Three days after Liu Man came back, he learned that Zhang Pei and Liu Chengyu had officially divorced. On October 8, the first morning of the end of the long vacation, the two of them couldn't wait to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a divorce certificate together. They used to be the same when they got their marriage certificate, full of irony.

Zhang Pei told Liu Man that she and Liu Chengyu divorced peacefully and did not quarrel. The two quietly signed a divorce agreement. She also said that Liu Man's previous things had been moved out and put in her rental house, so that she could come over and take everything that could be used to her own residence.

Liu Man frowned. It was obvious that the house belonged to Liu Chengyu, so Zhang Pei walked away with the things. She asked Zhang Pei how the 2 million loan was handled.

Zhang Pei said, You don't need to worry about the loan in the future, I'll pay it back myself.

Why does the house belong to Liu Chengyu, but Zhang Peilai is responsible for the debt? Okay, why did Liu Chengyu take all the things that are good for him? Liu Man was indignant, but the moment he saw Zhang Pei's eyes, he suddenly sobered up.

The reason is her!

Zhang Pei is protecting her!

The next day, Liu Man transferred 1.8 million to Zhang Pei's bank account.

In the calligraphy auction, she finally got 1.29 million, including the grant that Wu Qu later entrusted to her from the auction company, and the salary for participating in Autumn Moon in the Han Palace was 400,000. Huaguang Media is different from Xinghe Film and Television. At the end of the shooting, Liu Mann received the 400,000 yuan, plus other miscellaneous income, she had a total of 1.8 million yuan, and she transferred all the money to Zhang Pei.

After transferring the account, she sent a WeChat message to Zhang Pei, You can use this money to pay off the bank loan first, so that our burden will be much lighter in the future.

However, after Zhang Pei received the money, plus all his income during this period, he made up 2 million and transferred it directly to Yu Zhan's account.

Yu Zhan quickly replied, Received: 2 million.

Zhang Pei's idea is very simple, the debt of favor must be repaid first, and as for the bank's money, it can be delayed as long as it can!

Yu Zhan's old pet hospital has quietly reopened on October 1st. Even if it is so low-key, his fans still know the news in advance, and there is a long queue at the door immediately. There are pets. Those who bring pets to see a doctor, those who do not have pets come to watch.

However, they were disappointed to find that Yu Zhan never showed up. Some people came here every day for a seven-day holiday, hoping to meet Yu Zhan, but they only saw a middle-aged veterinarian and two female nurses. These three people are all employees recruited by Yu Zhanxin.

Yu Zhan originally planned to recruit three veterinarians. His job advertisement was very simple, and he could apply for the job with two years of work experience, but he set very strict conditions in his mind.

He interviewed 20 or 30 people, and none of them met his requirements. In the end, he had to choose this middle-aged uncle, and it was decided before he went to Hong Kong.

Uncle Cui, forty-five years old, has worked in the veterinary industry for more than 20 years and has quite a wealth of practical experience. He has worked in major pet hospitals in the capital. Before joining Yu Zhan, he was Fuxin Pet The veterinarian at the hospital, yes, the same pet hospital that used to instruct people to come and make trouble.

Therefore, Yu Zhancai has been hesitant to decide whether to hire this person. He is worried that Uncle Cui, like the veterinarian Du Jie, is a spy sent by the enemy.

He interviewed Uncle Cui three times before finally confirming that Uncle Cui only recognized money, not the boss.

Uncle Cui submitted his resume as soon as he saw Yu Zhan's job advertisement on the Internet. During the first interview, he asked Yu Zhan how much he could pay for an old veterinarian with more than 20 years of work experience like himself.

Yu Zhan said, 30,000 to 40,000, depending on the actual work ability.

With such a high salary, Uncle Cui made up his mind to change jobs. After the first interview, Yu Zhan never contacted him again. Instead, he called Yu Zhan several times and asked for another interview.

In the second interview, Uncle Cui expressed his stance to Yu Zhan. He said that he had seen Cute Pet Hospital 2. He knew about the conflict between Yu Zhan and Fuxin Pet Hospital. Unfamiliar, just take money to eat.

In the third interview, Yu Zhan asked Uncle Cui what he thought of his behavior in the documentary that exposed the unspoken rules of the industry.

Uncle Cui struggled for a long time before answering, Let me be honest. At first, like other veterinarians, I was very disgusted with you because you were ruining our jobs. I heard that you came back from studying abroad, so you may not know much about China. In the operation mode of the pet hospital, the boss sets us a very low base salary, and everyone takes a commission.

Take the example you said in the documentary, a dangerous pet car accident amputation operation will cost at least 15,000 yuan, and the cost of checking the medicine and equipment will only be 2,000, and the remaining 13,000, we only We can draw 20%, and the rest is taken away by the boss. That is to say, we were exhausted after a four-to-five-hour major operation, and finally we could barely get 3,000 yuan. But like this Surgery does not happen every day. Most pets’ conditions are not life-threatening, and each treatment costs a few hundred dollars. Our commission may only be a few dozen dollars. Large hospitals have a large number of doctors and competition is great. , After a month, a better veterinarian can earn a monthly salary of more than 20,000 yuan, even if it is very high.

Later, I read your Weibo and contacted you, and I found out that there are pet hospital owners who don't focus on money. You said those industry secrets in the documentary, not for the sake of getting famous and wanting to be famous. Instead, stand in the position of the pet owner and consider every sick pet. To be honest, I feel very ashamed. I have seen countless small animals, but I have never had such a noble idea as you. I really just want to Just earning money to support the family and paying the mortgage.”

The ancients visited the cottage three times, Uncle Cui asked for interviews three times, and finally moved Yu Zhan. Yu Zhan also fulfilled his wish of I just want to make money and offered him a monthly salary of 35,000 yuan to be in charge of the old pet hospital. operation.

The other two nurses, one male and one female, were also carefully selected by Yu Zhan. The male nurse, Xiao Mu, used to be a zoo keeper. Like Yu Zhan, he has his own aura that attracts small animals.

The female nurse Xiao Yuan used to be a veterinary assistant. She has three years of work experience in this industry. She was the first employee Yu Zhan decided to hire. As early as September, Yu Zhan signed a labor contract with her, so she did nothing. , took a month's salary.

Even if Yu Zhan was not present at the old pet hospital, there was still an endless stream of owners who brought their pets to see the doctor. Yu Zhan has to be busy with a lot of things, the most important thing is the shooting of Cute Pet Hospital 3 and 4.

The third is more done~

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