major video sites. The conversation between Liu Man and the male reporter was made into a small video separately, and it was spread widely. Netizens turned into detectives. Word by word on Weibo to analyze who the murderer Liu Man said might be. Various media also quickly wrote relevant reasoning articles, and participated as witnesses on the scene to attract more traffic.

Battle of the North Wind will be finished the day after tomorrow, and the crew will finally work overtime in the past two days. As a result, the work cannot be done at all now.

Because no matter if it was a staff member or an actor, their mobile phones were blown up by their relatives and friends. Everyone was asking them about Yang Huayue's fall from the horse. Even people from other crews next door came over to gossip and ask for inside information.

The outside of the Weiyang Palace film and television base was surrounded by countless media who heard the news. The most exciting thing for the media was that they photographed the police. Looking at their outfits, they were still criminal police!

Fu Feiqian stood outside the lounge, opened a gap, and peeked at Yan Tong and She Chongguang who were receiving the criminal police. Her assistant was behind her with a pale face, Sister Fu, what should we do now? The police are here! Will we go to jail? ?” Her voice sounded like she was about to cry.

Shut up, Fu Feiqian turned around and yelled at the assistant, Walls have ears, don't you think the matter is not big enough?

The assistant fell silent for a moment.

Fu Feiqian looked at the criminal policeman and said softly, Why didn't Yang Huayue die under the horse's hooves!

The beautiful face speaks so viciously, the assistant who has been brainwashed by Fu Feiqian for a long time is finally afraid. She is more afraid of Fu Feiqian than the police. She is Fu Feiqian's accomplice, and she bought that pigeon at the Flower and Bird Market in the ancient capital under Fu Feiqian's instructions.

If she is caught in this situation, will she also go to jail! ?

Call Mr. He again and beg him, he must have a solution, the assistant begged.

He has been bewitched by Liu Man, and he doesn't take me seriously, Fu Feiqian made five phone calls with He Lushen. Only the first one got connected, but was hung up. . She didn't know if He Lushen really turned off the phone or blocked her.

Fu Feiqian seemed calm, but she was actually more scared than her assistant.

She boasted that her murder plan was flawless, no one would find the problem, and the facts went as she expected. Even Yang Huayue herself thought that her fall from the horse was an accident, and the rest of the crew believed it even more. When Yang Huayue was dying of pain in the hospital bed, Fu Feiqian took her assistant to eat and drink outside, and went to ktv to sing to celebrate.

Fu Feiqian didn't know which link went wrong, and Liu Man found out about it after a lapse of a month. According to this momentum, what she did to Yang Huayue will definitely be found out by the police, it's just a matter of time.

Her hatred for Liu Man couldn't be increased. For the current plan, she can only turn to He Lushen for help. Only he has the ability to deal with the police. He Lushen didn't answer her call, so she sent He Lushen a long text message, to the effect that she admitted that Yang Huayue fell off the horse. made such a big mistake. She asked He Lushen to help her one last time because of the fact that she had a miscarriage for him.

This text message was said to be a request, but it was actually a threat, and it brought the child out to speak out.

When He Lushen saw the text message, he really laughed angrily. The last time, and the last time, how many last times he gave her! ?

Yu Zhan was driving, and He Lushen showed Liu Man the text message on his mobile phone, What do you think I should do now?

Fu Feiqian really shouldn't mention which pot, and even mentioned children. Is He Lushen not angry enough?

Take a screenshot and post it on Weibo, Liu Man suggested to He Lushen after reading the text message.

He Lu frowned deeply, I think so too!

The third one is done~

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