Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 515 Take away customers

Yu Zhan described the working hours and tasks to Bai Ying in detail. Bai Ying said that there was no problem at all, and finally the topic turned back to salary.

Yu Zhan said, I will give you a one-month probationary period. During the probationary period, the salary is 2.5w. After the probationary period, as long as you have no problem with your working ability, your approved salary is 30k. If you add overtime pay, 3.5w is also available. possible.

Bai Ying never expected that Yu Zhan could offer herself such a high salary. Looking at the entire capital and all walks of life, whoever can get 2.5w during the probationary period?

She said a little excitedly, If I could join the job today, I would resign now.

Don't worry about joining the job. You can resign first. You can sign the labor contract today. The probationary period starts from today. Of course, the salary also starts from today. After you finish the resignation procedures, it's not too late to come back to work, Yu Zhan really wanted to keep Bai Ying as a talent, and the conditions listed were very favorable.

After Bai Ying left the ward, she immediately drove straight to resign. She is currently working in a relatively remote branch of Fuxin Pet Hospital. She was transferred from the main hospital recently. The reason is because of conflicts with the boss. It has been mentioned above and will not be repeated here.

Of course, to resign, you have to go to the office building of the general hospital. Bai Ying went to the personnel department first and said she was going to resign. The entire personnel department looked at her with a look of confusion. They would not be as surprised as they are now if anyone resigned. Bai Ying Among all the veterinarians in the hospital, her income is above average. After leaving here, can she still find such a good job with her bad image?

The head of the personnel department said, Have you thought it through?

Bai Ying nodded, Yes, I quit.

You first write a resignation report and sign it, and then give it to me.

Bai Ying borrowed a colleague's computer and wrote two hundred words casually, and asked her to write an animal case treatment plan. She could write thousands of words eloquently, just like she replied to everyone's help messages on Yu Zhan's Weibo, but asking her to write this kind of official document Class text, two hundred characters is the limit. She wrote in a nutshell: She has opinions on treatment, transfer and promotion, so she wants to resign.

For an old employee like her who has worked for six years, under normal circumstances, the leader will definitely dissuade her, even if it is just a show. Bai Ying thought she was in the same process, because after she handed in her resignation report, the personnel said that her boss told her to go to the office.

The director of Fuxin Pet Hospital is Xie Fuxin, an outstanding businessman, entrepreneur, president of the Veterinary Medical Association, and someone who secretly scolds Bai Ying as a fat pig.

In front of Bai Ying, he asked her why she resigned as a caring employee.

Bai Ying repeated the reasons for the resignation report.

After listening, Xie Fuxin nodded, and said very neatly, I respect your choice, and I approve your resignation report.

? ? ?

What about the retention process?

Xie Fuxin looked at Bai Ying's dazed look, and asked with a half-smile, Don't tell me you don't want to resign at all, are you trying to threaten me with a raise?

You think too much, I don't mean that.

Then it's all right, you can go to the personnel department to go through the formalities.

Xie Fuxin's expression made Bai Ying feel that standing in front of his desk was superfluous, and she didn't want to make fun of herself anymore, so she said goodbye and turned to leave.

Xie Fuxin suddenly thought of something, called her to stop, and said in a commanding tone, Give me your mobile phone.

Of course Bai Ying disagreed. How could something so private as a mobile phone be casually shown to others, not to mention that she had resigned, even if Xie Fuxin was still her boss, she wouldn't give it to her!

If you don't hand over your mobile phone, you won't be able to complete the resignation procedures, Xie Fuxin, who had just put on a show, became tough at this moment, showing his true colors. Facing an employee who is about to resign and whom he has always hated, he doesn't want to pretend anymore.

What do you want my phone for?

You can't take away the client information received in our hospital, Xie Fuxin said cunningly, I don't know the real reason for your resignation, if you change jobs to other hospitals and take away these clients, our loss will be huge. Big!

Xie Fuxin's thinking is normal and understandable, but he has no right to check other people's mobile phones, which is a violation of privacy.

Bai Ying is also calculating in her heart, she does have hundreds of customer numbers accumulated in the past six years in her mobile phone, she has changed three mobile phones, and has not deleted these numbers.

She asked Xie Fuxin, I'll show you what you want to see.

Xie Fuxin has no interest in the privacy of a fat woman, he said, Contacts, and WeChat.

Bai Ying opened the address book in front of him, There are nearly a thousand numbers in it, and there are indeed customers' phone numbers, as well as my classmates and relatives. Do you want me to pick them out one by one for you?

Seeing so many names, Xie Fuxin also felt very annoyed, You just cleared the address book, and you found out the people on WeChat and deleted them.

Bai Ying sneered, Don't you think your two requirements are too much?

If you want to leave your job smoothly, you have to do so if you go to another pet hospital to continue working. Otherwise, can you afford it?

Xie Fuxin's tone was a bit threatening, as if as long as Bai Ying was against him, he would drag her into the blacklist every minute, so that she would not be able to get along in the capital's veterinary circle, and other pet hospitals would not dare to hire her!

Bai Yingcai is not afraid of being blacklisted, but only worried that she will not be able to resign smoothly. She has no choice but to clear her address book in front of Xie Fuxin. Fortunately, she rarely uses WeChat to contact clients. Her WeChat friends only have a hundred or so, and more than half of them are Everyone has notes, she showed Xie Fuxin these notes and the number of friends, Xie Fuxin did not force her to delete WeChat.

After leaving Xie Fuxin's office, Bai Ying immediately reported her resignation to HR to go through the procedures. HR said it could be completed within two days at the earliest, but the salary for November would not be paid to her until the beginning of December.

Bai Ying didn't take the half month's salary to heart, she got into her car, drove away from Fuxin Pet Hospital, and parked in a safe place.

Then the first thing is to restore the address book.

Xie Fuxin probably didn't know that the phone had a backup function because she was getting old or too arrogant, and Bai Ying had the habit of backing up her address book, so she deleted it neatly. Besides, she still had some customers' contacts in her last old phone. Telephone.

After retrieving these precious materials, she sent a group text message to her clients: Hi everyone, I am Bai Ying, a veterinarian. I will work in another pet hospital named 'Zhan' from today. The hospital has two addresses: It’s XXX and XXX, I hope everyone will continue to support me.”

Bai Ying originally didn't want to do things like this, but Xie Fuxin completely angered her!

The second update, the third update will be later today.

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