The crowd surrounding Yu Zhan finally loosened up like birds and beasts. They carefully walked around the big men at the door, not daring to look into each other's eyes.

The little nurse seemed to regard Zhang Pei as her savior, and looked at her with special admiration. An ordinary aunt she knew was so courageous at the critical moment! As expected of Liu Man's mother, like a mother, like a daughter.

She suddenly thought of the few people who entered the room just now, and quickly said to Zhang Pei, There are still people inside, and they behave very strangely.

Zhang Pei gave a wink, and the four workers sharpened their knives and walked towards the inside. The troublemakers in the front hall were all gone, and the little nurse quickly closed the glass door and locked it.

Xiao Yu, are you feeling unwell? Zhang Pei asked Yu Zhan worriedly.

Yu Zhan forced a smile, took off his mask, and showed a pale face, I'm fine, those people surrounded me just now, the air is too dirty, I'll be fine if I take it easy.

Zhang Pei especially believed in Yu Zhan and did not doubt his words.

What are these people doing? How did you mess with them? she asked again.

Yu Zhan didn't know that his mobile phone was still in the drawer.

At this time, four workers who went in to arrest people came out. They grabbed a man by the collar like a chicken with one hand. Compared with the sturdy and strong man, these four people were like weak scholars, trembling.

The little nurse stepped forward and said to the four of them, Hand over your phone.

The four were silent and turned their heads unwillingly.

Zhang Pei scolded coldly, If you don't do it, you don't want to leave here today.

The mobile phone is our privacy, why should I show it to you? one of the young men with a cropped cut refused to accept it.

Without my permission, who gave you the right to wander in my store? Didn't you see the sign inside that says 'No Entry for Idlers?'

Yu Zhan finally returned to normal, and questioned the inch-cut man, Everyone else only took pictures of my people, only you four seem to be more interested in my shop, I want to see what you took pictures of.

The inch-cut man and the other three looked at him with disdain, and didn't intend to take out their mobile phones.

Zhang Pei ordered the workers to be searched.

As soon as they heard the word body search, the four people struggled immediately, and the remaining six workers immediately came to help, one fixed their hands, and the other fumbled in their pockets to search them, making them submissive.

Soon they found four mobile phones. The mobile phones needed to be turned on and kept secret. These four people still refused to speak, with a look of even if you kill me, I won't tell, just like this stalemate.

Yu Zhan suddenly smiled, and said to Zhang Pei, Can you lend me your stick for a while?


Yu Zhan picked up the wooden stick leaning against the wall and motioned the workers to put the mobile phones side by side on the floor. Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he swung the wooden stick and smashed the mobile phone to pieces.

The four were dumbfounded, and their anger was unstoppable. The cropped man said, You must compensate our mobile phone.

Yu Zhan nodded, After I confirm the amount of theft and loss in my store, I will calculate your mobile phone compensation.

We are not thieves! The cropped man argued.

The little nurse saw the police car parked outside the store, and said in surprise, The police are here!

Yu Zhan smiled, Whether you are thieves or not, the police will naturally make a decision.

Four police cars came in a row, because when the little nurse called the police, in order to let the police come quickly, she said that there were people arguing, and there were a large number of people.

As a result, when they came, all the people had left, only other nearby businesses were watching at the door.

The little nurse opened the door and let the police come in.

When the police saw the ten shirtless men at first glance, they thought they were the ones who caused the trouble, but their expressions were calm, and they didn't look like it. Then they saw the four young men squatting aside, with a look of desolation on their faces.

A police officer shouted, Who called the police?

I reported it! The little nurse stood up, pointed at the four people, and said, They are the ones who made trouble.

Four people, you called the police that there were too many people? the policeman asked suspiciously.

There are dozens of people who have already fled, Yu Zhan explained. These four people are still suspected of stealing. The incident happened suddenly. I don't know if they took advantage of the chaos and stole things from my store.

We are not thieves! The inch-cropped man was quite courageous and dared to confront Yu Zhan in front of the police.

Another police officer stabbed him in the shoulder with a baton, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't even speak. The policeman scolded, It's not your turn to intervene. We will ask you when we want to.

The police inquired about the incident in detail, and learned that the 10 men had come to act bravely. They were just a deterrent, and did not actually do anything. They praised them, and Zhang Pei also told the workers to go back to rest first.

The police said they would take the four suspects to the police station, and Yu Zhan, the little nurse, and Zhang Pei had to go with them.

Before leaving, a police officer took away the surveillance storage disk in the store.

Yu Zhan drove his own car, picked up the little nurse and Zhang Pei, followed the police car ahead, and went to the police station together. In the car, the little nurse looked at the phone to understand what was going on, and dictated the cause and effect to Yu Zhan and Zhang Pei.

Yu Zhan didn't expect that he would get into such a big trouble just because he was helping a friend, and even his own shop was exposed.


He suddenly remembered that his mobile phone was still in the drawer.

He said to Zhang Pei, who was sitting in the co-pilot,

Aunt Zhang, can you call Manman for me? My mobile phone is in the store. Manman will participate in the last round of the calligraphy exhibition tomorrow. I am worried that my affairs will make her anxious and affect her pre-competition performance. Prepare.

Now the relationship between Yu Zhan and Liu Man is fully public, and Zhang Pei has already seen the clues. She is happy to see it succeed and supports them very much, Okay, I will call her right away.

Just as Yu Zhan thought, Liu Man is dying of anxiety now.

Professor Su asked her to recharge her energy, so today she stayed in the hotel room and didn't go anywhere. She watched the scuffle on the Internet from beginning to end.

What's even more absurd is that those sailors started to attack Yu Zhan out of nowhere. She was very worried about Yu Zhan, so she called to ask about the specific situation, but his mobile phone was still disconnected, and he didn't reply to his WeChat messages. At noon, there is no situation where he is busy with work and cannot see his mobile phone.

Liu Man became even more worried, thinking that something had happened to Yu Zhan, she was fidgeting in the room, not interested in preparing for the competition, and even had the urge to buy a plane ticket back to the capital without participating in other competitions.

At this moment, she received a call from her mother. Miraculously, her mother knew what was going on in her heart and took the initiative to comfort her, Man, Xiao Yu is right next to me. He is fine and has not been affected by those rumors. Come on, you can rest assured and prepare for the game.

Second update~

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