Huo Ming said to Shen Mozhen, You talk to foreigners about 'the genus of the violin', 'putting wine into poetry', 'Tao follows nature', 'Heaven and man are one'? This is no different from playing the qin against a cow!

I don't know much about other countries, but as far as Americans are concerned, they like to be a little more high-spirited, and the younger they are, the more outrageous they are. Look at their current Western music, the tone is bold and passionate, and the range is extremely wide. , turbulent, hysterical, of course, this is also related to the culture of Westerners. It is estimated that Europeans will be a little restrained, but it is not far behind. Times are changing, and young people in our country are still pursuing this kind of music.

Huo Ming has studied popular pop music in the United States for many years, and his thoughts have been completely westernized. He can analyze Shen Mozhen from the perspective of a Westerner.

There is another problem. I always feel that folk music is not lively.

Shen Mozhen asked back, What is 'not lively'?

You play the guzheng, so it should be easier to understand. With the guzheng, find a place with green mountains and green waters and green bamboos. It's that kind of quiet and natural environment. Meet a few close friends. There can't be too many people. The music played in this way is the most flavorful. When you move the guzheng to the grand theaters and concert halls in Europe, the feeling has completely changed.”

Actually, folk music has much higher requirements for the appreciation ability of performers and audiences than Western music, otherwise Western music will not become a popular trend in the world. Now there are not many people in China who can really understand folk music. There are fewer and fewer young people from generation to generation. However, there are improved Chinese-style songs that are quite popular, and Xiao Ke’er was also famous for this before. Do you think her Chinese style is folk music?”

Shen Mozhen shook his head, It's completely different.

But the public just likes this form, and the aesthetics of ordinary people is just like this, Huo Ming said.

Xue Yunfei, who was listening on the sidelines, said to Shen Mozhen at this time, It mainly depends on what your goal is, whether you want to be famous, or whether you want to pursue a higher musical realm.

Shen Mozhen thought for a moment and said, If I wanted to pursue the so-called realm, I wouldn't resign from the folk orchestra. I just want more people to hear and like my guzheng music.

Huo Ming snapped his fingers, It's not easy, let's pack it for you.

So there was Qushuihexiang re-arranged by Huo Ming with jazz drums.

During Shen Mozhen's rehearsal, he always practiced according to the original score. Even in the last rehearsal, Huo Ming didn't show up.

So the instructors who were in charge of the preparations for the concert were very surprised that Shen Mozhen modified the content of the original repertoire without even saying hello! That's because Shen Mozhen knew that if she said hello, her show might be cancelled, and no waywardness could be tolerated in formal occasions.

After Shen Mozhen's willful resignation, she went on the road of willfulness and never looked back.

Fortunately, her waywardness was successful this time. Her sincere and unique performance not only infected the foreign guests, but also touched other audiences.

Wei Wanru said to Shen Heng who was beside her, Let Xiaoyun watch Mo Zhen's performance tonight. As I said before, she is too stubborn and always asks her children to follow her ideas, but every generation Concepts are different, and everyone's understanding of music is also different, Mo Zhen plays the guzheng in a different way, can we say it's not wonderful?

Shen Heng was also very helpless. He was the one in the middle. He acted as a peacemaker and persuaded both sides, She is still angry. As long as I mention my daughter's name, she will get angry. It seems that I can only wait for Mo Zhen to break out by himself. Only then can she forgive her.

After Shen Mozhen played, the warm applause affirmed her and Huo Ming's first attempt.

Then it was Liu Man's turn to play.

Liu Man came to the stage, Shen Mozhen stepped down, the two looked at each other and smiled, praise and encouragement were spoken without saying a word.

In the past, Shen Mozhen was the goddess of the campus, admired by everyone, while Liu Man was just an inconspicuous weed, but now Liu Man's influence is much greater than Shen Mozhen's. When she appeared on the stage, not only the applause on the stage was thunderous, but also on the Internet. Comments in the message area on the Internet also skyrocketed.

After waiting all night, my goddess finally appeared. It's not easy!

Ah, the instrument on the stage has been replaced by a piano. I thought Liu Man was going to play the guqin tonight.

After all, Liu Man used to be from the piano department, so it's understandable to be invited to perform piano as an outstanding alumni.

There are already three piano solo shows, except for Li Xiaoru, the other two are pianists. If Liu Man plays the piano again, she will be killed in seconds. Her piano is not good.

The most important thing is to participate. This is a concert and not a competition. Do you have to compete with others to win or lose?

That's right, so many piano-playing students in the Conservatory of Music, and some outstanding alumni, can't make it to this stage, but a student who was expelled can. This is enough to represent Liu Man's ability.

It's strange, doesn't Xia Chuan also have a show? Why hasn't he appeared yet?

I guess it's the finale at the end.

There is already a program list on the Internet, and there is no Xia Chuan's program in it!

That's right, I checked Xia Chuan's Weibo just now, and the Weibo about his going to the concert has been deleted. embarrassing.

No way, I've waited so long just for Xia Chuan, you tell me there's no more? (anger)

It's useless for you Xiachuan fans to get angry here. If you have the ability to find your own idol theory, since you won't participate, why don't you post an announcement to explain the situation? Isn't this a waste of your time?


Xia Chuan's fans had no interest in watching the live broadcast at all, and one after another quit the live broadcast room and went to Weibo to ask Xia Chuan what went wrong.

Xia Chuan was also secretly watching the live broadcast.

Ever since his show was cancelled, he has been in a bad mood, work is not going his way, everything is not going his way!

He saw the barrage comments and felt embarrassed. The constant sound of fans' tweets and private messages on his mobile phone made him even more irritable.

He clicked on Weibo, saw their questions, and suddenly thought of it,

Xia Chuan chose a question from a loyal fan, and replied: I'm sorry, I didn't mean not to say it on purpose, it's just that I feel uncomfortable. After all, my show was squeezed out by Liu Man's show. It's my problem. I'm not as good as a human being, and I can't do anything about it.

Xia Chuan's tone was full of helpless compromise with reality.

This reply was amazing, it made his fans furious almost instantly!

On the stage, Liu Man's performance has just begun.

Second update~

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