Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 553 Cooperate Together

Liu Man wondered if she was dazzled, she actually saw Li Xiaoru sitting in front of the piano, Tang Tu holding a violin, Shen Mozhen standing next to them, and a Guzheng on the other side.

She was in a trance thinking that she was back to the days when she was preparing chamber music ensemble concerts and excellent graduate recitals at the Conservatory of Music.

What are you doing standing at the door? Xiao Ke'er held the guitar in one hand, pulled Liu Man in with the other, and said with a smile, I'll give you a grand introduction. The three of them and I will be your live accompaniment.

You also know that my last accompaniment was shady. I was worried that the old things would happen again, so I discussed with Brother Yunfei and Brother Ming about using live accompaniment. We felt that the musicians outside were not reliable...we thought of Xiaoru, Mo Zhen and Tang Tu, they are both top students of the Conservatory of Music, with elegant style, excellent level, and rich experience in stage performances, killing ordinary orchestra musicians every minute, and the instruments they specialize in are just what the soundtrack of the song needs Fortunately, everyone is willing to help with this!

She told Liu Man the ins and outs,

Liu Man was still surprised. It was all too sudden. It wasn't that she couldn't accept the live accompaniment, but that the luxurious lineup made her unprepared. She asked Li Xiaoru and the three of them, Don't you need to prepare for the celebration concert?

Li Xiaoru is very confident, I have been rehearsing for more than a month, and everything is ready, just waiting for the concert to start.

Practicing only one piece of music every day is quite monotonous, and I also want to join in the fun on entertainment shows, Shen Mozhen's eyes were a little mischievous and novelty.

Tang Tu smiled, Pop accompaniment is relatively simple, easy to learn, and does not conflict with school activities.

The three of them all had a feeling of eagerness for Song of the King. They had never participated in a similar popular music program, and it was still such a popular program.

But Liu Man was beating drums in her heart, and three quasi-musicians were accompaniment for her, and she was as big as Yalishan!

Especially Shen Mozhen and Tang Tu, the relationship between her and Shen Mozhen is a bit of a gentleman's friendship, unlike Li Xiaoru who can have no secrets, joke at will, and have no scruples; in the entertainment industry, Tang Tu has always been a national male god He is far more famous than her, and the relationship between the two of them is a bit embarrassing. She is afraid that his fans will scold her...

Seeing her tangled expression, Shen Mozhen and Tang Tu could probably guess what she was thinking. Shen Mozhen said, I've followed the rules for a long time, so I have to try a different way of living.

Liu Man was startled for a moment, and looked into Shen Mozhen's eyes. Although she was smiling, there was a trace of helplessness and unwillingness to compromise in her eyes.

She thought of the celebration banquet that day, and when it came to the work of the orchestra and overseas performances, Shen Mozhen also looked like this indescribably.

Tang Tu said more bluntly, I am now one of the artists who don't care about it. I'm about to lose my job. I need to find a way to stabilize my popularity. The ratings and influence of the show Song King are good!

No matter how glamorous people are, they also have their own troubles. Tang Tu meant it as a joke, but what he said was also true.

Li Xiaoru said, Man, don't think too much, we are all alumni and friends, we will help you with Xiao Keer's affairs and yours!

Liu Man was right when he thought about it. Everyone was originally just a spectator of Song of the King, but it was Xiao Keer who brought them together and made them participants.

Let's start rehearsing now.


The rehearsal started from the released Flying Bird, which describes a romantic fairy tale - a pure little girl meets a man she likes, expects to become a flying bird, and bravely pursues love.

Xue Yunfei’s inspiration for writing this song came from a medieval British folk song. He just borrowed this fresh and warm style, and created the song himself. He replaced all the elements with modern and American styles. Organ and bagpipes, while Birds is piano and violin, and the blues guitar most commonly used in American country music is also added.

The structure of Flying Birds is the same as that of ordinary songs, and it is divided into four parts, the prelude-the main song-the chorus-the end, the prelude is a pure piano piece, the verse is an ensemble of piano and guitar, and the chorus is added to the violin. The final coda is the violin solo.

None of the accompanists are amateurs. Rhythm, paragraph, pitch... These things don't need Xue Yunfei and Huo Ming's guidance at all, everyone can understand them at all. Otherwise, why would the teacher like Xueba so much? It saves time and effort.

Tang Tu is worthy of being a genius student in the violin department. After he got the score, he practiced it twice at home, and he was able to play the whole piece without any mistakes. He also discussed with Xue Yunfei how to modify some details, saying that it would be more tense and better enhance the atmosphere. Xue Yunfei followed his suggestion as if enlightened.

Liu Man stood aside and listened to Tang Tu's improved tune first. He got in touch with Li Xiaoru and Xiao Ke'er, and she followed them, humming the lyrics softly.

Then, with their accompaniment, she officially practiced singing, If I were a bird, you would be the sun, warming my wings...

Whether it is rehearsing musical instruments or rehearsing singing, it is very boring. As long as there are any problems, even if it is just some minor details, they have to start all over again. People who work in music are perfectionists. Whether it is a competition or not, they want to make the music perfect.

Shen Mozhen is in another room, practicing the guzheng melody of First Love alone. The part she is responsible for is not an embellishment in First Love, but complements Li Xiaoru's piano and runs through it from beginning to end.

As the name suggests, First Love describes the feeling of a girl secretly in love with a boy. The style of the song is sweet and beautiful. After Shen Mozhen got the score and lyrics, she hummed it lightly by herself, and she liked it very much.

She felt that the lyrics of this song really resembled her feelings for Tang Tu, but in the song, the girl finally got what she wanted and was with the person she liked. normal friend.

Because of the rehearsal of the concert, she met Tang Tu more frequently during this period. Even if she talked face to face, she could no longer find the feeling that she used to be moved. Here, the two of them are more like partners, talking in a business-like manner, and people who don't know it can't tell that the two of them were once lovers.

But Shen Mozhen doesn't regret the endless love with Tang Tu at all. People have to go through setbacks to learn to grow. If she doesn't meet a scumbag, how will she know what a good man is like? If she doesn't join the folk band How can you know what kind of life you want to live?

Accompanying Liu Man, playing her favorite tunes, and participating in TV shows are her ideal jobs!

The third one is done~

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