When it was time to get off work that day, everyone saw He Lushen and Yang Huayue leaving the company side by side talking and laughing, and at the entrance of the company, Yang Huayue actually got into He Lushen's car!

So flamboyant! So loud! So eye-popping!

According to He Lushen's previous routine, this is the rhythm of an open relationship!

The gossip was first brewed in the entire capital branch of Huaguang Media, and then spread out at the speed of light.


Liu Man had four classes on Tuesday afternoon, but she only attended two. After the second get out of class, she immediately went to the restaurant to make preparations for the banquet.

There are too many people attending this banquet, and everyone comes from different circles, including the principal, the president, the director, and the first-line superstars. These people must be served carefully.

Liu Man's pressure is a bit high, and she is also a little nervous. She doesn't think she is a person who is particularly good at both ways.

Organizing large-scale events is also a science, otherwise, how could there be a special contractor? Liu Man had to regard the celebration banquet as a very important task.

She didn't bother Tao Zhiyao anymore, she contacted the bus company and rented two buses, one to pick up classmates and one to pick up company employees, the others either had cars or took taxis by themselves.

The night before, she also stayed up late to make a seating chart. Each seat corresponds to a name, so as not to be embarrassed by the wrong seat. For example, if a professor and a celebrity sit at the same table, what topics can they talk about?

When Liu Man arrived at the restaurant, Zhang Pei was already there, and she was communicating with the person in charge of the restaurant about the specific situation. To Liu Man's surprise, Yu Zhan was also there.

Yu Zhan is dressed very formally today, with a black suit, a gray-blue shirt, and a blue tie. He has his own thick coat on his arm. He is tall and straight, very handsome.

Zhang Pei, who is too busy to care about her image these days, also put on a dignified and elegant dress, with short hair, making her look very capable.

In comparison, Liu Man didn't pay much attention to her attire. She came directly from school, wearing an old down jacket, jeans, and snow boots worth tens of dollars from Taobao. She looked very student-like.

As soon as Zhang Pei saw Liu Man, he praised Yu Zhan to her and said, Xiao Yu came to help at noon. He knows more than us, and he has thought of some details.

Yu Zhan smiled, I don't have any experience, but I often attended such occasions when I was young, and I saw it a lot.

You, you're just too modest, Zhang Pei didn't want to find out Yu Zhan's identity now, anyway, he just decided that he was a rich second generation.

Yesterday, Zhang Pei asked Yu Zhan to come to the bank, and she wanted to transfer 6 million to him face to face, but Yu Zhan said, Don't panic, I'm not in a hurry to use this money.

Zhang Pei doesn't like this, it's not good to owe money, it makes her feel uneasy, and Yu Zhan is not short of money, it doesn't mean they can spend his money as they should!

On the phone, Zhang Pei begged Yu Zhan to come to the bank for a meeting. Yu Zhan was afraid that his mother-in-law would be angry, so he had to drive there. It is rare for a borrower to beg to pay back the money to the creditor.

Yu Zhan got his 6 million back, and Zhang Pei wanted to give him 100,000 yuan in interest. Yu Zhan refused to accept it, and the two wanted to quarrel in the bank. Cold sweat on their heads, they often receive rich people, but they still feel that they don't understand the world of rich people. Fortunately, these two were in the VIP room and were not seen by other customers!

Anyway, in the end, Yu Zhan still accepted 100,000 yuan. There was no way, Zhang Pei directly transferred the money to the bank...

Zhang Pei was not satisfied with Liu Man's dress, You should dress more formally.

Liu Man said, We are not holding a high-class banquet. I hope everyone can relax and have fun. The dress is simple and decent. My classmates also dress like me. If it is too formal, they will feel uncomfortable.

Liu Man is really inexperienced. Her classmates, company employees, and even teachers do not dress up for this purpose, but she also invited some so-called high-class people. They will attach great importance to their appearance when they attend any banquet. .

This restaurant not only hosted Liu Man's banquet tonight, there was also a wedding in the banquet hall on the first floor. Liu Man actually didn't want to be crowded with other people. However, she booked the banquet too hastily. These days are auspicious days, especially suitable for weddings. A hotel banquet hall that is slightly better can only be booked by the couple a year in advance. After consultation with Liu Man, this is the only one in the capital that is upscale and has vacant halls, and it's only available today!

Going to the second floor inevitably has to go through the entrance of the banquet hall on the first floor. At Zhang Pei's request, the stairs on the second floor are all covered with bright red carpets, and bouquets are tied on each handle. The festive appearance is similar to that of the wedding venue next door. It was almost the same, so the people next door thought that there was also a wedding banquet upstairs.

The employees of Liu Man's company were the first to arrive. Forty or so of them included hard-working workers. These people had just come from their jobs. They thought that the celebration banquet mentioned by the boss was a random small restaurant. Please invite everyone When eating, how could I expect such a high-end place to eat? Some workers saw the newlyweds and best man and bridesmaids welcoming guests on the first floor, and reflexively asked other people, Should we also prepare some money?

Everyone laughed, and Liu Man laughed and said, Just eat happily tonight, and don't worry about the rest!

The guests at the wedding banquet frowned when they heard the laughter and saw a group of people who looked like migrant workers. They thought that the people who got married on the second floor were so low, and the mother of the groom complained in her heart. Because of its high status, it has more face in front of relatives and friends, but this group of people instantly lowered their style, and she wondered if she should ask the manager to argue for a little refund.

On the second floor, there is a particularly luxurious banquet hall in front of everyone. At a glance, there are more than a dozen round tables, and the golden chandelier on the roof shines down, casting everything in a golden light. You will feel that this place is no different from ordinary banquets, but if you look closely, the intervals between the tables are very wide, and the number of chairs for each table is only 8, so guests will not feel crowded when sitting inside. All the dining tables are covered with bright red tablecloths, and the curtains and tables are covered with brightly colored flowers, which gives a colorful feeling, and every detail reveals a word: money.

They just realized it was true! Banquet.

Everyone has participated in a banquet, and everyone knows that the main seat must be the place where the host, the leader and the boss sit. However, Liu Man did the opposite. She arranged all the employees at the first four tables, which is the so-called theme.

Sitting in this seat, everyone was not only flattered, but also a little restless. They looked at the back and wondered whose seat it was.

The second update, the third update will be later.

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