Hot discussions on the Internet are like boiling water. Every microblog and post related to Fuxin Pet Hospital is the focus of everyone's attention. Becoming #养猫的人Have you ever encountered the pitfalls of a black-hearted pet hospital? #

The popularity of pet medical treatment is beyond the reach of the most popular stars, and Fuxin Pet Hospital is famous all over the country. Especially after Xie Fuxin's statement was posted on Weibo, his self-righteousness not only failed to explain the doubts of the public, but aroused more people's indignation. Even people who don't keep pets have a sense of justice, thinking that this person is really too much.

More victims bravely stood up and posted on Weibo that their encounters were earlier than Red Bean Paste. Some people were even cheated by Fuxin Pet Hospital a few years ago, but most of them only lost money at that time. If I lost the money, I thought I was unlucky, and I didn't want to seek justice, recover fees or something. Now that they saw Xie Fuxin's non-painful statement, they felt even more that it was because of their conniving attitude of letting things go that fueled Xie Fuxin's arrogance.

There are more articles on the Internet that criticize Xie Fuxin. The almighty detective netizen published his family history in detail. Netizens know that Xie Fuxin's early work is not comparable to that of a veterinarian. Simply put, he is a speculator , He started his business with this and made a lot of money. Later, when the national.household policy came out, he couldn't get any benefits, so he turned his head and aimed at the pet medical industry with huge market potential. At that time, there were few in the country. Decent pet hospital!

As the saying goes, it is better to enter the industry early than to be smart. He just takes advantage of opportunities to make money, and his business is successful. As for the technical problems of how to treat small animals, he does not need to understand or learn. He only needs to recruit veterinarians, manage and Instruct the veterinarian to work, and if there is trouble, then push the responsibility to the veterinarian, perfect!

Xie Fu insisted on throwing the blame like this, and other people can't do anything to him. After all, he didn't commit any crimes. Anyway, he has a lot of money. At worst, he will close his business during this period of time. Those who are forgetful, can't even worry about their own lives, who will remember other people's rotten things.

Xie Fuxin adjusted his mentality and let the netizens abuse him.

However, two days after the statement was released, a Weibo netizen named I don't want to take the blame wrote on Weibo: I am a low-level veterinarian at Fuxin Pet Hospital. Energy articles, I feel that if I continue to keep silent, my conscience will not be able to bear it, no, maybe I have become the kind of person I used to hate the most, but I decided to get back from the wrong way, and I want to expose Fu The real inside story of Xin Pet Hospital!

The employee salary system and assessment system of the hospital were formulated by the boss Xie Fuxin. He is a businessman through and through. He said that every veterinarian is his salesman. All the work of a veterinarian is linked to performance. In his eyes, only You can see the performance, and don’t care about your medical skills at all, you may not imagine how cruel the internal performance competition of a pet hospital is, no less than those Internet companies.”

Each veterinarian has a basic salary of 5,000 yuan, and the commission part depends on the veterinarian's own ability. Some veterinarians can get 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a month, and some veterinarians can't even get 10,000 yuan. The difference is big. It has something to do with the conscience of veterinarians.

For example, many patients who bring their pets to the doctor do not know that their pets are not sick. Most of the abnormalities are due to environmental changes, weather changes or food stress, and animals are just like people. There will also be ups and downs in mood, which will be reflected in external body reactions. But animals can’t speak, and as owners, they will naturally be very nervous and anxious to take their pets to see a doctor. We use this psychology to deliberately say that their pets are sick , Ordinary diarrhea is parvovirus infection, lack of energy is hepatitis, no matter how serious it is, and the treatment plan recommended to them is the most expensive one, including injections and medicines must be imported, but in actual operation, they should be done quietly If it is replaced with a domestic product that costs only one-third of the cost, customers will not know the product anyway, and when they earn the amount they want, their pet’s illness will naturally be cured.”

Although it's just an example, it probably goes like this. Many people on the Internet complain that it costs a lot of money to go to the pet hospital. This is how your money is scammed.

When you see this, you must call our veterinarians black-hearted and rotten quacks, but in fact, in our training for new recruits, Xie Fuxin taught us to be flexible in this way, and there are also young doctors who are full of justice. They didn’t listen to the call and didn’t follow suit, so they became the kind of people who didn’t even have a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Everyone came to the capital from other places to work, and the pressure of life was huge. They had to rent or even buy a house. Such a small amount of money How to live? And Xie Fuxin moved the final elimination system to the hospital, and the three veterinarians with the worst performance in each quarter will be fired.

Gradually, in order to survive, everyone is forced to become like a villain. Everyone's performance commission is only 5%. If you sell 100,000 in a month, you can only get 5,000. Then we can only Desperately and racking their brains to 'fool' money.

When we studied veterinary medicine, we originally wanted to save lives and heal the wounded for small animals, but in the end we became salesmen who stink of copper, eyes full of money, and don't even know what small animals are. I think this bad atmosphere in the circle is caused by Xie Fuxin. It was brought out that his arbitrariness turned veterinarians into insurance salesmen. Good medical skills are not as good as eloquence. He is also the president of the Capital Veterinary Association and has completely monopolized the capital's veterinary industry. None of us dare to challenge him. Unless you don’t want to hang out in the capital. Now that something happened, we veterinarians are scolded by customers and we have to take the blame for Xie Fuxin. In fact, we are also very helpless. I admit that we did something wrong, but Xie Fuxin must not be alone! Most of it went into his pocket!

Once this microblog was sent out, it aroused extremely strong repercussions on the Internet.

It's unexpected that there are veterinarians who are willing to speak out.

This man is talking nonsense. Shhh, be careful of being retaliated against.

I admire the blogger's courage!

After watching it, I think the world is too dark.

There is no darkness in society.

If what he said is true, it's not easy being a veterinarian.

first update~

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