Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 319 Transfer Red Envelope

Vice Minister Guo never expected to hear his son's name from this little girl, and judging by her expression, she and Guo Nan must not be friends.

Yes, his name is Guo Nan.

Liu Man nodded and said, Thank you.

Then there was no more. She didn't respond to Vice Minister Guo's invitation to make a documentary just now.

The other calligraphers all looked at Su Yi with a hint of teasing, as if they were saying, Your apprentice is really good, he even dismissed the invitation from the Vice Minister of Culture.

Su Yi now understands what is going on. It is a helpless coincidence that Vice Minister Guo's son is the mastermind of the chaos in Yu Zhan Pet Hospital.

To cooperate with such a person who has no real skills and is still playing tricks on competitors, not to mention Liu Man is not willing, he also does not agree!

Liu Man is an internet anchor, and school is about to start, and she has to work after studying, so she can't spare so much time.

It would be better not to fight Su Yi to smooth things over. Now Vice Minister Guo can tell that Su Yi is disgusted with him, no, he should be disgusted with his son.

After the dinner was over, Vice Minister Guo returned to the hotel and asked his secretary to find out what Guo Nan had done recently, offending Su Yi's master and apprentice. The secretary doesn't need to look it up at all, just turn on the Internet and everything will be there.

Deputy Minister Guo only found out that his son had recently made a documentary about pet medical treatment. He, who rarely pays attention to Weibo, watched the whole incident from beginning to end.


He immediately called the director of the national station.

Liu Man, who didn't bring a mobile phone, didn't know that the netizens watched several big dramas one after another today, and they were addicted to gossip.

Early in the morning, Tao Zhiyao posted the first Weibo, Someone spread rumors on the Internet that I was the nurse of Princess Qieman and Dr. Yu, that I deliberately bought a sick cat for the effect of a documentary, that I The worry about the cat is from the performance, anyway, it is for the sake of popularity, I will do everything, oh yes, I also said that I am a fake Bai Fumei, it is a human design, who made my Weibo too low-key, OK, I Start showing off your wealth now.

Next, Tao Zhiyao posted ten Weibo posts in a row, posting her dazzling array of brand bags, her piles of high-end cosmetics, the clothes she changed every day that she couldn't wear out, and the various items parked in her garage. Planting a luxury car, and drying out her huge garden...

In order to ensure that the photos are real shots and not stolen pictures from the Internet, each photo has a piece of white paper on it, which says: I am Taozi, and I am here to show off my wealth.

Such a simple and rude way of showing off wealth amazed the people who eat melons.

God, my eyes were blinded by the flash.

I am a krypton gold dog eye, and I was blinded by the flash!

Sister who is so arrogant, I have been your fan from the beginning to the end, and I have never questioned you, please support me!

I found that the richer people are, the less they like to post these things. I used to underestimate Sister Taozi. You are not Bai Fumei, but a real rich lady.

Those trolls who scolded Sister Taozi yesterday, why don't they dare fart now?

I'm afraid of offending the rich and powerful.

The blogger is so rich, there is no need to buy a sick cat to pretend to be popular. I feel that she made these videos purely for hobbies. The content in the documentary should be true.

Many people on the Internet just like to watch celebrities show off their wealth, because they cannot enjoy the luxurious life of celebrities even if they work hard in this life.

Tao Zhiyao's publicity has brought her Weibo attention to an unprecedented level. Many people added her private messages, saying that they want to make friends.

Tao Zhiyao felt ironic and turned off the private message function.

After learning that Yu Zhan's pet hospital was being disturbed by someone, she tossed and turned all night, and transferred a super red envelope of 200,000 yuan to Yu Zhan's Alipay this morning.

Apart from giving money, she felt that she had nothing to help Yu Zhan, even though she knew very well that Yu Zhan was not short of money at all, and was even much richer than her.

For the 200,000 transfer note, she wrote: Xiao Lizi's life-saving money.

The second reversal comes from the rich woman, yes, the owner of the puppet cat.

Interested people found that she silently wrote a new comment on Yu Zhan's pet hospital on Dianping, I give this hospital five points from environment to service. Before writing specific comments, I will first give Dr. Yu I apologize, I was too worried about the condition of my milk tea (Puppet cat) at that time, so my words were a little fierce, and I accidentally bumped into Dr. Yu, I have deeply realized my mistake, and I am very sorry.

Dr. Yu's medical skills are very good. There is no doubt about this. The milk tea is indeed just a slight accumulation of food. I fed too much, but I was angry at the time and couldn't listen to what he said. I took the milk tea to another store that day. A well-known chain pet hospital spent 1,450 yuan for the examination, and the final diagnosis was also a slight food accumulation, but the medicine prescribed by the veterinarian of that pet hospital was no different from the medicine I bought from Dr. Yu, but the price was twice as expensive .

Two days later, Milk Tea’s illness was cured. I regretted not listening to Dr. Yu’s advice. I paid nearly 2,000 yuan more, and Milk Tea suffered two inspections. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn’t let it go. The treatment fee of 270 yuan has been re-transferred to his Alipay.

Finally, I would like to say that this pet hospital is really reliable. The service attitude of the doctors and nurses is very good, and the charges are very reasonable. I strongly recommend it!

The rich woman added five photos after the comment, the first three photos were of cute puppet cats; the fourth photo was a receipt, which said that the inspection was 1450 yuan, and the charging hospital: Fuxin Pet Hospital XX Branch; The fifth picture is a screenshot of the Alipay transfer, which clearly states that 270 yuan was transferred to * Zhan.

The time for the rich woman's comment was around eleven o'clock last night. She probably wrote this long comment because of a disturbed conscience after seeing the top-searched news.

Until this morning, someone accidentally saw her comment on Dianping, quickly saved a screenshot and posted it on Weibo. This Weibo quickly aroused strong reactions among netizens.

First, the rich woman's comments are well-founded and true. Both she and Tao Zhiyao also proved that in Cute Pet Hospital 2, Yu Zhan did not pose for a photo.

Second, the rich woman mentioned another pet hospital with high fees, and this hospital happened to be the filming location of Pet Hospital.

The act of the rich woman bravely telling the truth made more netizens who own pets stand up. They said on Weibo that they had also suffered losses in this pet hospital and spent a lot of money. They even wrote on Dianping. I had a bad review from Fuxin Pet Hospital, but it was deleted in seconds.

Netizens immediately opened Dianping and found that Fuxin Pet Hospital had a very high score, close to full marks, and every comment in the comment area was positive.

First update today~

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