Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 494 Roll up your sleeves

On the second day after Double Eleven, Liu Man and Zhang Pei still couldn't relax their tense nerves. Their company was still busy up and down, but now they were busy with the issue of delivery.

The existing manpower in the warehouse is simply not enough. There are more than 30 workers in total, and there are 60000 bags of cat food to be delivered, which is equivalent to an average of 2,000 bags of cat food for one worker. Not too busy.

Zhang Pei intends to find 30 temporary workers from the labor market, but the end of the year is the peak employment period, especially around Double Eleven, when there is a shortage of labor. The labor market said that there is no problem in finding a few people, but it is necessary to find 30 people immediately, and rely on Thirty people in the spectrum, they need time, and there is no guarantee that they will be able to recruit people immediately.

The delivery cannot be waited for. Those customers who placed orders before 12:00 on the day of Double Eleven are not on the list of delayed delivery. Without a 50 yuan coupon, they may not be able to understand Liu Man and their hard work.

Some customers are about to run out of cat food at home, so they are waiting to eat this bag of fresh cat food from Liu Man's store; some customers are impatient, and they keep urging the merchants to delay delivery! Urged the customer service staff to have a big head. Some of these people say things like canceling the order if it doesn't ship.

According to the current delivery efficiency, if I encounter this kind of customer who loves to urge again, the day lily will be cold by then, and the money will fly before I get it.

Zhang Pei was in a hurry. She told Liu Man about the severe situation. She thought of a way to seek Liu Man's opinion, Can you ask your classmates to help? You don't need to do manual work, just pack cat food. , packing boxes, each person will be paid 3,000 yuan.

Liu Man thought for a while. Today is Sunday, and everyone should not be in class. She first called Sun Weiwei and asked if she was free.

The video of Zhong Jiangnan's company has been successfully released. The filming of Cute Pet Hospital 4 has not yet started. Sun Weiwei is not in a hurry for the time being. She is studying in the classroom at the moment. As soon as she heard Liu Man's request, she agreed without a word, and took the initiative to say , I'll ask Chengfeng and the others to help.

Liu Man called Liang Shengnan again, and Liang Shengnan was more forthright, I called all the boys in our class. Their class not only has the Department of Classical Literature, but also the Department of Archaeology. Liang Shengnan shouted in the class WeChat group, and everyone disagreed. Those boys who were lying in bed in the dormitory on weekends immediately got up from their beds. They were never so active in class.

Because everyone realized that by following Liu Man, they seemed to be helping and giving selflessly, but in fact, they all gained huge invisible benefits.

They added credits for volunteer activities and became an advanced model of the school; they not only earned 2,000 yuan by filming commercial videos, but also went on the news hot search and the school's official blog. Got to them, especially proud of them!

Besides, isn't it possible to earn another 3,000 yuan this time? What kind of part-time students can earn so much in one day? !

Liu Man was about to contact the bus company to rent a bus to bring the classmates over, when Tao Zhiyao suddenly sent her a message saying that Sun Weiwei also called her, and she and her driver had already gone to the Capital University to pick them up.

While waiting for the classmates to come over, Liu Man sent Yu Zhan a WeChat message and asked him if he was feeling better.

Yu Zhan still replied in seconds, Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just a little sleepy, I'll continue to sleep for a while.

It's only eight o'clock in the morning, Liu Man didn't think much about it, and typed, Well, I won't disturb you, you can go to sleep.

About an hour later, the commuter bus in Tao Zhiwei's company stopped at the door of the warehouse. Jiang Chengfeng, his roommate ABC, and the boys from the classical literature department and the archaeology department added up to thirty people, in addition to Sun Weiwei, Liang Shengnan and Tao Zhiyao are three girls.

Li Xiaoru was going to rehearse for the concert, and the time was very tight, so Liu Man didn't call her; Miao Xiaomei's death Barbie makeup in the video became popular on the Internet, and many people left messages under her Weibo, paying her to do makeup, and she was the one on the weekends the busiest time.

There were so many college students in the yard all of a sudden, and the atmosphere became warm. Liu Man first showed everyone a brief tour of her company. She pointed to the boxes of cat food piled up in the warehouse and said to the classmates, Everyone's task is to First, take out the cat food in these boxes according to the specifications, and then follow the online order, repack it, and post the courier note.

Of course, the cat food shipped by the Westland company is not one bag by one bag, but a uniform specification, packaged in boxes, and a large box is 10 bags.

Sun Weiwei raised her head and looked at the top of the boxes. She asked, All these boxes need to be opened?

Liu Man nodded, Yes.

The students were shocked,

Oh my God, so many!!!

It's a lot more work than I thought.

I counted it casually, and I guess there are thousands of boxes.


Liu Man was a little embarrassed.

Everyone will try their best to dismantle as much as they can.

Sun Weiwei hesitated, Have you sold all the cat food in your warehouse?

Liu Man nodded.

She didn't have time to say that these goods were far from enough. The classmates were already surprised enough. Tao Yaoyao asked with a smile, Little Man, to be honest, did you make a lot of money on Double Eleven?

Liu Man smiled, I only earn your pocket money for a year.

She was telling the truth. The classmates who were not familiar with Tao Yaoyao didn't know how much pocket money she had, but Jiang Chengfeng and Sun Weiwei all knew.

Tao Yaoyao said before that her pocket money is hundreds of thousands or millions a month.

The three of them figured it out in their hearts, didn't Liu Man make tens of millions? ? ?

Jiang Chengfeng's look at her changed instantly, full of funny flattery, and said with a smile, Miss, you are a rich woman and a big boss now, and we will hug your thighs in the future!

Liu Man really stretched out a leg, Here, I'll give you a hug.

Jiang Chengfeng was stunned, and he said quickly, Don't dare, I'm afraid of being beaten by Xiaoru.

Everyone else burst into laughter, and a boy from the classical literature department said, Jiang Chengfeng looks like he will be afraid of his wife in the future.

Roommate A said, There is no need for the future. He is now. Every night, he reports to his girlfriend what he eats, drinks, and drinks for the day...

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Chengfeng covered his mouth, Why are you exposing me here!

Roommate B said, If you dare to do it, you won't dare to let anyone tell you. Besides, it's not a shameful thing to be afraid of your wife. We want to be afraid of your wife, but God doesn't give us this chance.

The boy's laughter grew louder, and Liu Man and the girls couldn't help laughing when they saw Jiang Chengfeng's depressed look.

Jiang Chengfeng took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, Okay, everyone, stop the ink, and start working!

first update~

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