If Li Xiaoru said that she didn't want a place for the anniversary concert, she would be lying. As a girl who grew up playing piano in elementary school, her biggest dream in this life is to become a real pianist.

Through a familiar flute student, she asked the teacher of the wind music department to be the piano accompaniment for three school concerts of the wind music department. The attendance rate of the first performance was acceptable. The teachers and students of the Wind Music Department were very satisfied with Li Xiaoru's performance. Tonight is their second performance.

As a result, when it was time for the performance, Li Xiaoru did not show up as scheduled. The wind music department teacher and that classmate called her more than a dozen times. Li Xiaoru only saw these missed calls on the way back, and she knew that there was no point in calling them back.

Back at school, she went directly to the concert hall, and after waiting for the concert to end, she apologized to the teachers and students in the Wind Department.

It is conceivable that Li Xiaoru, like Jiang Chengfeng and Miao Xiaomei, was misunderstood. However, her absence did not affect the concert. With so many students in the piano department, they quickly found a replacement.

The teachers and classmates of the wind music department did not get angry with Li Xiaoru, but told her calmly that they did not need her accompaniment for the third performance.

Everyone knows that the students of the piano department are obsessed with concerts, and Li Xiaoru can be replaced by others in minutes.

Li Xiaoru returned to her single dormitory exhausted and depressed. Since Liu Man moved out and Wang Nina was fired, she lived here alone, and there was no one to talk to at night. She sat on the chair and regained her composure. She thought that it was impossible for her to participate in the school's anniversary concert.

The next day, Tao Zhiyao woke up early in the rare morning and had breakfast with Tao Zhiwei. Tao Zhiwei has already learned from the driver that his sister and friends encountered a fire while shooting a video. So when eating in the morning, Tao Zhiyao was educated by Tao Zhiwei for a long time.

In short, when encountering such a thing, she should leave immediately after calling the fire alarm, instead of rushing to the most dangerous place to fight the fire. It's not that the life of the rich is more precious, it's just that no one wants to put their relatives and loved ones in danger.

Tao Zhiyao and the driver drove 60 kilometers to the film and television base again. She explained her purpose at the gate, and the staff looked her over from head to toe, and then she was invited into an office for no reason.

As soon as she entered the office, she saw Sun Weiwei sitting in it.

Tao Zhiyao was surprised, Didn't we agree that I will pay the bill?

I received a call from the film and television base at four o'clock in the morning, telling me to come over in the morning. Sun Weiwei also had a tired look on his face, I was asked to come over to cooperate with the investigation or something, so I had to ask my classmates to help me ask for leave again. .” When booking the venue, Sun Weiwei only left his phone number.

Tao Zhiyao thought of the liar phone call last night.

In the middle of the night, while she was sleeping soundly, she suddenly received a call from someone who claimed to be from the fire brigade, asking her if she was from the fire alarm number of the film and television base, and also asked her name, home address, etc. She thought it was a liar and hung up the phone. Tao Zhiyao remembered that shortly after she arrived home last night, Jiang Chengfeng suddenly called her and asked for a video, saying that he had implicated his roommate, and his tone was very urgent.

Tao Zhiyao felt that what her brother said was right, they put out the fire in time and saved the loss of the film and television base, but she didn't sleep well all night, and today she had to make another trip to get back the deposit. If he didn't take care of this matter and left on time, Jiang Chengfeng and his roommate wouldn't be punished by their teacher.

Tao Zhiyao was immediately annoyed, It's rare to do a good thing, why don't you let us stop for a while! Is there anyone, please say something and let go, and get back the money that should be refunded!

Her voice was so loud that it alarmed the staff outside. After about two minutes, four men came in. One looked like a leader, and the other wore a blue firefighting uniform. He was obviously the leader of the fire brigade. One is a policeman, and the other is a little younger, estimated to be in his thirties, and looks very upright. Both Tao Zhiyao and Sun Weiwei think this person looks familiar.

But they were not in the mood to study who this person was, Tao Zhiyao directly asked the leader-like person, Why did you call us here?

The leader presumably saw that they were all girls and college students, so he put on the leader's airs and said, We invited you here to learn about the specific situation of yesterday's fire.

Tao Zhiyao glanced at the four men, and sneered, Why do I think you guys want three trials?

Sun Weiwei quickly pulled her back, she didn't understand why Tao Zhiyao was so angry today, she whispered to Tao Zhiyao, Speak up if you have something to say.

In fact, Sun Weiwei also noticed that something was wrong. When she came in the morning, the staff here looked at her with a strange look full of speculation.

The police then asked them, When did you find out the fire?

Sun Weiwei said, A little after four o'clock in the afternoon. I don't remember the details. We only saw a wisp of smoke at first.

The policeman continued to ask, But the time you returned the lease yesterday was at 6 pm. What did you do during the two hours from when you discovered the fire to when you left?

This skeptical tone annoyed Sun Weiwei, We are fighting the fire!... She truthfully told the whole process from the discovery of the fire to the immediate fire fighting yesterday. Sun Weiwei originally thought that if everyone was a good person and good deed, the other party would not be able to send a pennant of gratitude for their righteous deeds, but at least there should be some gratitude. But after they listened, except for the young man who was touched, the others still looked solemn and businesslike.

Sun Weiwei said, Don't you suspect that we started the fire? Isn't there surveillance video in the yard?! Just go and watch the surveillance yourself.

Unexpectedly, the police said, The surveillance in the yard you rented and the yard that was on fire just failed yesterday.

The leader of the fire brigade added, The smoke alarm in the yard was also broken, so we did not receive the alarm at the first time, but received it through Miss Tao's phone.

Sun Weiwei and Tao Zhiyao were startled at the same time, this kind of coincidence is very strange.

Although there were no witnesses around when you were fighting the fire, according to the firefighters' descriptions and the use of fire extinguishers, you were indeed the first to arrive at the scene of the fire, and you extinguished the initial fire to prevent the fire from spreading.

The core of the question now is what caused the fire, the police said. We found a few cigarette butts at the point of fire.

first update~

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