Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 48 Street Broadcasting

For dinner, Liu Man ate a simple bowl of noodles, then took the subway and went straight to where Xiao Keer was.

Even if she arrived at the pedestrian street ahead of time, the whole street was already overcrowded. This place is usually the favorite place for tourists from other places, and now there is a group of fans who came here specially for Xiao Keer.

The location of Xiao Keer's live broadcast was at the end of the street. Before Xiao Keer's people arrived, the three floors inside and outside were already full of people, and Liu Man couldn't squeeze in at all.

She stopped trying, found a place with a little less people, and opened her live broadcast room.

Miss Sister is finally online.

There are a lot of people, is the anchor broadcasting live outside today?

Che, haven't you followed her Weibo? She's in Shanghai right now.

Why did you go to the devil all of a sudden?

Liu Man said, I will be in Shanghai for the next twenty days.

What about the sun? What about the sun?

I sent it to a friend for foster care.

Miss, where are you now? It's so noisy, I can't hear you clearly.

I'm on the pedestrian street. Xiao Ke'er will sing live at this place later, and I'm here to watch.

Wow, is Xiao Keer here? I want to see Xiao Keer!

I want to see too!

She is my favorite online singer, and every song she writes is very good.

I saw Xiao Ke'er said on Weibo that she was going to live broadcast on the Pedestrian Street of Shanghai.

The anchor is really awesome. He rushed to the scene in the blink of an eye. We have both eyes and ears tonight.


Liu Man turned on the rear camera, facing the place where Xiao Keer was live broadcasting not far away. At this moment, the staff began to build various devices and evacuated some people.

Xiao Ke'er arrived on time. As soon as she appeared, there was a lot of screaming, and the crowd crowded forward. A group of big men in black appeared from nowhere and stopped them a few meters away.

The outdoor temperature is low, and Xiao Keer is wearing a white down jacket. Her dress is still cute, with a ball head tied, and the pink eye shadow and lip gloss make her look like a doll. But seeing the guitar in her hand, it is clear that she is not only cute in appearance, but also a talented girl.

People around kept calling Xiao Ke'er's name, and Xiao Ke'er nodded to them with a smile on her face. She looked around and found Liu Man who was pushed aside.

Xiao Ke'er's smile was even wider, and even her eyes were narrowed into crescent moons. She waved to Liu Man. Liu Man also smiled and waved at her.

The audience's perspective in the live broadcast room is Liu Man's perspective,

Wow, why do I feel like Xiao Ke'er is waving at us?

Although I was pretending to be affectionate, my heart was still pounding just now. Little Ke'er smiled at me, she is so cute.

The angle of the anchor is really perfect.

The male fans in Liu Man's live broadcast room all froze and left messages. Most of the nerds like cute little girls like Xiao Ke'er. Only the strange fat house boy is different, his persistent message,

I'm not very interested in Xiao Ke'er, I just like Miss Sister.

Liu Man didn't read the fans' messages, her attention was all on Xiao Ke'er.

Xiao Keer said to everyone, Thanks to the fans at the scene and the fans who are watching my live broadcast in front of the screen for their support. I am very happy to be here today and bring you a concert.

When the river wind blows at night, it is really cold. Xiao Keer spit out a lot of white air when speaking, and her hands are not wearing gloves, and they are already a little red from the cold.

Liu Man also felt cold. She stomped her feet, held the mobile phone in one hand, stuffed the other hand into her pocket to keep warm, and switched to the other hand later. The other spectators around were not afraid of the severe cold, and pointed their phones at Xiao Ke'er.

Xiao Ke'er didn't waste time, and quickly got to the point, starting with her first famous song. She still plays the guitar and sings, probably to ensure the effect of the outdoor performance, and there is an electronic pianist beside her, playing the piano to assist her.

Although her songs are ancient, they are easy to understand and catchy. As long as you listen to it a few times, you can sing it.

The fans around Xiao Keer were very excited. They sang along with Xiao Keer. When the song reached its climax, it was like a chorus of hundreds of people.

The beautiful singing can be heard from a long distance, and passers-by and tourists who don't know the reason are also curious to come over to see what's going on. The whole pedestrian street is instantly blocked.

At this time, the number of viewers in Xiao Keer's live broadcast room has reached 400,000+, and the number of viewers in Liu Man's live broadcast room is exactly one-twentieth of hers.

After singing five songs in a row, Xiao Keer took a break midway, drank a cup of hot water, and said to the fans, Everyone should have heard my new song Si Jun and watched the previous short video, right? About a month ago in the capital, I sang Si Jun for the first time in public, and a beautiful woman served as my background.

Xiao Ke'er paused for a moment, arousing everyone's curiosity. It was only a month later, and of course they still had an impression of that video, and the one that impressed them the most was at the end of the video. A girl who traveled from ancient times.

When Liu Man heard this, he already had a premonition in his heart, no wonder Xiao Keer invited her over.

And the audience in her live broadcast room were still puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, but most of them had seen that video and remembered that beauty. But no one associates Princess Qierman with beauty. Fans of Princess Qierman have a consensus-Princess Qierman is a very talented but ugly girl.

Today is very lucky, this beauty is also in Shanghai, and she is at the scene, in the crowd, right beside you, should we invite her out?

Xiao Keer playfully revealed a big surprise.

When people heard it, they immediately subconsciously looked at the people next to them.

Although Liu Man immediately lowered his head, he was still spotted, and someone exclaimed, Here she is! Here!

So everyone turned their eyes to look at it, like a kilowatt searchlight.

Everyone in the studio was stunned,

Eh? Why are everyone looking at this side? Is that beauty standing behind Miss Sister?

It should be, young lady is really lucky, you can meet celebrities wherever you stand.

Master anchor, quickly switch to the front camera. I want to see the beauty's real appearance. Your position can guarantee a close-up.

Yes, yes, young lady, hurry up and take a picture of the beauty. It's a rare opportunity at such a close distance, and it can attract more fans to pay attention to you.

At this moment, how could Liu Man be in the mood to read everyone's messages, everyone was paying attention to her, and the strong men in black specially evacuated a small path in front of her.

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