Tao Zhiyao put the current difficulties of Xinghe Film and Television in front of Tang Tu one by one, using the emotional strategy, and then mentioned Qiu Jing's kindness to Tang Tu, and how much she valued him in the past.

She also said that her family is close to Tang Tu's family, the two families are familiar with each other, Tang Tu also knows her brother, and everyone is in the same circle, helping each other and benefiting each other.

Tao Zhiyao usually speaks straightforwardly, but when talking about serious matters, her eloquence is also extraordinary. She has been fascinated by it since she was a child, and she understands the businessman's way very well. She used to just disdain it, but now it is about her own interests. She understands it with emotion With reason, Tang Tu was speechless.

Seeing his hesitation and his expression seemed to be loose, Yu Zhan said at this time, If you are not satisfied with the previous contract conditions, you can sign with Xinghe again. Not only will you not have to pay 4.5 million liquidated damages, but the remuneration and related resources They can be renegotiated. If you agree to act in Late Ming Dynasty, we can give you a salary of 20 million yuan.

Speaking of this, Yu Zhan specifically emphasized, It's after tax, your personal income.

As we all know, the tax points for celebrities are very high, and they have to share with the brokerage company they belong to. 20 million is equivalent to the real money that Tang Tu can get. Among young male stars, this is already very high. As for those little fresh meats who always say that their salary is tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, they are all self-hype and gimmicks. The capitalists can let you get money so easily? Not to mention that the brokerage company will take the bulk.

So even Tang Tu, the second generation who is not short of money, couldn't help thinking when he heard 20 million. As for Liu Man and the other friends, they were secretly speechless.

Liu Man and his mother sold cat food together, and it took so long to earn more than 10 million yuan. They both felt rich.

Sun Weiwei thinks it’s really easy for celebrities to get money. They shoot videos, do live broadcasts, and occasionally accept a few commercials. With the support of a strong fan base, their total monthly income can barely reach millions, but the money does not belong to one person. Yeah, they're a team and now a company. With the expansion of the scale, their shooting costs are also increasing. For example, renting a studio villa, deposit plus half a year's rent, Sun Weiwei spent more than 300,000 yuan, and she spent another 200,000 yuan on new cameras and other equipment. The wallet suddenly deflated. If the business is to be big, the cost investment must also be large! Just this matter has made Sun Weiwei feel that the burden on his shoulders is heavy.

Yu Zhan firmly believes that money can turn ghosts around, Tang Tu is not short of money, it is only because the amount of money is not in place!

Before Tang Tu and Yang Huayue proposed to terminate the contract, Xinghe Film and Television provided them with a high-end business car, that is, a nanny car. In addition to the agent, there was also an assistant and a full-time driver. After they terminated the contract, these benefits were of course taken back, but Tang Tu's assistant Xiao Ma was very loyal and did not leave.

Yu Zhan said that as long as Tang Tu didn't leave, he would get a better car and add two more assistants, and the scene would be just like Wang Xiangqin's, with three boys following him wherever he went.

Tang Tu immediately said, I only need Xiao Ma as an assistant.

Then you agree to this condition? Of course, if you have other requirements, you can tell me at any time. As long as it is reasonable, I can agree to you.

Tang Tu was taken aback. He saw the smile in Yu Zhan's eyes and realized that he was leading him by the nose.

In all fairness, the benefits proposed by Yu Zhan are not the best.

During the period when Tang Tu and Xinghe were quarreling over the termination of the contract, many film and television agencies contacted him, wanting to poach him, such as Huaguang Media, such as Blue Star Brokers, they were even willing to help him pay 4.5 million liquidated damages, and the specific salary can also be discussed More than ten million.

However, other companies also put forward corresponding requirements and conditions for him. To put it simply, they are not as sincere and talkative as Yu Zhan.

He Lushen, in particular, showed his eagerness to seek talent, but Tang Tu felt that he did not put himself on an equal footing. He was the boss, and he was an actor. He gave such good conditions , He also hinted several times that no other company is willing to spend so much money to poach people, so he should agree wisely!

Tang Tu didn't like He Lushen's high-ranking appearance. There was not much difference in age between the two of them. His father had power, and He Lushen's father had money. No one was inferior to the other.

But Yu Zhan is not a fuel-efficient lamp. First, he got close to his father (Tang Tu thought too much, it was his father who took the initiative to strike up a conversation), and he didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup he poured, so his father kept telling him that Yu Zhan had How nice!

Then he deliberately invited him to eat supper, and asked Tao Zhiyao to brainwash him again, and in front of Liu Man and Shen Mozhen, he told how good Qiu Jing had been to him. If he didn't agree, wouldn't it be cold-blooded and ruthless? Yet? I'm afraid he will be scolded by his father when he returns home!

In general, it's all tricks.

Yu Zhan and He Lushen are worthy of being friends, they are the same breed!

Tang Tu struggled back and forth, feeling that he might not be able to play Yu Zhan, because he found that even Shen Mozhen looked like he hoped that he would agree to Yu Zhan...

Hey, who let him accidentally fall into the trap.

He silently took a bite of the skewers, drank another glass of boiled water, and had to accept the reality that his rival in love was about to become his boss.

Then he said to Yu Zhan, Okay, I won't terminate the contract with Xinghe.

Yu Zhan showed a satisfied smile, got up and stretched out his hand to Tang Tu, We will have a happy cooperation in the future.

Tang Tuqiang held his hand with a smile on his face, It's a happy cooperation.

Jiang Chengfeng said in a nasty voice, Is this the tens of millions of big business negotiations in the Chuan Chuan shop?

Sun Weiwei said, I'm afraid I came here on purpose to chat with the shop. She found that Liu Man's boyfriend was not as harmless as he appeared, and he became the boss of a film and television company without a trace, turning his rival into a subordinate. The next step Are you going to dominate the entertainment industry?

Li Xiaoru is very satisfied after drinking the porridge. She has a simple mind. She doesn't understand and doesn't get involved in the big boss's world. Her ability allows her to only care about the people around her.

She asked Shen Mozhen, Sister, have you found a house yet?

Shen Mozhen shook his head, I didn't find a suitable one.

During this period of time, apart from rehearsing and recording music, Shen Mozhen's first task was to rent a house. The agency showed her a lot of houses. The cheap ones were poor, and the good ones didn't have enough money.

At the beginning, Li Xiaoru told the counselor that the reason why Shen Mozhen lived in her dormitory was that it was convenient for the concert rehearsal, but now that the concert is over, it is not convenient for Shen Mozhen to live anymore, there must be other students gossiping around.

I have a spare apartment. If you don't mind, you can move in there, Tang Tu said suddenly.

Second update~

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