Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 391 It's Not Easy

War North Wind...

Liu Man thought about it. She heard Tian Yafu mention the plot of this movie in the crew. The screenwriter of War in the North Wind is Tian Yafu's colleague, older than him, and the ace screenwriter of Huaguang Media.

Han Palace Autumn Moon takes place in the late Western Han Dynasty, while Battle of the North Wind tells the story of the famous Baideng Battle that took place in the early Western Han Dynasty - Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, was besieged by the Xiongnu on Mount Baideng for seven days and seven nights.

This is a very famous and classic battle in history. Because Baideng Mountain is in the north, the Battle of Baideng took place in the middle of winter, with severe wind and snow, and the soldiers of the Western Han Dynasty were not used to living in the north. Many people were frozen in the seven days. He died of frostbite, so the screenwriter named it Battle of the North Wind.

When Tian Yafu talked about Warning the North Wind, he said with a smile that it was a purely male drama, and almost all the main characters were men, such as Liu Bang, Han Wangxin, Fan Kuai, Xiongnu Shanyu, Xia Houying...

The women are all small supporting roles. The concubines, maids, and even Empress Lu all have only a few scenes, which are almost like a sideshow. The only character with more roles is a princess who appeared in the second half of the movie.

According to the plot, after Liu Bang narrowly won this battle, in order to recuperate, he adopted the suggestion of his courtiers to marry the eldest princess and make peace with the Huns. Empress Lu firmly disagreed.

It's a generational marriage, and a marriage,

Therefore, Battle to the North Wind and Han Palace Autumn Moon are sister chapters. Although the princess and Wang Zhaojun were born in different backgrounds, they have reached the same goal by different routes and share the same illness.

Liu Man asked curiously, Who is the heroine?

Hearing her question, He Lushen felt a little guilty, deliberately took a bite of the dish, and said, It hasn't been decided yet, Yan Tong will hold a female lead audition next week.

After finishing speaking, He Lushen immediately changed the subject, Actually, I thought about Ye Zi'an as the director, but I didn't expect him to be such a weirdo! I called him personally and asked him to be the director of War in the North Wind. He turned it down straight away! I really don't know how to flatter him, it's a waste of me thinking so highly of him!

Speaking of Ye Zi'an, He Lushen became very popular. Ye Zi'an is the first and only director who dares to show him face in the entertainment industry today!

Liu Man thought of Ye Zi'an's stubborn temper, and said good things for him, It is estimated that Battle of the North Wind touched Ye Dao's bottom line somewhere, he is very principled.

He Lushen coughed unnaturally again, All in all, I hope there will be no business trips after War North Wind. My dad called me several times and asked me why I haven't settled this shit. I'm afraid he will label me as incompetent.

As mentioned earlier, War of the North Wind was supposed to start filming earlier than Han Palace Autumn Moon, but due to various reasons, it was delayed for half a year. Being able to temporarily replace two newcomers really made him tired. He decided to give up the script and this year he will be the main sponsor of Autumn Moon in the Han Palace.

However, War of the North Wind has already been approved by the company, and all the money has been invested in it. It still has to be filmed, and it will be regarded as a defective film.

Because of this incident, He Lushen was taught a bad lesson by his father.

In front of Yu Zhan, he seemed to be laughing and joking, as if he dared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, and he could handle everything. In fact, he was under tremendous pressure secretly. It's not that easy.

But he never complained to Yu Zhan.

In fact, He Lushen chose the stories of Zhaojun's Outing of the Fortress and the Battle of Baideng. The two screenwriters wrote the scripts according to his requirements. This is the first time I have done it myself.

He Lushen's father, He Huaguang, is a workaholic and has always monopolized power. Because of long-term high-intensity work, his health has not been very good. Last year, his condition suddenly deteriorated. The doctor said that if he continued to work like this, he would die suddenly! He reluctantly retired to the second line and directly promoted his son to the position of vice president.

Before that, He Lushen was similar to Tao Zhiwei when he was 24 years old. He was assigned various jobs by his father's side, and he was an assistant.

A young man who is only 24 years old occupies the position of vice president. Not everyone in Huaguang Media is convinced of He Lushen, especially a few older and experienced shareholders, who don't take He Lushen seriously at all.

He Huaguang knew that some people in the company were petty. He also knew that his son was not experienced enough, but he couldn't do anything about it. His health was failing and he couldn't do it, and he only had one son, He Lushen!

In order to help his son gain prestige in the company, He Huaguang assigned this task to He Lushen, that is, to shoot two movies this year, the box office must be at least five times higher, and the results should be shown to all shareholders.

The script of War of the North Wind is far better than The Autumn Moon in the Han Palace. At the beginning, He Lushen hoped that it could justify his name. Apparently his opponents thought so too, so they kept stumbling on it, This is the real reason why Battle of the North Wind has been unable to start filming for a long time. The troubles have become like this, and the opponents are finally satisfied.

The share price of Huaguang Media has therefore been in the doldrums for several months.

Not only that, He Lushen allowed Lin Zhi to replace the heroine of Han Gong Qiuyue without authorization, and also received a lot of criticism from the company's senior management. Liu Man's identity as an Internet celebrity was not recognized by them at all, and they accused Lin Zhi of being a fool , satirizing He Lushen is wantonly wasting company resources.

He Lushen carried all the bad things behind him. He believed in Lin Zhi's vision and Yu Zhan's vision. He waited for Liu Man to slap the shareholders in the face for him.

He Lushen didn't want to transfer his pressure to Liu Man, so he stopped talking about this topic and started chatting with Liu Man, and asked about her auction. During the conversation, he seemed to be very impressed by her works Interested, he said, I saw your Escape at A Zhan's house, and I also want to buy a similar one. I plan to go to the auction to have a look.

Liu Man thought that he was just like Song Junzhe, and wanted to give her a meeting gift of real money, so she quickly said, You don't need to go to the auction, I will write another one for you when I have time.

Can I specify the subject specification?

Liu Man nodded, very sincerely, for fear that he would really go to the auction to spend money! He Lu said deeply, no wonder Yu Zhan said that Liu Man never asked him for money, it seems that he is not exaggerating.

Then let's see when the time comes, He Lushen was noncommittal, and did not say whether to go or not.

During this meal, the host and guest had a great time, and the three chatted while eating. In front of He Lushen, Liu Man also gradually let go, without those restraints.


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