Under Liu Man's persuasion, Lin Zhi finally agreed with Wang Xiangqin to perform the scene with a fake horse.

Wang Xiangqin smiled at Liu Man, As expected of my most beloved daughter, she is even considerate to me. The tension between him and Lin Zhi was relieved by this joke.

After the actors touched up their makeup and moisturized again, the horse riding scene started filming for the nth time. The dispute just now became Wang Xiangqin's motivation. Lifelike.

Shanyu caught the black horse between his legs, charged forward, and laughed wildly in front, Your Majesty, your heavenly horse is only mediocre.

The emperor was sitting on the fake white horse, sweating profusely, trying to catch up with him, but there was nothing he could do. He could only yell at his attendants, Change horses, I want to change horses!

The entourage panicked, Tianma is already the best horse.

Bastard, said the emperor, whipping his entourage off their horses.

The entourage is a professional stuntman, and a thick cushion is placed under the fake horse, so there is no danger.

In the end, without suspense, Shan Yu won.

Seeing the emperor with an extremely ugly face, Shan Yu even helped him find the steps, We Huns are a people who live on horseback, and everyone is born good at riding. You have lived in Chang'an for a long time, and you have a high position and authority. If you do it for me, you don't need to work hard, I should envy you.

What he said made the emperor feel better, and he also found another reason for himself, This horse is old and frail, and your horse is strong and strong. It is natural that it cannot run your horse.

What you said is true, what you said is true, Shan Yu followed the emperor's mood.

It's getting late today, you and I are both exhausted, let's go back to our residences and rest first.

I wonder which princess you want me to marry?

The emperor was joking on purpose, pretending to forget about it, but Shan Yu asked so straightforwardly, cutting off the possibility of him pretending to be stupid. Of course, he was reluctant to let his daughter marry to the Huns.

He regretted that he was so quick to make a wrong bet, the emperor asked the three princesses, Which one of you is willing to marry Lord Hu Hanxie?

The three princesses bowed their heads and remained silent.

Shan Yu looked at Princess Huayang's indifferent appearance, and felt very uncomfortable. The emperor said to Shan Yu, Marrying is not a trivial matter. It is related to the interests of both countries. It should be discussed in the long run. You can rest assured that I will keep my promise and give you You are a princess.

After a whole afternoon of tossing, the fourth scene was finally finished.

This is the end of Tang Tu and Wang Xiangqin's scenes today, it was already dinner time, Wang Xiangqin offered to invite Tang Tu to dinner, because Tang Tu was willing to get off his horse to accommodate him in the afternoon, and he liked Tang Tu even more in his heart. Wang Xiangqin has worked with many popular stars of the younger generation. No one can be as modest and cautious as Tang Tu, respecting his predecessors. Some people are not as famous as Tang Tu, and their eyes can grow to the top of their heads, such as Fu Feiqian.

But Tang Tu declined Wang Xiangqin's invitation to dinner. He said that he would stay on the set, read the script later, and recite tomorrow's lines.

Wang Xiangqin didn't force himself, took off his make-up and changed his clothes, and left the set with his assistants.

On the way back to the hotel, an assistant said to Wang Xiangqin, If you invite Liu Man, Tang Tu will definitely agree to have dinner with you.

Wang Xiangqin didn't understand what the assistant meant. He said, I also want to invite Liu Man to dinner. She helped me a lot! The problem is that she hasn't finished shooting today's scene, so I can't wait for her. I'm afraid I'll have to wait until the end. I'm going to have lunch with the crew.

The assistant smiled and said, Tang Tu is willing to wait for her. He stayed on the set to accompany her.

Wang Xiangqin had a gossipy face, and became interested, Go on.

Since Liu Man came to the crew, Tang Tu has finished work at the same time as her every day. Even if his work has been finished long ago, he has to wait for her to finish filming before leaving. Everyone can see his dedication to Liu Man, but Liu Man Man has always been polite to him, there is no other way, he already has someone else, the assistant felt sorry for Tang Tu.

I can't tell that this kid is quite infatuated, a rare infatuation, Wang Xiangqin also felt a pity. There is no shortage of handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment industry. When filming, there is always a spark of love, flirtatious, fake scenes are real, dating for a while, causing a lot of trouble, and then high-profile breakups. Wang Xiangqin has seen too many such things.

Tang Tu, however, was like an ordinary boy, silently keeping the girl he likes in his heart carefully, not daring to go overboard, ignoring that he is also the male god of thousands of girls.

At the same time, Liu Man is filming the fifth scene.

The three princesses gathered in Princess Huayang's boudoir,

Princess A: I will never marry the Huns. The Huns are all monsters that cannibalize people. Doesn't our delicate skin and tender meat mean that sheep go to the tiger's mouth?

Princess B: Yeah, just look at that rampant Shan Yu. They are savage and brutal, just like untamed wild animals.

Princess Huayang said, But seeing him galloping on horseback today, he looks very brave, completely different from us Han people.

Princess A said disdainfully, Have you taken a fancy to him? Then you should marry him.

Princess Huayang immediately shook her head, My mother and concubine said that the Xiongnu lacked supplies and lived in a harsh and difficult living environment. We are used to fine clothes and fine food, and we would not be able to survive in such a place.

Princess B was worried, We are the only princesses in the palace who are eligible to marry, and the royal father will eventually choose one of us to marry that beast.

I'm the youngest, so it's never my turn, Princess A said happily.

Princess Huayang is not the eldest princess, but she is older than Princess A and Princess B. She frowned and looked sad.

The fifth scene ended with Princess Huayang's pitiful expression.

Probably because everyone was tired after a day in the sun, Lin Zhi told everyone that there was no need to work night shifts today.

It's time to call it a day, everyone hurriedly cleaned up the set and got ready to leave work.

When Liu Man returned to the dressing room, Miao Xiaomei helped her remove her makeup. Miao Xiaomei said happily, I have signed a temporary contract with the crew for 10 days. Teacher Tu and Teacher Wang put on makeup, if the makeup is done well, they will extend the contract period as appropriate.

Miao Xiaomei also showed the contract to Liu Man, It's much easier than my job in a photo studio, and I earn more. I can still see celebrities every day. I feel like I'm dreaming.

Liu Man is also happy for her. Although she is on a temporary contract, Miao Xiaomei has already stepped into the entertainment circle. As long as she slowly accumulates fame in the circle, more crews will definitely ask her to do makeup in the future.

However, the salary of 1,000 yuan a day only includes two meals and no accommodation. Ms. Miao came in a hurry and did not book a place to stay. She temporarily searched nearby hotels and hotels with her mobile phone. The cheaper ones have no rooms, and the expensive ones She couldn't bear to ask for a few hundred dollars more.

Second update~

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