Liu Man was also taken aback, and immediately stood up. Wu Qu looked at her and smiled. His face, which had just recovered from a serious illness, was still a little pale, but his smile was very warm, and his somewhat rigid facial features became pale. It softened a lot, Friends who watched the live broadcast of the calligraphy exhibition on the day should remember that I wrote Golden House Cangjiao with rice paper, which was exchanged by Liu Man for me. Without her generous rescue, there would be no Golden House Cangjiao. I am even less qualified to appear in this auction, I am very grateful to her! She deserves it!

After he finished speaking, the audience burst into warm applause.

Liu Man stared blankly at Wu Qu with a determined face. He knew that she would definitely not agree to the gift he gave her in private, so he asked everyone to bear witness for him, leaving no room for her to refuse.

Zhou Buyi also praised in his heart, Brother Ang is very interesting!

Wu Qu quit his job for the calligraphy exhibition before, and his life was very tight. He didn't even have 200,000 in his savings! Now that he has a certificate from the Calligraphy Association and a worth recognized by the auction, he doesn't need to go out to find a job. Several units have even offered him an olive branch and invited him to work. The price of 200,000 is only a few words, Wu Qu is very confident that his other works can also be sold for more than 200,000. But Liu Man's help to him cannot be measured by money, and he also wanted to express his gratitude to her in this way.

An auction, one after another, is even more exciting than a movie. The people who eat melons on the Internet are very happy and very moved.

Is this Wu Qu one of the victims of the attack on the calligrapher in the ancient capital?

Yes, Liu Man was kidnapped by that bad guy when he was visiting him in the hospital.

He has a noble character and knows how to repay his kindness.

Yeah, no matter how much you say thank you, it's not as sincere as your actual actions.

Brother, remember this guy. If he has new works coming out in the future, I'll be the first to buy them.

I counted Liu Man's total income from today's auction, and it probably exceeds 1.5 million.

No, but after deducting miscellaneous expenses and Wu Qu's gift, it is estimated that there are 1.2 million.


Does it mean that we will no longer be able to afford the calligraphy of the princess?

You're telling the truth!

This is only for dicks like me, the local tyrants can do whatever they want.


On the night after the auction ended, Liu Man took the last flight and rushed back to the ancient capital, not even attending the banquet held by the auction company.

At 11:30 in the evening, she arrived at Gudu Airport, and Miao Xiaomei, who had learned the news in advance, was already waiting for her at the airport.

The next day, Liu Man appeared in the crew on time, and all the staff and actors paid attention to her, as if looking up to the boss.

Isn't she a big boss? Just write a few words and you can sell six or seven hundred thousand! It's much easier than filming.

As soon as Lin Zhi saw her, he smiled and said, Come on, can you help me write a picture?

Tian Yafu heard it, curled his lips, You're pretty good at taking advantage.

I didn't say I wouldn't pay! Lin Zhi said unkindly to his old friend, then turned his head and said kindly to Liu Man, Little Man, for the sake of our relationship, I'll give you a discount.

Liu Man pursed his lips and smiled, I'll give you one.

This is so embarrassing, Lin Zhi said, but in fact he was overjoyed, and he was just waiting for Liu Man's words.

Wang Xiangqin had just arrived on the set when he heard Liu Man's words, Hey, my daughter, don't forget your father!

Even Jiang Lin ran over when she heard the words, I want to beg your calligraphy too!!!

Tian Yafu was contemptuous in his heart. Why did these successful people who usually put on airs in front of the media screen suddenly become so thick-skinned?

The most exaggerated thing is that Li Sitong, who is usually staid and reticent, also joined in the fun, Great talented girl, I am your queen mother, you can't treat one more favorably than another.

Liu Man smiled, and agreed to all of them with a very good temper!

Now, Tian Yafu couldn't take it anymore!

He has a full sense of justice... He also joined the ranks of asking for words...

In the end, among the main creators and leading actors, only Tang Tu did not join in the fun, because he had already bought...

He looked at the girl who was surrounded by everyone, smiling brightly and confidently, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

The real information of the buyers who bought Liu Man's three works is kept secret by the auction company. Even Liu Man doesn't know who bought her works. Of course, Yu Zhan is an exception. Because the auction company is like an intermediary, if both buyers and sellers know each other, and everyone bypasses them for transactions in the future, how can they make money?

One day has passed, and the enthusiasm for various discussions on this auction on the Internet has not diminished in the slightest. Everyone is very curious about which two local tyrants bought Liu Man's last two works, and also curious why He Lushen suddenly stopped. Bid, and leave halfway!

Many fans left messages on Yu Zhan’s Weibo and asked him why he only bought that table and had no interest in Liu Man’s other works. He didn’t even hold up the sign. Is it really just to help his girlfriend? ?

Yu Zhan posted a special Weibo for this very seriously, summarizing in one sentence: No Xie is a token of love engraved by Man Man.

It turns out that the great god called the goddess 'Manman' in private! (Secret joy)

Huh? Although Liu Man's engraved sentences are in classical Chinese and seal characters, I have studied them carefully for a long time, but I still don't see any relationship with 'love'?

Upstairs is too serious. You can control the flirting between lovers?

Anyway, it's a very expensive 'Love Token'!


Liu Man also posted a Weibo immediately after returning to the crew, The vacation is over, let's continue to work! The picture is a group photo of her with the director, screenwriter and several leading actors. On her left is Lin Zhi, on the right is Tian Yafu, and Wang Xiangqin is standing Behind her, she compared a pair of antlers on her head with both hands, cute, Jiang Lin and Li Sitong stood next to Wang Xiangqin, and Tang Tu stood next to Lin Zhi, everyone looked very happy joy.

Hahaha, everyone is so happy.

Uncle Qin is too funny.

I thought Li Sitong would only scare people with a straight face, but it turns out that she is quite kind when she smiles.

She is a professional bad queen. I happened to be re-watching her drama these two days. This photo looks like a real drama.

Tang Tu stands so far away from Liu Man, I'm upset.

The Liu Tang cp fans upstairs pay attention to their tone of voice, and just say something unrealistic in your heart.


At the same time, all the people in the photo also posted the photo on their Weibo, with captions like: Welcome Xiaoman back to the team, Our talented girl is back! and so on.

Second update~

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