The next morning after filming the scene, Liu Man went to the airport, and she had to go back to the capital. Tomorrow is the last day of registration for freshmen at Capital University. Although she is not a freshman, the school stipulates that she must go to the registration office to show up.

Considering Liu Man's actual situation, Lin Zhi gave her a week's leave and adjusted the shooting plan again. During her absence, he stepped up the shooting of other actors' scenes, and specially sent a driver from the crew to take her to the airport.

Liu Man didn't realize that her fame was not what it used to be. She was recognized as soon as she entered the airport, and she had to wear a mask.

On the plane, the flight attendant handed her water and saw her face. As a result, when Liu Man arrived in the capital, when Liu Man was about to get off the plane, several flight attendants surrounded her and asked her excitedly with a mobile phone if she could take a group photo.

This time, Liu Man didn't tell anyone in advance, and didn't bother Yu Zhan to pick her up. She took a taxi and went back to the house she rented first.

To Liu Man's surprise, the house she hadn't lived in for a month had no dust on the floor and table top, and even the corners were clean. Apparently someone helped her clean it.

The landlord only gave her two keys, one was on her body, and the other was given to Zhang Pei for safekeeping.

In this world, only the mother cares about him the most, and Liu Man feels warm in his heart.

She took out the souvenirs of the ancient capital that she had bought for Zhang Pei from her suitcase, stopped a taxi when she went out, and went straight to the new warehouse in the suburbs.

Liu Man has given Zhang Pei full responsibility for his cat food business, and all purchase matters are unified by Zhang Pei and the Westland company.

Liu Man has long stopped selling cat food in the live broadcast room, and she rarely broadcasts it. Therefore, Zhang Pei opened an online shop on Taobao in the name of Princess Qieman, named Princess Qieman's Cat Garden, which specializes in all categories of cat food and canned cat food under Cat's Garden.

Compared with the dilapidated old factory building when it was first rented, now this place has a completely new look. The mud road at the entrance has become a smooth asphalt road, the gate of the factory building has been replaced by a new iron gate, and high-rise buildings have been built around the warehouse. A sign was erected on the fence and next to the iron gate, which read: Cat's Garden pet food mainland general agent.

When Liu Man arrived, there were two large trucks unloading in the yard, and the workers were in full swing. As soon as she came in, everyone's movements were obviously stagnant, and they looked at her dumbfounded.

A worker recognized her and said in surprise, Isn't she that star?

She seems to be the boss's daughter, said a worker who had met Liu Man before.

The first worker who worked with Zhang Pei's mother and daughter said, You don't understand, she is our real boss!

Zhang Pei, who was working in the office, heard the movement and looked at the window. It happened that Liu Man was also looking up at the brand-new office building. The eyes of the mother and daughter crossed each other. Liu Man waved at her and called, Mom.

Zhang Pei raised his brows with joy, hurried downstairs, and greeted him,

Have you finished filming?

It's still early, Liu Man said, I came back to report.

Oh, I'm so busy, I forgot that it's the start of the university, Zhang Pei patted his head.

You've worked hard, Liu Man said guiltily. Selling cat food was originally her job, but now she has become a hands-off shopkeeper, with most of the burden on her mother.

How do you say that sentence on the Internet, I'm tired and happy! Zhang Pei said cheerfully, looking at Liu Man's eyes, don't say how proud and proud. Zhang Pei knew what Liu Man had done in the ancient capital.

Her daughter is a calligrapher and a movie star, and news about her is overwhelming on the Internet. Zhang Pei and Yourong Yan!

Liu Man handed Zhang Pei the special product of the ancient capital, This is the special product I bought in the ancient capital.

Hey, what else do you bring all the way, the Internet is so developed, you can buy everything, Zhang Pei reproached, but her face bloomed with a smile. She opened the bag and looked at it, and it was all food. He called the workers over, distributed the things to them, and introduced Liu Man to the new employees, She is my daughter Liu Man, the actual person in charge of the company. This is a souvenir she brought back from the ancient capital. Give everyone a taste.

Liu Man noticed that among the strong middle-aged men, there were also three young faces, two men and one woman. All three looked at her with curious and excited eyes.

Zhang Pei continued, The three of them are the managers I recruited,

She pointed to the gentle boy with glasses, His name is Wan Jun, and he is in charge of the operation of the online store.

Wan Jun looked at Liu Man with red face and said to her,

My job responsibilities are mainly store maintenance, customer service and after-sales.

Wan Jun used to work in other e-commerce companies. He saw the recruitment information posted by Zhang Pei on the Internet and saw that his salary was high. Later, customers often asked him if it was the goddess of Hanfu herself, or asked him the contact information of the goddess of Hanfu, and he realized that this was actually the company of the goddess of Hanfu.

He had previously disliked the company's small size, and he has been honored since. He said to Liu Man, I'm your fan, I've seen the video of you wearing white Hanfu for a long time,

Liu Man smiled and said, Thank you.

Wan Jun's face turned even redder, how could the goddess of Hanfu herself be so beautiful!

Zhang Pei pointed to the tall and strong boy and said, His name is Chen Yuxiang, and he is in charge of logistics. Xiao Chen used to work in a courier company and has more experience in this area.

Liu Man nodded. When she entered the door just now, she saw him directing workers to unload the goods.

You, hello, Chen Yuxiang's heart was pounding, and he was stammering a little nervously. Like Wan Jun, he only knew that he had accidentally joined the company of the Hanfu Goddess after he joined the company. The difference is that he didn't care much. The Internet celebrity has no idea who the goddess of Hanfu is at all. Later, because of her work, she knew something about her.

Although Chen Yuxiang didn't pay attention to internet celebrities, he knew a lot about celebrities. He watched the fight between Fu Feiqian and Liu Man the whole time. He couldn't believe that such an awesome girl was actually her boss.

I couldn't believe that I could see her with my own eyes within a few days, Can you sign my name for me? Chen Yuxiang held back for a long time before saying it.

Liu Manpuchi smiled and said, Of course you can, I'll sign it for you later.

Zhang Pei pointed to the only girl and said, Her name is Mao Yuchen, she is in charge of warehouse storage, and also helps me share some of the financial work. Xiao Mao is about the same age as you, but he has three years of work experience.

Mao Yuchen looked at Liu Man with bright eyes, wishing for the green light. Unlike Wan Jun and Chen Yuxiang, Mao Yuchen came to Liu Man, she said to Liu Man,

I'm your fan, and I haven't missed a single time with your live broadcast.

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