Zhang Pei was very concerned about buying a warehouse. After returning to the capital, she immediately contacted the landlord, Boss Wu, and said that she wanted to buy his old factory.

Boss Wu was overjoyed and couldn't ask for it. He had long wanted to sell this hot potato.

He said to Zhang Pei, I don't make any money from you either, I will sell you for 8 million without counter-offering!

When he was renting the house, Boss Wu was forced to retreat step by step by Liu Man's counter-offer. One price.

When the state-owned factory went bankrupt and liquidated, Boss Wu spent 5 million to take over. He originally expected to do business by himself, but the location was too remote, so he could only rent it cheaply to businessmen from other places to open a small factory to earn some rent.

Over the years, he has not made a lot of money himself, and even set up 5 million to go in. He wants to sell the dilapidated factory building, but no one wants it. He wants to convert it into a house for other purposes, but the government does not approve it. All green.

Since someone took the initiative to be the pick-up man, why did he hesitate, and he just needed money urgently recently, I can show you the contract I signed at the beginning. It was bought in black and white for 5 million. It's been more than ten years. Look at the capital's housing prices. How many times it is, we are biased here, but it is also the boundary of the capital. The price of the surrounding housing has risen, and the price of the surrounding houses has risen to 40,000 to 50,000 yuan per square meter. I only want you 3 million more, because we are friends. , it's a super friendly price! I really don't talk about a dime. As long as you give me the money, I will go to the house with you immediately, but I only need cash!

Zhang Pei originally wanted to find out the price first, but 8 million was about the same as what she expected. Boss Wu should be sincere and want to sell it, and he didn't play with those fancy things.

The problem was so much cash, she couldn't get it out. Then again, even if it's a loan, she can't get it. She already has a mortgage of 2 million yuan on her back, unless Liu Man takes a loan in her own name or in the name of the company. But Liu Man was far away in the ancient capital, and she didn't know if it would be too late when she came back.

Zhang Pei had to tell Boss Wu that she should think about it first.

Unexpectedly, the next day, Boss Wu called her and asked her to bring her documents and go to the house with him.

Zhang Pei thought that Boss Wu hadn't woken up, What household? I didn't even pay!

Hey, don't you know? Your son-in-law called me all the money, Boss Wu's voice was very happy, I'm driving, I'll be at your place soon, and pick you up for a walk.

Zhang Pei was stunned,

son in law?

Her daughter is not married yet, where is her son-in-law? !

Unless this person is Yu Zhan, it can only be Yu Zhan, because only the two of them know about the purchase of the warehouse, and she has not told Liu Man yet.

Zhang Pei immediately called Yu Zhan to verify.

She can no longer treat him as an ordinary pet store owner. 8 million is paid in one go. Such a large amount of money is simply not something ordinary people can do.

That's right, I paid, Yu Zhan said. Time waits for no one. I'm worried that when you get the money together, the price will go up. Anyway, 8 million is not much, so I'll pay it for you first.

This... Zhang Pei was speechless at Yu Zhan's relaxed tone, 8 million, not much? She was uneasy, Yu Zhan was just her daughter's boyfriend, how could she just let him pay the 8 million.

Yu Zhan seemed to know her entanglement. He said, First of all, let me make it clear that I lent you this money. You can send me an IOU, and I will come and get it in the afternoon.

Hearing his brother's clear account tone, Zhang Pei was relieved, Okay, I'll write an IOU for you right away, and calculate the interest according to the bank's interest rate, okay?

All right! By the way, don't tell Manman about this.

I know that she's so busy, and I don't want her to worry about too much. I'll help her do everything that should be shared.

The two happily reached an agreement, and Yu Zhan became Zhang Pei's big creditor.

That afternoon, Zhang Pei successfully transferred the ownership of the warehouse to the company's name. At the same time, she also had an IOU in her hand. This IOU was written in her own name to borrow 8 million from Yu Zhan, plus her The bank mortgage loan is equivalent to her carrying nearly 10 million foreign debts.

After completing the transfer, it was followed by the 11th holiday, and everyone was on holiday. Liu Chengyu suddenly called Zhang Pei and asked her to come back to talk about the divorce.

Zhang Pei could not ask for it.

After she asked Liu Chengyu for a divorce, he reacted negatively and never responded. Sun Yiyi helped Zhang Pei to call him, but he didn't answer it.

During this time, Sun Yiyi has helped Zhang Pei to draft the divorce agreement and sorted out the common property of her and Liu Chengyu. Zhang Pei put all these materials into a file bag and returned to her former home.

She opened the door with her own key, and there was a musty and rotten stench on her face, and the shoes at the entrance of the porch were in a mess.

This is indeed Liu Chengyu's style. He doesn't like to put things in order, or expects Zhang Pei to help her organize things. There is no hostess in the house, and the once clean and tidy home has become a mess.

Liu Chengyu sat on the sofa, watched her come in, saw her short hair at a glance, and said with disgust, Why do you cut your hair so short, it's ugly.

I like it, it has nothing to do with you, Zhang Pei said indifferently.

When Liu Chengyu pursued her back then, he said he liked her long hair, so for more than 20 years, she has kept long hair. She had several impulses to cut it short, but Liu Chengyu stopped him. He said, Women have short hair. Ugly to death, with such a momentary expression.

It's great now, she can cut whatever hairstyle she wants, without questioning and listening to anyone's opinion.

Zhang Pei didn't want to talk nonsense with Liu Chengyu, and put the divorce papers directly on the coffee table, Look at it, and sign it if there is no problem.

Liu Chengyu didn't move, staring at her, For an outsider, you really don't even want this home?

She's not an outsider, she's my daughter, Zhang Pei emphasized in a serious tone, The night you killed Wang Chunhua while drunk driving, our home was gone.

For the first time, Zhang Pei mentioned the name Wang Chunhua in front of Liu Chengyu, and it really touched Liu Chengyu.

He still remembered Wang Chunhua lying in front of his car with blood on his face, trying his best to keep his eyes open, even if he still had a breath left, he had to try his best to see him clearly.

He was the last person Wang Chunhua saw before his death. When he sent Wang Chunhua to the hospital, Wang Chunhua died with his eyes open.

Liu Chengyu became flustered inexplicably, and he quickly opened the folder. In addition to the divorce agreement, there is also a property list.

The common property of the two of them is only the house that is valuable.

He asked Zhang Pei, how is the house divided?

There should only be two shifts today, and my head is still dizzy. If there is a typo, let me know, the second one will be later. Trying to get back to normal updates tomorrow.

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