Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 316: The Innocent Child

Next to the wood carvings, there is a short section of inscriptions in seal script.

This is a short essay titled No Evil. There are a few characters written in it, which are very different from today's. Not to mention that TV viewers can't understand it, even a few judges who are not good at seal script can't understand it.

So Cheng Zikun, a seal script judge, read it carefully first, and then read it to the other judges.

After reading the whole article, the 10 judges can probably understand that this short article describes the home of an innocent child. Her home is located next to a banyan tree, the grass covers the threshold, the door is broken, and the windows are blue and black. , can't see outside, there are cobwebs everywhere...

The content and Liu Man's small paintings complement each other. The article is quite in the prose style of the Han Dynasty, and the wording is retro and simple, short and concise.

Her lettering skills are also quite profound, unlike other woodcarvers at the scene, she is very casual in every stroke, and she does not look back when she cuts the knife, and her strength is controlled just right. There is no difference between writing with a brush on paper.

The judges of the engraving group carefully looked at her engravings with a magnifying glass, and were amazed. Such smooth woodcuts cannot be done without many years of training.

But then again, the engraving is good, the small paintings are interesting, the articles are well written, and the overall layout is beautiful, but what does this have to do with the Han style? ?

Chen Jianqiu couldn't help asking everyone's questions.

Liu Man explained, Last Friday, Zhou Buyi and I went to the Weiyang Palace Film and Television Base. The place has completely restored the former Weiyang Palace. From the magnificent palace, I seem to be able to see the emperor coming and all the officials making pilgrimage. , and those dignified and beautiful concubines, talking and laughing at Yan Yan at the banquet. But this kind of life is too far away from us. Even in today, how many people can live such a luxurious and lustful life? I think Han style 'It not only includes the glory and prosperity of the Han Dynasty, but also should have the style of ordinary people.

Another judge asked, So, have you seen the living environment of this child in the film and television base?

Liu Man shook his head, This is what I imagined. I thought there must be a dark and ugly side in Weiyang Palace, but I went all over the film and television base, but found nothing. Experts and architects have restored the beautiful side of the palace. I forgot that there are even more inferior people in the palace. They may be low-level slaves, eunuchs, felons in the dungeon, or abandoned concubines in the cold palace. So, I imagined that I was A child living in a corner of the palace, my house has blue opaque windows, doors with blurred patterns, gilded rafters and dry grass dried by the sun...

Liu Man's words convinced the judges, but made Yu Zhan feel turbulent. He had some doubts before, but now he can be 100% sure that Liu Man is that little girl, and he stared at her picture in disbelief. face, trying to find what she has in common with that little girl.

They don't look alike at all.

But their tone of voice and demeanor are exactly the same.

No wonder he felt that the little girl looked like Liu Man in his dream, it was not an illusion.

Cheng Zikun said, No wonder you wrote 'Changle Weiyang, lovesickness never forgets' at the end of the article, I was still thinking, living in such an environment, how can 'Changle Weiyang', so you refer to Changle Palace and Weiyang Palace, It is quite strange that you write about 'Han Feng' from the perspective of the bottom of the palace.

Chen Jianqiu said, It's true that the sword is taking a slanted edge and not taking an unusual path. So far, other people's works have used praiseworthy words to praise the celebrities of the Han Dynasty, or the greatness of the Han Dynasty.

Because of the matter of Su Xuezhen, Wang Qinghai, who had always kept a low profile and dared not speak casually, suddenly asked Liu Man, Your subject matter does not have to be woodcut. Your paintings can also be drawn with a brush. Why do you have to choose woodcut? Instead of writing on paper?

Wang Qinghai meant that Liu Man was suspected of deliberately showing off his skills and pretending to be aggressive.

Chen Jianqiu on the side was annoyed by Wang Qinghai, wondering why Vice President Ouyang Cen didn't also disqualify him from being a judge. Since it's a competition in the free segment, of course I have to show my housekeeping skills. Is it possible to pretend to be low-key and hide it, so there is no need to participate in this exhibition.

Facing Wang Qinghai's embarrassment, Liu Man calmly said, Because the title is 'Han Style', the lower class people in the Han Palace are very poor, and usually do not have access to paper. I regard myself as this child to write and draw. I have no What should I do with the paper? I have to take a knife and draw and draw. And I think everyone has the experience of scribbling on the table when they were young, and my drawing on the table just fits the nature of my protagonist.”

Liu Man's explanation was very convincing, and a judge of the seal cutting group laughed, So your work is the graffiti of an innocent child?

Liu Man nodded and said yes.

After whispering to each other, the judges wrote down their scores and evaluations for Liu Man on the paper, and then proceeded to judge the next work.

After that, the judges did not encounter any works that particularly interested or refreshed them until they saw Zhou Buyi's cursive script works.

Zhou Buyi's work is called Western Regions.

He ingeniously wrote the twenty-eight countries of the Western Regions into a seven-character regulated poem, exactly fifty-six characters, with alternating levels and strict rhythms.

Wonderful, wonderful!

The cursive writing is also exquisite!

The judges were amazed.

Not to mention that Zhou Buyi was able to write a poem with fixed characters and rhythms in such a short period of time, and even memorized the names of twenty-eight countries in the Western Regions. Generally, few people could do it.

The judges did not have any doubts about Zhou Buyi, and directly scored and wrote comments.

At noon, all authors' works were finally judged. The next step is to unify the time, and the staff will enter the venue to assist the judges and save time.

The authors still had to stand and wait at their respective desks without moving around, but old people like Su Yi and Ouyang Cen, as well as the leaders, couldn't stand standing for a long time, someone brought them seats to rest, and brought them Got hot tea.

TV hosts and photographers jumped at the chance to interview authors they were interested in.

They first went straight to Liu Man,

Hello, can I ask you a few questions? Facing Liu Man at close range, the host looked a little excited. She was a woman, and she was also excited!

Liu Man nodded, Of course.

The host took out the prepared questions and asked, When did you start learning calligraphy and seal cutting?

I learned seal cutting first, when I was about three or four years old.

I can't believe that many three- and four-year-old children still have to be chased by their parents to feed them.

First update today~

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