Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 609 Playing with applause

A huge crisis fell silently on Xie Fuxin and his Fuxin Pet Hospital. Xie Fuxin was already on guard, but he was still caught off guard.

The crusade articles and fierce comments on the Internet were not immediately presented to Xie Fuxin. He is the big boss in charge of the overall situation. He has a lot of things to do every day, and there is no need to personally deal with every negative information. Besides, as long as you are engaged in the medical industry, no matter people or animals, there will always be complaints of one kind or another, even medical troubles. At this time, the public relations department of the pet hospital has to play a role.

Xie Fuxin is well aware of the importance of public relations. He spends tens of millions of dollars on advertising and public relations every year. Xie Fuxin also has a long-term cooperation with Saijun Company. Negative comments, so his negative comments cannot be seen on general word-of-mouth recommendation apps.

Not only that, Xie Fuxin, as the leader in the industry, has strong authority and leadership. As long as there is any trouble, the bosses of other small pet hospitals will tip him off. Under the management of Xie Fuxin's strong network, Fuxin Pet Hospital can gradually become the only one in the industry.

So after Yu Zhan's pet hospital closed down, he thought arrogantly that he could sit back and relax.

Later, he learned that Yu Zhan's identity might not be as simple as he imagined, and he was really uneasy and frightened for a while. He secretly observed Yu Zhan, guarding against his retaliation against him. In the end, he found that Yu Zhan hadn't moved at all. He seemed to have completely given up on the pet hospital, and he was focused on the film and television company that was about to close down.

Xie Fuxin believes that Yu Zhan is just an ordinary rich second generation. There are many such rich second generations all over the country, and even all over the world. To win, it is useless to spend money! Didn’t Yu Zhan’s graduation school be found on the Internet, which just confirmed Xie Fuxin’s guess. Yu Zhan is a returnee from studying abroad. No matter how good his studies are, does he have anything to rely on?

If he had a backer and a backer, wouldn't he have shot himself long ago? Can you still swallow your anger until now? It's probably a rich and empty show, Xie Fuxin dismissed it, and naturally relaxed his vigilance.

The public relations department of Fuxin Pet Hospital contacted the companies that belonged to the We Media immediately after seeing the We Media article and asked them to delete the article.

Unexpectedly, the other party completely ignored it!

The PR manager had never seen such an ignorant self-media, so he said soft words first, How about this, we will give you 200,000 yuan, delete the article, and issue a clarification announcement, admitting that the content of the article is wrong, and we will let the past go. We can continue to work together.”

An ordinary self-media article with more than 100,000 readings can earn almost 100,000 yuan, and it is very cost-effective to buy out this article for 200,000 yuan.

But the other party still ignored it.

The PR manager was annoyed. If he didn’t like the soft ones, he could only come up with the hard ones. He said, “Seeing that your company is also located in the capital, as a small company and a self-media person, you must know that there are some things that should not be mentioned and that someone should not be offended. , make the relationship so stiff, how will we do things in the future.

The person in charge of Gao Leng's self-media company said, You have found the wrong person. Our company has been acquired by Mr. Yu. I don't have the authority to delete the articles he designated to publish. Why don't you contact him directly and I will tell you his contact information. .”

The other party's tone was quite sincere, but the PR manager could hear a hint of sarcasm, but he didn't care about these, and contacted several other self-media companies. Sure enough, they had all been acquired by Yu Zhan.

The PR manager was in a cold sweat. At this moment, he already had an ominous premonition, so he tried to contact the boss of the navy company he often worked with, and asked him to help delete the negative comments on Weibo.

The boss first agreed and promised that there was no problem, but only ten minutes later, he called with a tone of bewilderment, panic, and helplessness, Weibo didn't let go, saying that those comments were from users The most basic freedom of speech is so strange, it used to be a matter of saying hello, but this time the other party pushed back and forth, and was a little impatient, I feel that Mr. Xie seems to be being targeted by someone, has he offended a big shot?

The PR manager finally realized that something was wrong, and immediately reported the matter to Xie Fuxin. By this time, the situation had spread beyond control.

Articles from the self-media are sent to Moments by countless WeChat users, and shared in many pet groups. Xie Fuxin controls the speeches and comments of various APPs, but only ignores WeChat! You must know that there are far more WeChat users than Weibo users, and the influence of WeChat circles is no worse than that of Weibo.

One day later, the number of readings of self-media articles exceeded 10 million. Such data is enough to make the red bean paste incident and the under the camphor tree incident hit the headlines of the orthodox news media.

Several well-known media quickly followed up and reported on this. These media reporters were very sophisticated. They directly interviewed Cheng Hongni and several other parties involved, obtained the first-hand testimony of the parties and first-hand evidence materials, and then passed through this group. Edited by professional news writers, it becomes a very topical news headline, which is not placed in the entertainment news section, but in the political news section.

News headlines such as: #猫物业消息结构消息,带组养养励得头#, #veterinary hospital medical disputes no one can manage, no one dares to manage, whose fault is this? #、#The Gray Area of ​​Morality and Regulation——Pet Medical Care#

Regardless of whether a reader has a pet or not, or knows nothing about the industry, as long as he reads the news and opens the software, he can see relevant reports.

Among these readers is Xie Fuxin, who must read the news every day. He never dreamed that his pet hospital would be known by people all over the country with an absolutely negative image.

He didn't have time to reprimand the public relations manager for his ineffective work and delay in major events, so he called all the bosses he could think of in a panic, but was blamed by the bosses in turn, saying that he was too high-profile to offend others, and they didn't want to be implicated by him. Do not contact me again!

Xie Fuxin begged a group of people, but no one was willing to help him at this time. He felt that there seemed to be a pair of invisible big hands behind him, playing with him unconsciously.

The first update~ Thank you Li Gaomei for your big reward, thank you for your votes!

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