Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 548: Tragic Elimination

The chorus of Apex of the Heart was already in a very high key, but this accompaniment was at least two keys higher than the original song.

Xiao Keer is just a folk singer! It was a bit difficult for her to sing the original high note, let alone two higher notes.

The audience didn't know the truth at first, and thought that Xiao Ke'er deliberately changed the tune to show off her skills. After all, that's what she did in the last show.

The applause at the scene was particularly enthusiastic. Usually, the audience would be very excited when it came to the performance show, just waiting to see the singing voices of the singers beyond ordinary people.

Xiao Ke'er sang as usual, but she was panicked inside. She was not a soprano, how could she sing with such a high pitch!

But already standing on the stage, she had no way out, so she could only bite the bullet and continue singing. When she reached the highest point, she tried her best, her face was flushed from excessive exhaustion, but she still broke her voice.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Singing broken notes is a super low-level mistake, and it is a mistake that no professional singer will make. In the four years since the show Singer Fights for Hegemony, no singer has ever sung a broken note.

What's even more frightening is that after Xiao Ke'er broke her voice, she didn't adjust her mentality and voice. In the subsequent part, her voice was broken and erratic.

I have listened to the song Apex of Heart no less than a hundred times since I was a child, and I dare say that the pitch of the secondary part is two keys higher!

Li Xiaoru, who has a keen sense of music, said in the group immediately, This is definitely a problem. This kind of high pitch is completely fine for musical instruments, but normal people can't sing it, unless it is a professionally trained soprano.

Liu Man could also hear that the high pitch was too high, she saw Xiao Ke'er's face turned pale, she managed to sing the whole song, bowed hastily, and left the stage as if fleeing.

There was an unprecedented second of silence at the scene, and there was no applause. Even if everyone realized that they should applaud after being reminded by the applause and placards from the field manager, the applause was sparse.

However, the camera was still following Xiao Keer, who was running away. In the live broadcast, Xiao Keer had another face-to-face meeting with Lu Yuanning, who was waiting in the audience.

Xiao Ke'er took a look at Lu Yuanning, then quickly lowered her head, and walked past him quickly. Lu Yuanning heard her inaudible voice, I'm sorry, I let you down.

At that moment, Lu Yuanning saw that her eyes were red.

The host took Xiao Keer's mistake as a breaking point, and then asked the other four singers for their opinions.

Xia Chuan said, This mistake is too low-level. From a professional point of view, the main reason why she can't sing high notes is because her pronunciation method is incorrect. You must know that pronunciation method is a compulsory course and basic skill for a singer.

Moreover, when other singers commented on Xiao Ke'er, they also expressed the meaning that Internet singers have not learned how to sing systematically, and when the critical moment comes, they will lose the chain.

These words of theirs immediately cast a conclusion on Xiao Ke'er's coffin, which seriously affected the judgment in the hearts of the audience who were watching the live broadcast.

After losing such a big ugliness, Xiao Ke'er had to go back to the guest room. The host was very sensible and didn't come to interview her to ask her about her experience in singing Po Yin.

Xiao Keer stared at the picture on the indoor screen in a daze. Lu Yunning had already walked on the stage. He didn't start singing immediately, but said to everyone,

It's a great honor that my old song Apex of Heart 19 years ago was selected by Xiao Keer and performed by her on this stage. I like her singing very much. She makes me feel like I'm young again. Thank you , Xiao Keer! When Lu Yuanning said this, his melancholy and handsome eyes seemed to be looking directly at Xiao Keer through the lens.

Xiao Ke'er suddenly understood what Lu Yuanning meant.

He must also know that her accompaniment has been tampered with. He is an outdated old singer and a Hong Kong native. He helped her get justice, and he might be the one to be punished next time. All he can do is to say a few good words for her, hoping that the audience will be more tolerant towards Xiao Keer.

After Lu Yuanning finished speaking, the music sounded impatiently, as if he was afraid that he would say some outrageous words again.

For the time being, no one dared to trip Lu Yuanning. He still sang the two songs flawlessly, and still won rounds of applause from the audience.

Then came the last singer.

The substitute singer for this round is also a veteran named Wang Meixin. She is in her forties, and she is a singer who lives on one or two songs for a lifetime, and she is a good friend of Wu Yinghong (the singer who was eliminated in the last round).

Entrusted by Wu Yinghong, Wang Meixin came prepared for revenge. The two songs she prepared were more exciting than the other, and the applause and cheers she received were even comparable to that of Lu Yuanning.

When Wang Meixin sang, in order to increase the ratings and intensify the conflict, the photographer took a lot of close-up shots of Xiao Keer. Her strong smiling face was clearly seen by everyone.

After Wang Meixin sang, she soon entered the voting session.

In this game, in all fairness, except for Xiao Keer, everyone else performed well, including Xia Chuan, who learned to be smart today, and stopped singing the high notes that he is not good at. , making his fans scream.

The results of the netizen voting session came out a long time ago, and Xiao Keer didn't dare to look at her phone at all. Liu Man and the ladies and sisters kept canvassing for her on the Internet. They posted several posts on Weibo, and Jiang Chengfeng also opened a live broadcast room, cheering for her in various ways. However, her votes never rose again after reaching a certain value. If she didn't go up, she was not only overtaken by Lu Yuanning, but also Wang Meixin and Xia Chuan were ahead of her.

When the audience voted, Xiao Ke'er kept her head down, put her hands together, and put on a blessing pose.

On the live screen, Xiao Keer had the lowest votes, out of 500 spectators, she only got a measly 20 votes, Lu Yuanning 183 votes, Wang Meixin 78 votes, Xia Chuan 74 votes, and other singers followed closely.

This gap is too frightening. It's so frightening that in the judging process of the professional judges, the relationship that Huo Ming passed through in advance couldn't give Xiao Keer a high score. Otherwise, wouldn't it expose the fact that he was in collusion with Xiao Keer before? ? In order to protect himself, he could only give Xiao Keer a passing grade.

Therefore, in the professional scoring, Xiao Ke'er was also the last one.

One fourth, two last,

Her final score was also the last one, and she was eliminated miserably!

When the host announced that the singer eliminated in the fourth round was Xiao Ke'er, Xiao Ke'er calmed down instead. Her face was expressionless and her eyes were extremely cold.

first update~

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