Liu Man felt very troublesome. If she bid too little for the expected price, wouldn’t it mean that she was not confident in herself, would leave a bad impression on the auction company, and would also affect the pricing of her future works. If she bid too much, it would be It may not be sold at all, which will affect her pricing even more.

The staff saw that she was in trouble, and smiled. Many novice sellers reacted like this. He took out a document and said to Liu Man, There is still plenty of time. You can think about it slowly. Fill in the expected price here and sign your name, don't be nervous, I'll wait for you outside.

After speaking, he left the room and closed the door intimately.

Liu Man checked the recent transaction prices of works by other young calligraphers and painters on the Internet with his mobile phone. Some of them were less than 100,000 yuan, and they got more than 2 million yuan.

A work of art is different from a house or a car. Its value is intangible. If everyone thinks it is valuable, it can be expensive, but if no one cares about it, it is worthless. These have a lot to do with the artist's own artistic level and luck. This is why Van Gogh died of poverty, while Picasso died of wealth.

How to value a work of art is indeed a very difficult thing.

Liu Man thought twice and wrote down three prices of 500,000, 450,000, and 200,000 on the document.

After finishing these things, Liu Man saw that Zhou Buyi and Wu Qu were already waiting outside, so she hurriedly asked them what the expected price was.

Since Zhou Buyi's best work The Western Regions was collected by the State Banquet Hall, only two of his works were auctioned, and his prices were 250,000 and 350,000 respectively.

And Wu Qu also auctioned two works, because he didn't write Yunyang Ding in the retest. He felt that the Will Enter the Wine that was added later was not well written, so he voluntarily asked not to auction it. He told Liu Man that his prices were 150,000 and 200,000 respectively.

After such a comparison, Liu Man suddenly felt that his price was too high!

I don't think it's high, you write less, your reputation is here, and your fans will not let you down, Zhou Buyi said with a smile, Last night, I discussed this with my Anglo brother in the hotel. matter, we agree that you will get rich today!

He put one hand on Liu Man's shoulder, and said earnestly, If you are rich, don't forget each other!

Liu Man: ...

The staff of the auction company hadn't gone far. Hearing the content of the chat between the three of them, he was very surprised. The expected price is each seller's hole card, and he will not tell others easily. Most people will be vague. It's good for these three people, they are obviously competitors, but each of them is outspoken, afraid that the other party doesn't know their own psychological value, and they discuss it in a serious way, this is too harmonious! He is also drunk!

Zhou Buyi smiled and said to Liu Man and Wu Qu, Let's take a group photo and keep a souvenir of myself before getting rich!

Both Liu Man and Wu Qu were happy, and Liu Man smiled and said yes.

Wu Qu said with a smile, It's as if after the auction, we have all transformed into gorgeous ones, and we won't grow superhuman.

Zhou Buyi gave the mobile phone to the stunned staff member and asked him to help take pictures. The three stood together, Liu Man stood in the middle, Zhou Buyi and Wu Qu stood on either side of her,

Come, come, Cheese.

The three mouths opened the same arc at the same time, smiling happily, and the person taking the photo also felt happy.

Zhou Buyi took a photo of the photo and posted it on his Weibo, with the text: The auction will start in the afternoon. I hope everyone will like the works of the three of us!

Liu Man reposted Zhou Buyi's Weibo, and some of her fans didn't know until now that her work was going to be auctioned!

For such a big matter, the princess didn't say anything in advance. She insisted on notifying everyone until the shit reached the gate of the chrysanthemum. I wanted to go to the auction to support you, but it was too late.

Upstairs is disgusting, I'm having lunch!

It can be quoted by phone, and the effect is the same as on the spot.

However, you need to register in advance. The deadline has passed now. The princess is too low-key.

The auction information of Liu Man's calligraphy works has been available online for a long time. If you pay attention, you can find the time and place on the official website of the auction company. You can also register the buyer's information online with your real name. I am a fake fan. Feel free to blame her instead!

Auction or something, it sounds very tall, I just wait for the poor to watch silently.

There is only one word for this elegant thing, expensive!

Can I say, I want to buy my little brother's work... I really like his cursive script.


Zhou Buyi himself has a certain fan base, and his fans also leave messages saying they want to buy his works, so Zhou Buyi cunningly left the official phone number of the auction on Weibo, and said to call this number when the time comes , You can trade directly by phone.

Wu Qu's attention is a little less, but some people still remember him. Fans of his works are usually men in their forties. When they saw that he was able to take photos with two young people without incident, they left messages and expressed their gratitude. Concern and best wishes for his health.

The three of them went to the restaurant of the hotel for dinner, Yu Zhan was late, he was busy in Mao Yuchen's rental community in the morning, and when Mao Yuchen moved, he helped her move the cat.

It is not an easy task to catch seven adult stray cats and let them enter the cage obediently, even Mao Yuchen, who is half of their owner, can't do it. Yu Zhan anticipated this problem in advance, so he took the initiative to take this task on himself.

He brought some cat food, and stopped at the place where stray cats often stay. After a while, seven cats came from different places, walking around tentatively. This scene made Mao Yuchen feel amazing, and shared the apartment with her. My roommate was itchy and wanted to feed the cats, but the seven cats ignored her at all, and other residents in the community couldn't get close to them. As long as there were strangers' footsteps, they would disappear in an instant.

But he is also a stranger, Yu Zhan seems to have a natural affinity for small animals. The cat not only ate his cat food, but also walked around him, sticking his head to his trousers. Yu Zhan casually lured the seven cats into the cage obediently. Mao Yuchen was amazed. She had never been to a pet hospital, so she didn't know if this special ability was a must-have skill for all veterinarians. Anyway, in her heart, Yu Zhan's status as a great god is irreplaceable.

Yu Zhan sent the stray cats to the new warehouse, and Zhang Pei also wanted to come to the city to watch Liu Man's auction, but he couldn't get away because Mao Yuchen was moving here, and she wanted to help her tidy up the house.

Not long after Yu Zhan arrived, Professor Su and Principal Fang, who came to the auction to support Liu Man, also came to the restaurant.


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