Jiang Chengfeng suddenly felt that the painting Stones from other mountains can make jade that he hung on his bed was priceless! Actually giggled.

Others knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression. Tao Zhiyao was also in the live broadcast room when Liu Man delivered the calligraphy. She rolled her eyes, Do you want to send Xiao Man your calligraphy works? Sell ​​it for money?

No, no, don't say I'm not short of money now, even if I'm so poor that I beg for food, I won't sell it, Jiang Chengfeng is very ambitious. In his heart, Liu Man's words are priceless. It was also the starting point of his life change.

During the summer vacation, Jiang Chengfeng not only helped the videos of Miss and Sisters and Cute Pet Hospital in computer post-processing, but also worked part-time for an Internet company, wrote a software, and earned 50,000 yuan at a time.

Under Sun Weiwei's gossip, he told her that the diamond necklace he gave to Li Xiaoru on Qixi Festival was bought with the reward of the video. Four episodes of the video, the reward of 8,000 yuan plus the 7,000 yuan that Ye Ziliang gave before. Yuan, a total of 15,000, in fact, the real price of the necklace is 62,000.

Sun Weiwei didn't like these extraneous objects, and believed them to be true. Li Xiaoru thought the necklace was good-looking, and accepted it without asking the price. A heavy gift of more than 60,000 yuan was mentioned.

Tao Zhiyao knew the goods, and he could tell the value of the necklace at a glance.

Liu Man also noticed that the necklace on Li Xiaoru's neck, the diamond attached to the middle of the collarbone, was illuminated by the gorgeous crystal lamp of Tao Zhiyao's house, it was really bright and beautiful.

She looked at Li Xiaoru who was cheerful and unaware, and was happy for her, because Jiang Chengfeng must be a man worth entrusting for life.

When everyone was chatting, Xiao Lizi jumped up and down next to them, extremely naughty, and he didn't see the slightest morbidity before, Tao Zhiyao took good care of him.

Its temperament is better than sunlight, moonlight, and melon. Liu Man wanted to hug it, but he couldn't even touch its fur. The cat ran around quickly, and no one else could get close to it.

Tao Zhiyao said, After the broadcast of Cute Pet Hospital 2, I went to the black-hearted cattery again, and found that it was already empty. a place.

It's too dangerous, Liu Man said worriedly, What if someone doesn't go far and waits for you to come to the door?

Haha, my brother's assistant is with me, and I have bodyguards. It's not so easy to get my idea, Tao Zhiyao said confidently.

Jiang Chengfeng let out a wow and looked around, Where is the bodyguard now? Is it the black-clothed burly man on TV?

I'm safe at home and of course they won't show up.

Sun Weiwei said, Didn't you notice that every time Sister Taozi came out to meet us, the car she was riding in was followed by two black cars.

Tao Zhiyao praised, Wei Wei is still the sharpest and smartest. Yes, as long as I go out, there will be five bodyguards following me, including the driver.

66666, Jiang Chengfeng worshiped.

The chef of Tao Zhiyao's family cooked a luxurious meal for everyone. The four girls chatted happily. Jiang Chengfeng, a boy, couldn't participate in their topics, so he just watched the news and swiped Weibo.

He suddenly interrupted the girl's chat, Hey, look at Weibo, you guys are hot!

He was referring to Liu Man and Sun Weiwei. It turned out that several Capital University students uploaded videos taken in the classroom during the day to the Internet. They stood in different places and shot from different angles, but they fully presented the whole incident. Turn this fight between classmates into an entertainment video for the entire network, and let the melon-eating netizens follow along to watch a big show.

#The strongest girlfriend force in history#

#刘櫚恶怒惊男 for his girlfriend#



He Qisi was once a well-known Internet celebrity, and many netizens still remember him. They saw his ugly face in the video, which was very different from the humor of Xiaoshi Senior.

I never expected Senior Xiaoshi to be such a scumbag.

What's so ugly about Sun Weiwei? She just doesn't have any makeup on. She always wears a ponytail and her hairstyle is a little dirty. She's not as ugly as the girl next to her.

The goddess is so beautiful, she has a real temperament, and she has a clear distinction between love and hate, unlike some actresses who just pretend to be a little famous.

Can I say that Liu Man is handsome? I also want to have such a friend. When I am being bullied, I can vent my anger on me. I am very envious of Sun Weiwei.

Didn't you watch Liu Man's interview video today? Liu Man said that she raped Fu Feiqian for the sake of the makeup artist. The makeup artist is also her friend. She seems to be called Miao Xiaomei. She is in the second episode of Ladies and Sisters In the video, Li Xiaoru was put on makeup, but she didn’t show her face. Liu Man is really a great friend! First she was a makeup artist, and now she is Sun Weiwei. When encountering injustice, she drew her sword to help every minute, and brought justice to her friend.”

I don't think my circle is right. I've been in the women's teasing scene for a long time, and I'm not used to seeing this style of painting suddenly. Hey, who doesn't want to have a back-to-back friend on a thorny road.


These videos swept the Internet. Liu Man’s angry words against He Qisi became a model for educating girls to be self-reliant and self-improving. Some netizens even recorded them, and He Qisi’s reputation is completely ruined. Let alone Capital University, everyone knows him on the Internet. What kind of person is he? His ugly face is so distinctive that it is easy to be remembered. He will never be an Internet celebrity in his life.

Sun Weiwei in the video made netizens feel sympathetic, especially some girls. Who hasn't met one or two scumbags in their life? Just stand up after falling down.

They posted on Sun Weiwei's Weibo to comfort her, @印升如山,Miss, come on! You must believe in yourself, in a certain corner of the world, there must be a person who can see every advantage in you, I don't care about any shortcomings in your body, and I like you bravely and fearlessly!

“@危千如山,I am like you, I am often not confident about my appearance. I have a crush on someone, but I don’t even have the courage to say a word to him. He doesn’t know that I like him, but I will try to be Well, I firmly believe that one day, I will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with him, compared to me, you are already very good, I am your fan, and I am also a fan of 'Miss Sisters'!

There are quite a lot of such scumbags. They boast that many girls are chasing after them. Lung, trying desperately to please the scumbag, I really hope they can all watch this video, hear what Liu Man said, wake up as soon as possible, and stay away from the scumbag!


first update~

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