During class time, Liu Man quietly went out through the back door to answer the phone again. It was Mao Yuchen who called. She said that the owner of a pet product company called Modu Youyou wanted to talk to her about purchasing cat supplies.

This company headquartered in Shanghai is very large. It has two large pet product processing factories in the eastern coastal provinces. It mainly produces high-end tofu cat litter and pet derivative products for cats and dogs, including the products needed for the promotion of Liu Man's online store. cat litter boxes, cat cages and cat climbing frames.

At the beginning of Mao Yuchen's inquiry, this company was first included in the supplier list by her. Because its products are officially registered brands with great reputation and excellent quality, it has a direct online store on Taobao, with three crown levels, and the store’s favorable rate is above 4.9, but correspondingly, the price of its products is Double or even triple that of other online stores.

At that time, Mao Yuchen contacted a deputy manager in charge of online sales of their company through the customer service of this online store. Mao Yuchen directly asked the manager for a price, and she explained their needs concisely, emphasizing that it was a very large-volume purchase.

However, the manager’s quotation is still high, only a little lower than the retail price of their online store. He said that their company’s domestic price is the same, and their products are mainly sold to European and American markets. They are a very conscientious national enterprise. , The quotation for crooked nuts is more than twice this price, and there is no room for negotiation in the words.

Mao Yuchen was speechless and could only relay the manager's original words to Liu Man. Liu Man could not accept the price, so she passed the company in the first round. It is worth mentioning that this is the brand of cat litter and cat litter box that Liu Man’s former owner bought for Sunshine.

Double Eleven is approaching, and after several selections, Liu Man finally decided on two alternative pet supply online stores. The prices of the products in these two online stores are relatively low, and the quality is not satisfactory. She is planning to finalize a purchase within these two days.

Therefore, she was very suspicious that the boss of the company that she eliminated first would take the initiative to contact her at this time. She didn't know what kind of medicine the other party was selling in the gourd, so she asked Mao Yuchen to send her the phone number of the boss.

Mao Yuchen said that the boss's surname is Luo, and his name is Luo Youyou.

Liu Man called according to the number. She thought Luo Youyou was a woman, but when the call was connected, she heard a man's voice, Excuse me, is this Mr. Luo's phone number?

Yes, the other party paused, probably looked at the caller ID, and said in a firm tone, You are Miss Liu Man!

Yes, Mr. Luo, hello.

Hello, Ms. Liu, the other party also used the respectful name, he didn't continue the greetings, and said straight to the point, I just learned from one of my subordinates yesterday that you have recently asked our company about several products. price.

That's right, we are preparing a gift promotion for Double Eleven.

He said, I don't know if you have identified a supplier by now?

There is only a preliminary intention, and no specific company has been formally finalized.

May I ask, do your initial intentions include our company's products?

Liu Man said honestly, Your company's quotation is too high, and we can't afford it. Our company has just been registered, and the online store is also newly opened. The overall scale is relatively small and insufficient funds, so cost control is very important.

The other party immediately said, The previous manager's quotation is not counted. He has not been verified by me. We have the lowest preferential price for a large-scale demand like yours. According to your actual situation, I have formulated a new quotation. New price, I hope you can reconsider our company's products.

Compared with the first inquiry, the attitude of the other party has changed by 360 degrees. Mao Yuchen said that when she called the manager, the other party's tone was very tough, with a feeling of this is the price, do you want to buy it or not? At this moment, Liu Man felt that the other party was begging her to buy his company's products .

In fact, Liu Man still hopes to cooperate with the other party, because the quality of the cat litter box in her home is really good, and Sunlight also likes the smell of Youyou cat litter the most. She asked, What is your new price?

According to Liu Man's needs - cat litter, cat litter box, cat cage and cat climbing frame, Luo Youyou quoted four prices in turn, 30 yuan, 80 yuan, 180 yuan and 350 yuan.

It was still much higher than the price quoted by other companies to Liu Man, but compared to their last quotation, it was a big drop. For just one piece of cat litter, the price they quoted last time was as high as 45 yuan.

Seeing that Liu Man was a little silent, Luo Youyou tried his best to sell, Our company is different from other coastal manufacturers who are OEM factories for foreign countries. Our products all have independent intellectual property rights, design patents, and anti-counterfeiting trademarks. Our cat litter uses Edible bean curd dregs are non-toxic, harmless, natural and environmentally friendly, even if cats eat them by mistake, it doesn’t matter.”

Liu Man said, I know, I have two cats and I have always used your brand of cat litter. The cat litter is really good, but your price is still too high.

The other party sighed, Let me tell you the truth, the prices of the four products I just mentioned are our ex-factory cost prices. If it is lower, we will lose money. Our production costs are also very high, such as the purchase of raw materials such as bean curd residue The price is rising every year. Our plastic products use the best environmental protection materials, which are food grade. All products have passed the national safety inspection and also meet the stricter international standards. Therefore, our The products are very popular in overseas markets, I can show you our company's national quality inspection report, and you can also search for our company's international registered trademark 'YOYO' on the Internet.

Furthermore, your online store represents a relatively high-end cat food brand in the world. If the quality of the event gifts is too low, it will affect the consumer's sense of use, and it will be self-defeating, causing consumers to have a negative perception of the quality of your online store. Negative image.

Luo Youyou is worthy of being an experienced boss of a large company, and he immediately hit Liu Man's pain point. The reason why she didn't make a purchase decision for so many days was because of this problem.

High-quality products with high-quality gifts are the right choice, but they don't have enough money. Moreover, Liu Man couldn't bear the consequences of the backlog of gifts. The backlog of thousands of gifts with such a high purchase price would mean a loss of hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. At that time, they would probably lose money and make money.

Liu Man told Luo Youyou about his concerns, but the other party smiled unexpectedly, This problem is easy to solve, we can sign a contract like this: every order in your store will be matched with corresponding gifts in our online store orders, both sides will deliver the goods at the same time on Double Eleven.”

The first update~Thank you for your rewards and votes~

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