Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 447: Overwhelmed by Cats

Is your family not helping?

When mentioning family members, Grandma Zhan's smile faded a lot. Ye Ziliang realized that he had asked the wrong question and apologized quickly.


That's it for this topic.

Later, Liu Man and the others learned about Grandma Zhan’s situation from Mao Yuchen. Grandma Zhan was not a lonely old man. Before she retired, she was a middle school biology teacher. She had a husband who was also a teacher. Her husband passed away many years ago. , the two have an only daughter, and Grandma Zhan has been adopting stray animals since her husband left.

However, Grandma Zhan's daughter is not a pet lover. She strongly disagrees with her mother's behavior and claims that her life has been seriously affected. Grandma Zhan was unmoved. Her daughter could not bear to live with stray cats and dogs. She applied to live in school by herself in middle school. After she got married and started a business, she decisively moved out.

Grandma Zhan’s 500-square-meter yard is divided into two parts, one is the cattery and the other is the doghouse. The cattery is afraid of the cold, so the cattery is built into a room with simple wooden boards and insulation boards. Grandma Zhan opened the door, and all the cats inside rushed over, screaming meow meow meow.

Liu Man had never seen so many cats gathered in a pile, densely packed, surprised, but also felt cute, she asked Grandma Zhan, How many cats are there in total?

There are 406 in the wooden house, and there are 37 in my house, the old man said, touching one and hugging the other, as if treating his own children. She takes good care of the cat, which at first glance has a bright coat.

After soothing the cat, the old man walked to the corner of the room, came over with a plate of stainless steel, and placed it neatly on the ground, she said to Yu Zhan, Young man, please help me pour the food in the bucket into these bowls separately.

Yu Zhan did as he did. He didn't know if it was because the cats smelled the smell of food, or because Yu Zhan was attracted to small animals. All these cats rushed towards him, making him feel overwhelmed by cats and at a loss.

Grandma Zhan was amazed, My cats are very afraid of strangers, and it is rare to see them defenseless against strangers.

A cat jumped onto Yu Zhan's shoulder. Yu Zhan hugged it with a smile, and his movements were very gentle. Mao Yuchen looked at this scene, his eyes glowed, and he thought that he was indeed Doctor Yu. I couldn't help taking a photo with my phone.

Now, Grandma Zhan has completely let go of her defenses. She firmly believes that small animals have the ability to distinguish character. People they don't like are not necessarily bad people, but people they all like must be good people.

Opposite the cattery is the kennel. The old man made a gate with barbed wire to lock the dogs.

Grandma Zhan told them that she has nearly 600 dogs in total.

Ye Ziliang was surprised, There are so many animals, how can you take care of them by yourself?

There are volunteers coming to help on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. They will come later. Usually, I can support myself. These little animals are very sensible.

Ye Ziliang admires Grandma Zhan, he thinks this old man is a superman, The Association for the Protection of Stray Pets only raises a thousand or so small animals, and you have thousands of them here. They have more than a dozen people to take care of the animals. Including volunteers.

Those people are all salaried employees, and their place doesn't accept all animals. Some severely disabled or seriously ill are usually sent directly to the pet hospital for euthanasia, Grandma Zhan said, yelling Snow.

Then a snow-white Samoyed ran over from the group of dogs, its hind legs were not very good, and it was limping,

I picked up Baixue last winter. It was very cold that winter. Someone knocked on the door and told me that a dog was frozen on the nearby lake. When I rushed over, a few kind-hearted passers-by had already knocked the ice off its legs. , Passers-by drove me and took the dog to the pet hospital together. I spent 20,000 yuan to barely keep its legs. Although it was disabled, it could walk on its own anyway.”

The passer-by told me that before I came, he called the Association for the Protection of Stray Pets for help. When they heard that the dog was frozen like this, they suggested not to save it.

Because they know in their hearts that it will cost a lot of money to rescue a frostbitten dog, and they may not be able to save it, and they are not willing to pay the money.

Liu Man looked at the coquettish Bai Xue next to Grandma Zhan's hand. Its big white tail was beautiful. From its lively and cheerful appearance, it was hard to imagine that it had experienced such hardships.

Ye Ziliang remembered what the head of the association said about public welfare organization and non-profit organization. Groups like them are reluctant to spend money to treat dogs. Grandma Zhan is willing to spend 20,000 yuan on a stray dog?

Is she a rich woman?

But it doesn't look like her plain dress.

On the way back, Ye Ziliang couldn't help asking Mao Yuchen if Grandma Zhan was rich.

Mao Yuchen said that Grandma Zhan's family is indeed well-off. She herself has a senior title and a relatively high pension, about seven or eight thousand yuan, but she is a little richer than ordinary people and has nothing to do with rich women. For small animals, she sold her house and moved, exhausted all her savings, and used all her monthly pension to buy food for animals.

I have eaten with her a few times before. Her three meals a day are potatoes, pickles, and steamed buns. She said that the elderly have a poor appetite and have no good food. They can't eat well.

Her daughter has such a bad opinion of her, and I think a big part of it is that she spends all her money on animals and leaves nothing for her.

I feel that her life is much more difficult than before. I remember that there is a TV in her house. I didn't see it when I went in just now. When I asked her, she said she sold it, but second-hand TVs are not worth much now.

The more Mao Yuchen talked, the more worried she was for Grandma Zhan. She hadn't been here this year, and she felt that Grandma Zhan looked much older than last year.

Liu Man asked Mao Yuchen, Can her small animals be adopted?

It's possible to adopt, but there are very few people who come to Grandma Zhan to adopt animals. Most of them go to the Stray Pet Protection Association. They think it's legal and safe there. And some people don't like native cats and dogs. However, most of the small animals adopted by Grandma Zhan are native cats and dogs, which are definitely not as pleasing as the breeds of cats and dogs, and the few breeds of cats and dogs are all disabled, and no one wants them.

After listening to it, Liu Man fell into deep thought. She considered changing the theme of the documentary.

The third one is done~

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