Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 39 Requesting Cooperation

When Huang Shiting gave the information to Liu Man, he originally wanted to give her a psychological comfort. He didn't expect the little girl to achieve what she wanted. Who knew that Liu Man had forced the counterfeit dealers who they had been unable to do anything to come to this point. And also did a surprisingly effective advertisement for the Cats'Garden brand.

Huang Shiting asked his assistant John to go to Taobao to have a look. Before that, the fake pet food stores that were booming before, some of the relevant pet food products were removed from the shelves, and some directly closed the stores.

Now even the headquarters in New Zealand are calling him to ask him what is going on with sales in East Asia.

Therefore, Huang Shiting is in a very good mood now, and he treats Liu Man more pleasantly, Thank you for helping us promote on the Internet.

No, no, I should be the one thanking you. Without the information you gave me, no one would believe me.

Haha, as I said, it's just a matter of little effort. The information is not a commercial secret. Everyone in our company has it, but no one makes it really work. Huang Shiting laughed, Miss Liu called me this time, There must be something else, right?

Liu Man weighed his words and said, It is very difficult to buy genuine Cats'Garden cat food in mainland China. Almost all existing channels have certain problems. Everyone has doubts and dare not try it lightly. When I live broadcast, and I I have communicated with my fans, they believe in me, and hope to buy Cats'Garden cat food through me. So, can I ask you to give me some sources to allow me to sell on the Internet in mainland China?

Huang Shiting laughed and said, Do you know how many mainland businessmen wanted to obtain Cats'Garden's agency rights in the mainland through us in the past few years? They are older than you, and they are all experienced businessmen. There are well-known companies here who know how to sell and have connections, I didn’t give them the agency rights, so why should I give them to you?”

Huang Shiting's tone was still kind, but his questions were sharp and merciless.

Liu Man was not stopped by his question, and calmly said, First, I just want to get the right to be an online agent. My Weibo has nearly 30,000 fans, and my live broadcast has more than 10,000 fans. As I continue to live broadcast, The number of these fans will increase, and most of them are potential cat food consumers. As for the agency rights of your physical sales, you can still give it to others or operate it yourself; second, you are a businessman, I think What you care about most is profit, and I can add another 10% to the pick-up price you set.

I shouldn't have told you our internal pick-up price.

I trust you will tell me.

Huang Shiting laughed, You little girl is quite ambitious, step by step, it seems like you are setting me up.

Liu Man denied it, but also smiled, I just took a step and only thought about it. If the response to my previous live broadcast was mediocre and no one cared about it, then these requests I made to you now would not exist.

I have to convene other high-level executives of the company to decide this matter through a meeting. I can't give you an accurate answer for the time being, and now we have run out of cat food and have no extra reserves. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming, even if I give you the agency, I'm afraid The goods will not be in your hands until after the Spring Festival.”

It's okay, I can wait.

After hanging up the phone, Huang Shiting downloaded the mainland Weibo for the first time in order to browse the Weibo content of Princess and Man, and registered an account, named after his English name Alex. There is no way, if you don't register, you can't read a lot of content .

Huang Shiting saw fans' messages of support for Princess Qiaman, and also saw the video of her righteous words on the Internet. He saw the back and followed Princess Qiaman.

After thinking for a moment, Huang Shiting called his assistant John into the office and asked him to prepare for the company's high-level meeting.


During the live broadcast of I am a veterinarian last night, he bought Liu Man's calligraphy generously. This incident gave other viewers a feeling that Liu Man's Xiaozhuan is valuable and worth collecting.

So tonight's live broadcast, when Liu Man was writing, the live broadcast room turned into a price comparison scene.

The theme of her writing today is The Book of Songs·Daya·Hanlu.

Looking at the dry foot, hazelnuts and pine nuts, don't be a brother of a gentleman, and dry salary is not a brother;

Sebi Yuchan, the yellow flow is in the middle, the brother is a gentleman, and the blessings come down;

The kite flies in the sky, the fish leaps in the abyss, how can I be a gentleman, I am not a human being;

The sake is carried, and the gourd is prepared, to be enjoyed, to be sacrificed, and to introduce Jingfu;

Sepi oaks are burnt by the people, but my brother is a gentleman, and the gods are toiled;

Momoge 藟, who gave it to Tiaomei, is he a gentleman, and he will not return after asking for blessings.

From the moment Liu Man wrote the first word, the comment area was maxed out.

Miss Sister is amplifying her tricks again today.

Every time the princess writes something, I can't understand (cry);.

Hey, I feel that today's characters are very complicated, with a lot of strokes, and they are all rare characters.

Anyway, it's enough to look at the high-end. Those of us who are illiterate and eat melons, just watch quietly.

I want to buy it. - Singing to Wine

This viewer called Singing to Wine imitated the model of I am a veterinarian yesterday, and directly rewarded Liu Man with 10 happiness carriages.

My family doesn't have a mine, so I can't be willful. This is my limit. Miss, can you sell me your words today?

There are only 10 happiness carriages, but the great god 'I am a veterinarian' can send 100 happiness carriages.

Haha, they probably gave it based on the number of words, whoever called A Happy Journey has more words.

You guys don't understand this, calligrapher masters, a word is worth a thousand gold. I think the anchor's words are very valuable regardless of the length.

The reward of I am a veterinarian seems to have set a value benchmark, and anyone who falls below this standard will be ridiculed.

If 10 carriages of happiness can buy such a good character, then I will offer 15 carriages. ——People from Nanguo Society

People from the Southern Kingdom gave you 15 happiness carriages.

A line of bold and red words appeared on the screen, followed by the animation effect of 15 consecutive carriages.

Cut, it's only +5 carriages, pick it up, it's up to you.—Hurry up! call brother

quick! Brother Ming will give you 30 happiness carriages.


Brother, do you still need a younger brother?

Brother, I am your long-lost sister.

Brother, I have a good surname with you.


Compared with female fans who like cute things, new male fans like Liu Man prefer calligraphy.

In reality, men are more interested in calligraphy. Some men like to drink tea. They buy various tea sets, tea tables, and tea accessories at home or in the office, and then hang a pair of calligraphy that looks very deep behind the tea table. Isn't it full of words like Heaven rewards diligence and Ten thousand horses are galloping? Especially these people have many friends and are hospitable. When their guests drink tea, they will appreciate the rare calligraphy works by the way, and they will think that the host is knowledgeable and connotative.

The young man who watched Liu Man's live broadcast on time every day felt very uncomfortable when he saw the gifts from these people. He said anxiously, I also want the word Princess Qieman.

As he said that, he opened the gift interface with his hand and chose the happiness carriage.

Seeing this, roommate AB immediately pulled him from left to right, and roommate C grabbed his cell phone, Calm down, you have to calm down, we are all poor students, a carriage costs five hundred dollars.

Thank you for your rewards and votes, the second update will be at 12 noon as usual :)

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