During this time, Yu Zhan was busy investing in Xinghe Film and Television, and didn't care about the business of the pet hospital. He didn't even go to the store a few times, and he relied on WeChat to communicate with Bai Ying and the little nurse.

There is still an endless stream of customers who bring their pets to his shop for treatment. Everyone still treats them according to the principle of making appointments for common illnesses and special treatment for emergencies. Bai Ying is fat, and her work is still very reliable. Yu Zhan's right-hand man.

Today, she came to work in the store on time at nine o'clock. The little nurse and the two newly recruited nurses had already arrived at work ahead of schedule. The customers who had made appointments came earlier than them, waiting for Bai Ying at the front desk with their pets in their arms. .

Everything was as usual, Bai Ying asked the little nurse to call the first customer's name and come in for a consultation.

The little nurse called her name, and several people in uniforms suddenly walked into the store, and the leader said, We are from the relevant department, come and check.

One sentence completely disrupted the order in the store, and the customers felt a little uneasy.

The little nurse has worked with Yu Zhan for more than a year, and has never encountered any inspection situation. She asked these people what they wanted to check.

Animal medical license, animal quarantine license, practice certificates for all employees in your store...

They talked about a series of certificates, some of which the little nurse had never heard of, so she could only look to Bai Ying for help.

Bai Ying asked them calmly, Do you have any documents?

The other party immediately took out his work card and showed it to her.

Even so, Bai Ying felt that something was wrong. This group of people gave her a feeling that she had come prepared, but the other party was enforcing the law normally, and she couldn't resist it.

Bai Ying hadn't been in Yu Zhan's store for a long time, she didn't know if Yu Zhan had applied for these documents, even if she had, she didn't know where Yu Zhan kept them.

She asked the little nurse if she knew, and the little nurse shook her head repeatedly, Why would the boss tell me these important information.

Bai Ying immediately called Yu Zhan.

Yu Zhan is browsing the next year's work plan sent to him by Qiu Jing, and he has finished reading this year's work summary last night.

Even if there is no scandal about Gao Jindong, the performance of Xinghe Film and Television this year is very average. Except for Listen, the Voice of the Wind, other movies and TV series have mediocre response and have not caused any waves in the circle. They didn't take it back, so it's no wonder that the fire pushed the company into a precarious situation. Generally speaking, because of Gao Jindong's own decision-making mistakes, the unprofitable film and television dramas are all related to him.

Yu Zhan is more cautious and meticulous. He browses through every plan carefully, and searches the Internet when he encounters something he doesn’t understand. He is now the decision-maker of Xinghe Film and Television. Of course, he has to consider how the company will develop next. He doesn’t want himself and Tao Zhiwei The 2.2 billion was in vain.

Bai Ying's phone call interrupted his train of thought, and what Bai Ying said surprised him very much.

How could the relevant departments come to check for no reason and without notice?

Realizing that he was in trouble again, he immediately got up and was about to go out. At the same time, he told Bai Ying that there was a safe in his office, and all the important documents of the hospital were in it. He trusted Bai Ying very much, and directly told the password of the safe. She also said, Some information is not what they need, you have to filter it out for me.

Okay, okay, Bai Ying said repeatedly.

I'll be there in about half an hour. If you have any questions, call me anytime.


However, when he rushed over, the people from the relevant departments had already left. There was a seal on the door of the store, which was torn off by the little nurse, and only a little bit was stuck, fluttering in the wind.

Bai Ying and the three nurses sat in the lobby frowning, and there was no customer in the shop.

Seeing Yu Zhan, the four stood up immediately, and the little nurse was so anxious that she said, Boss, our store has been closed by the relevant department!

Yu Zhan just frowned slightly, What's the specific situation?

He is the backbone of everyone. He is so calm and composed that no one else panicked. Bai Ying said, The people in the relevant department said that you did not have a registration certificate filed with the relevant department, and that except you and me who have a veterinary license, the others No veterinary assistant technical certificate.

Bai Ying became more and more annoyed, The reasons for the seizure by the relevant departments are simply misleading, too nonsense! Does opening a pet hospital endanger the society? Why do we have to file with the relevant departments? We were all blocked by the Veterinary Association, and the Veterinary Quarantine Station They simply ignore our application for registration. Besides, where veterinary assistants need those professional certificates, they are all for veterinarians, not nurses in real hospitals. The threshold is so high, who can afford to open a pet hospital!

The little nurse was also very angry. She had been working with Yu Zhan for a long time, and she had never heard of such a thing as a veterinary assistant technical certificate.

Just now when the people in the relevant departments were holding on to this point, the little nurse even showed them the photos of the nursing qualification certificate she had taken before, but these people actually said that the nursing of humans is different from that of animals, and that animals are more nursing. Be professional.

When did the relevant department become an organization that protects small animals?

After hearing this, Yu Zhan already knew it in his heart. If he is not a colleague, it is impossible to know these tricky certificates and filing certificates. He poached Cui Cheng and Bai Ying over, and completely pissed each other off!

At this moment, Yu Zhan's phone rang again. It was Uncle Cui calling. Uncle Cui said impatiently that the old store was also sealed up by the relevant departments! The reasons given by the other party are exactly the same.

The people behind the scenes obviously planned to kill Yu Zhan, because almost at the same time, the news of #网红pet医院被禁# appeared on the Internet, and some people posted photos of people from relevant departments posting seals on Weibo.

This information immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

God, isn't this true?

It's true. My friend went to Dr. Yu's shop in the morning. There was a seal on the door and it was closed.

It's so good, how could it be seized? What did Dr. Yu do?

I heard that there is no qualification certificate.

In this case, there is still a fine. It is estimated that the fine will not be small.


Netizens speculated about all kinds of rumors, and there were sailors and caring people who were leading the rhythm. When it spread later, it became Yu Zhan's pet hospital that didn't even have a business license, and was suspected of tax evasion and the like.

Knowing that the matter had been settled, Xie Fu was overjoyed and planned to pay his consultant lawyer an extra 50,000 yuan. In order to get Yu Zhan out of the veterinary circle in the capital, the lawyer read all kinds of rules and regulations again and again, and finally found A tenable loophole.

Xie Fuxin has connections with relevant departments, so please have a meal and give him some benefits, of course he is willing to do him a little favor.

Second update~

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