An idea flashed in Liu Man's mind, and he asked Chu Yu, You said the horse was also sick, so what happened to the bird?

It was a mess at the time. I didn't pay attention. I didn't see the bird. It must have flown away... When Chu Yu said this, he suddenly froze, No, I saw it, the white bird, it turns out It's a white bird!

There was a tremor of seeing the truth in Chu Yu's voice, as well as incredible shock, The thing she picked up turned out to be a bird!

Liu Man asked, Who is she? In fact, she had already guessed it.

Chu Yu was afraid that the uncle driver would hear it, so she had no choice but because Fu Feiqian was too famous, so she mouthed, Fu Feiqian.

It really was her!

Liu Man felt that Fu Feiqian was like a lingering ghost, who obviously lacked moral character, but just because of He Lushen's support, he acted mischievously again and again, and would not get any punishment in the end.

Fu Feiqian targeted Miao Xiaomei, and that's all for her. This time, she even extended her poisonous hands to Yang Huayue. She is already the protagonist of War in the North Wind, so what else can Yang Huayue offend her! ?

Is it just because of those specious rumors on the Internet!

It's not that Liu Man hasn't seen the scandal about Yang Huayue and He Lushen. In this world, any pretty female celebrity who has contact with a rich man will be told a romantic and bizarre story by someone with a heart, not to mention that the man is still young, golden and handsome. Son of a media tycoon.

Under normal circumstances, they would not clarify anything for this kind of scandal. First, the more you explain something that is not true, the more it looks like a cover-up; second, an appropriate scandal can increase the popularity of a star. Isn't there often some third-rate stars who deliberately look for opportunities to gain popularity? If a star doesn't even have a scandal, she won't be far away from Liang. And the brokerage company is also happy to see the results, they can save a lot of publicity expenses.

Perhaps this was the reason why Yang Huayue remained silent. She also wanted to take advantage of the scandal and quickly gain a firm foothold in Huaguang Media. As for He Lushen, having dated countless girlfriends, would he care about having another rumored girlfriend?

The driver uncle interrupted Liu Man's thoughts again, and he asked Chu Yu, How big is the white bird?

Chu Yu thought about it carefully, she was a little far away from Fu Feiqian at that time, It should not be small, it seems to be as big as a pigeon.

I'm afraid it's a pigeon. After the pigeon has been trained, it can obey people's instructions and let it fly anywhere. If you clip the pigeon's feathers, it can't fly high. It has a poor sense of balance, and it can't fly for a while. Land and rest.

When Chu Yu heard this, he was even more sure that what he saw was a real bird.

Liu Man asked her, Did anyone else see it?

I don't know either. I only stayed in the crew for three days, and no one recognized it. Even if someone saw it, they wouldn't come out to testify. Otherwise, the news wouldn't be so tightly blocked.

In other words, Chu Yu was the only witness.

The uncle driver felt that he had become a detective, and the more he talked, the more excited he became, There are indeed many conspiracies in the entertainment industry, and this scheme to cause people to fall from horses is also possible. If there is enough evidence, he will be sentenced to jail no matter what.

When they arrived at their destination, Liu Man and the other three got out of the car with solemn expressions, while Yang Huayue's laughter and talking came from the villa, and the others had already arrived first.

Miao Xiaomei whispered, I really hope Fu Feiqian goes to jail.

She really spoke out Liu Man's heart.

Hey, why do you all look so preoccupied? Tao Zhiyao said with a smile, I blamed Mo Zhen last time, she is really virtuous, and she tidied up the rooms of Huayue and Chuyu. Clean and as good as a hotel.”

In the living room, Shen Mozhen was chatting with Yang Huayue who was sitting in a wheelchair. The two of them met for the first time and were a little curious about each other.

Yang Huayue turned her head and saw Liu Man who was hesitant to speak, she said happily, The villa in your studio is really nice, the decoration is simple and fresh, everyone is here, it's lively, I like it very much, it doesn't look like My apartment is not popular at all.

Being with everyone, Yang Huayue was really happy, and the negative emotions she suppressed after being injured were finally released.

Then you can stay with us for a few more days until your injuries are healed. Liu Man originally wanted to tell Yang Huayue the truth they discovered, but it was useless. Too much life is sulking, and it also affects Yang Huayue's mood and affects her recovery.

Chu Yu and Miao Xiaomei thought the same way and didn't say anything.

Sun Weiwei enthusiastically invited Chu Yu to sit down on the sofa, brought her a cup of hot tea, and introduced Shen Mozhen to her. Chu Yu was not as restrained as before, and smiled, You are all beauties here.

Yang Huayue explained, Because their team is called 'Miss Sisters', except for Chengfeng, everyone is a girl.

Sister Xiaopeng, you speak as if you are an outsider, and you are also our member, Tao Zhiyao said.

Haha, yes, I'm also a 'Miss Sister', but unfortunately I can't help you take videos with my appearance, Yang Huayue said, Oh, by the way, where is Xiaoru? Why didn't I see her?

She went to the United States on exchange. She left on New Year's Day. We posted a farewell video online. It happened that you were in the hospital, so you might not have noticed.

Indeed, the first week after the accident was the most painful time. I felt like I was dying, and I didn't even have the mind to play with my phone.

When Liu Man left the villa and went back to his rental house, the bitter smile on Yang Huayue's face when he said these words kept appearing in his mind.

It was these words that made her determined that she would never let Fu Feiqian go.

The first thing before Liu Man was to find out why He Lushen was so protective of Fu Feiqian. She no longer believed in the so-called true love.

She called Yu Zhan directly, What is the relationship between He Lushen and Fu Feiqian?

Yu Zhan was taken aback,

It was so late, and his girlfriend asked him aggressively, his love history? !

Fu Feiqian provoked you again? Yu Zhan asked cautiously, he felt that Liu Man was very irritable now.

Hehe, yes, she is acting like a demon again.

Liu Man told Yu Zhan the whole thing, Yang Huayue's leg bones are cracked. Fu Feiqian's actions are too vicious and outrageous. It is intolerable. If you continue to protect her, you will be the same as her!

Yu Zhan was also surprised when he learned that Yang Huayue had fallen off his horse, and he felt very uncomfortable when he heard Liu Man calling him a raccoon of the same feather.

Indeed, every time Liu Man asked about Fu Feiqian before, he would bypass the topic, because he knew that Fu Feiqian was his friend's debt, and he was in an awkward position, so he wanted to be a peacemaker to balance the two parties. contradiction.

The second is more, the third is later~

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