The former owner of Liu Man's body has been to Shanghai twice before, so she is not unfamiliar with Shanghai.

Professor Qiu was really kind to Liu Man, and she specially sent a driver to pick her up at the airport. You must know that some well-known stars don't get such good treatment.

The driver directly drove Liu Man to the hotel, and told her that the room was ready and the 20-day fee had been paid, so she could just stay there.

This hotel is very close to the city center. Although there is no star at the front desk, the decoration is all four-star, and the price of one night's accommodation is not low.

As soon as Liu Man packed her luggage in the room, Professor Qiu sent her a WeChat message asking her to come out and have lunch together.

When Liu Man went downstairs, the driver had already driven the car to the door.

The place to eat is not here, the driver drove her to a very private restaurant. The restaurant seems to be in an ordinary old residential area. From the simple appearance, Liu Man feels that this place is not like a restaurant at all.

Passed a narrow staircase to the second floor, met a heavy wooden door, Liu Man knocked on the door, and someone inside asked, Hello, who are you?

I'm Liu Man.

The door was opened from the inside, and a young man in a western-style dress bowed to Liu Man with a smile on his face, Ms. Liu, please come in.

When Liu Man entered, the waiter asked her to take off her coat, and she realized that there was something strange about this place. The first thing that hit her nostrils was the smell of high-end perfume. The floor was made of solid wood. Floral wallpaper, exquisite and retro decoration. At first glance, you can’t see any tables, chairs, or guests. There are six doors on both sides of the spacious corridor, and there are six boxes. Book in advance.

The waiter opened the box numbered 4,

Ms. Liu is here.

The people inside looked at Liu Man.

Seeing Tang Tu, Liu Man was very surprised.

Seeing her, Tang Tu was also surprised.

Tang Tu is still so handsome, even with a surprised expression. The environment is a little hot. He is only wearing a light purple shirt, sitting on a chair, with his left leg pressed on his right leg, and Erlang's leg is raised leisurely and cynically, a bit She doesn't have the airs of a celebrity either, probably because she trusts Professor Qiu so much that she dares to relax so much.

Qiu Jing noticed the two people's gazes and said with a smile, It seems that you should have known each other long ago without my introduction.

It's true that we've known each other for a long time, Tang Tu quickly covered up his emotions, and said with a smile, I didn't expect that 'Ji Ning' was my junior.

That's why I want you to have a meal together and get to know each other before the filming starts. Liu Man has never been exposed to acting before, so you can give her advice and help her for the sake of the same school.

Of course, it's fate to be able to act in a movie at the same time. Besides, we are still very familiar classmates. I will help with this, Tang Tu said with great loyalty.

Liu Man was puzzled, she felt that she was not familiar with Tang Tu.

Qiu Jing introduced to Liu Man again, Duan Nanfeng is played by Xiao Tang, and this role also requires some piano skills.

Liu Man was even more puzzled, Didn't he learn the violin?

Tang Tu couldn't help laughing, I can also play the piano. I took piano lessons as a minor when I was a freshman and sophomore. Don't you know that?

The whole school knows that Tang Tu can play both the violin and the piano, but the piano is an amateur and the violin is a major. The former Liu Man should have known about it, but now Liu Man has removed this irrelevant memory.

Tang Tu also wondered, who told him that Liu Man had been secretly in love with him before? He couldn't see a trace of love in her eyes, and those eyes were as flat as if he was a passerby.

What's more interesting is that Duan Nanfeng played by him has always had a crush on Ji Ning played by Liu Man.

Duan Nanfeng is the second male lead in the movie. He and Gu Qing are both classmates in Shanghai Higher Experimental High School. He is also a top student. Every exam, Duan Nanfeng always comes first and Gu Qing comes second. At that time, Gu Qing was called Wannian's second child by the students around him.

In addition to excellent grades, Duan Nanfeng and Gu Qing are more famous in school for their junior-level appearance. Duan Nanfeng has a stern appearance, because he comes from a scholarly family, he is a bit lofty and unreasonable; A handsome young man who loves sports, has a lively personality and has no airs, so everyone chooses him to be the class monitor.

Lu Qing always wanted to surpass Duan Nanfeng, he regarded Duan Nanfeng as his competitor, but he never passed him in the test. Duan Nanfeng's temperament is lighter, he never puts Gu Qing in his eyes, which makes Gu Qing's teeth itch even more.

He couldn't compare to others in terms of grades, so Lu Qing began to think of other ways.

Until his half-sister Ji Ning, who was only two months older than him, suddenly returned to China to join his father because his biological mother died in the United States.

When Gu Qing saw Ji Ning for the first time, he couldn't take his eyes away. Ji Ning was in his prime, with the most beautiful appearance, and he grew up abroad.

Father Ji Liguo contacted the teacher to ask Ji Ning to join his stepson Gu Qing's class.

It was also the first time seeing Ji Ning, Duan Nanfeng's usually calm face showed other expressions, he stared at Ji Ning, reluctant to look away for a long time.

And this scene made Gu Qing discover it.

He took advantage of living under the same roof, and managed to make Ji Ning fall in love with him with his sweet and courteous words. Duan Nanfeng was annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

In fact, Liu Man felt that Tang Tu's temperament did not match Duan Nanfeng's, but she didn't dare to say it, and sat obediently next to Qiu Jing. There were only the three of them in the whole private room. Qiu Jing pressed a bell on the table, and within a minute, a waiter came over with food, and soon the empty table was filled with food.

The portions of each dish are small, but the plates are large, and the side dishes are decorated fancy and delicate, which looks very expensive and high-end.

As expected of a restaurant in Shanghai, the details are full of petty bourgeoisie. Tang Tu picked up a fork inlaid with pearls and looked at it. I still prefer the feeling of eating meat in the north.

Qiu Jing rolled his eyes at him, Duan Nanfeng is a person who pursues style, not the foolish look like you.

Unexpectedly, Tang Tu suddenly sat up straight, Erlang's legs were put down, and his sitting posture was very upright. He still held the fork and the knife in the other hand, and skillfully cut off the steak, inserted a piece gracefully, and put it in In his mouth, he said lightly, I think Sir loin steak tastes better. The steak here is a bit bland. However, eating with the two of you also makes me feel very bland.

Tang Tu looked at Liu Man and Qiu Jing with a hint of disdain and hatred in his indifferent eyes.

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