Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 399: Outstanding Performance

Then it was Yang Huayue's turn to audition, and Yan Tong asked her to act out the scene where Princess Xingping begged her father not to send her to make a kiss.

Yang Huayue brewed her emotions for a while, looked at the air on one side, as if there was a person there, tears welled up in her eyes, she said to the air,

Father, I can't figure it out. How did it become me instead of the eldest princess to get married? You know what a vicious and vicious person Mao Dundan is. He killed his father and mother, and he didn't even spare his brothers and sisters. This person died Conscience... She lowered her eyes to hide the surging emotions in her eyes, only tears fell one by one,

You actually have the heart to go along with the emperor's will. The emperor knows how to love his own daughter, why don't you show any kindness to me? You are driving me to a dead end.

The most basic skill of being an actor is to be able to enter the play no matter when and where, even if there are crowds around, or the lines are embarrassing, you can still perform calmly, as if you feel empathy.

Yang Huayue herself has excellent acting skills. Her lines are well-spoken and full of emotion. She belongs to the standard academic school. Her posture and demeanor are very similar to ancient women, and her tears come as soon as they are said, which is very real. Just a vibrato with her crying voice can easily arouse people's emotions, and Yan Tong can't help but think of the scene in the script. picture.

Yan Tong was suddenly entrusted with a heavy responsibility by He Lushen. He had just taken over the job not long ago, and he had only roughly read the script twice. He hadn't had time to conceive how to make this movie.

Yang Huayue's performance moved his heart, and he felt that Princess Xingping should feel this way.

Although Yan Tong is a third-rate TV drama director, he also has basic director qualities and can easily tell who is a good actor from body movements and facial expressions.

And Yang Huayue is a good actor!

His fingers tapped on the table involuntarily, and he felt tricky and embarrassed. He didn't get a good night's sleep for the past two days because of the actor's affairs. After signing the director's contract, he realized why other directors didn't accept good scripts, and it would be his turn. Sure enough, pies will not fall out of thin air.

All the main male characters are related households, involving the interests of all parties, that's all. The only female protagonist is like a hot potato. On the first day, a shareholder of Huaguang Media called him personally and asked him to put The role was given to Feng Qingyu.

Yan Tong is a very cowardly person, timid and afraid of getting into trouble, otherwise he wouldn't have been a director for so many years, but he didn't even have a masterpiece that could be done.

Fearing the other party's power, he agreed, but only a day later, he received another call from He Lushen, appointing Fu Feiqian to play the leading role.

Yan Tong wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn't dare to offend the shareholders, let alone He Lushen. In order to protect himself, he thought of this method of public audition.

Let Feng Qingyu and Fu Feiqian compete with each other with their acting skills. He will serve neither of them. In the end, no one can blame him for the heroine. He Lushen also approved of his approach, because compared to Fu Feiqian's acting skills, Feng Qingyu would definitely lose.

Moreover, Yan Tong felt that He Lushen's attitude towards Fu Feiqian was very strange. He obviously hated her very much, but asked himself to treat her well? !

Therefore, Yan Tong told Yang Huayue, Chu Yu and other actresses to come to the audition, and he was indeed playing tricks on them. He didn't think there was any problem with what he did. In fact, not to mention the entertainment industry, many companies in the society recruited and called a large group of applicants to come for interviews.

I just didn't expect Yang Huayue's performance to be so good. It can be seen that she has studied the script and worked hard. She really regards this audition as a serious matter and is preparing for it.

Yan Tong couldn't bear it, he liked Yang Huayue's performance very much.

He whispered a few words to the assistant director beside him, and the assistant director said, Yang Huayue is definitely not good, she has a very low reputation among the audience now.

Yan Tong has watched Listen, the Voice of the Wind, and there are only two characters that impress him most, one is Ji Ning and the other is Ji An. Yang Huayue's villain is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After thinking about it, he also felt that Yang Huayue was not suitable.

Yang Huayue could understand Yan Tong's expression, knowing that she was completely lost, she looked a little sad, returned to her seat, and Chu Yu, who was not far from her, glanced at her.

It was Feng Qingyu's next turn.

By the time the cutscene came here, Yan Tong was already feeling bored. Feng Qingyu's acting skills were well known, he didn't bother to think about any plots and scenarios, and directly asked Feng Qingyu to re-act the scene that Yang Huayue just performed in her own way.

With the sponsor's guarantee, Feng Qingyu thought that the heroine must be hers before she came. She thought she was just here to say hello to the director. She made a mistake that Fu Feiqian had made before - she didn't read the script carefully.

She usually has a very busy schedule, and it is impossible and unwilling to memorize this line like Yang Huayue. She can't even remember the context of this episode clearly, so she has to imitate Yang Huayue's performance.

Before getting up, Feng Qingyu rubbed her eyes deliberately, then walked to the center of the room, lowered her head, as if she was weeping silently, and then began to recite the lines dryly, she couldn't remember some parts clearly, so she added whatever she wanted Or reduce the wording, the donkey's head is wrong with the horse's mouth, and the feelings and artistic conception have completely changed.

A wave of embarrassment immediately pervaded, just as netizens concluded, even in the crying scene, Feng Qingyu was holding her mouth, tilting her head, and brushing her hair, without missing any of the three actions.

Fu Feiqian looked at Feng Qingyu like a donkey, is this kind of woman worthy of competing with her?

Yang Huayue has already experienced Feng Qingyu's embarrassing acting skills in The Wind. Now that the old scene reappears, she is no longer surprised. She just finds it ironic that such a person can still have good film appointments, but she has no film. But after filming, she realized that in the entertainment industry, without Gao Jindong's help, she was nothing. Good scripts and good resources belonged to others, and she was reduced to begging for a role from a third-rate director.

The corners of Chu Yu's mouth curled up, as if watching a good show.

Yan Tong and the assistant director couldn't bear to look directly at Feng Qingyu's performance, all the students from the Film Academy performed better than her! She was able to get to this level of popularity all because of her good looks and figure and the money from her patrons.

Feng Qingyu also knew that she was embarrassing. After the performance, she returned to her seat without saying a word. She was about to explode in anger. She knew very well that she had no chance with the heroine.

She took out her mobile phone and wanted to ask the benefactor what was going on. The information was edited, but she dared not post it. The benefactor said, don't take the initiative to contact him on weekdays, this is the tragedy of a mistress.


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