I don't want to talk to you about anything else today. It's making us all tired. It's going to be New Year's Day, and our family has to go back to our hometown. If my eldest son is not killed by your husband, he will also go back with us. Yes, on the day of family reunion, you said that our family can't celebrate the New Year with empty pockets, right? Mrs. Wang said, referring to money, Our whole family is supported by him.

During the first negotiation, it was noisy and noisy, which made Liu Man feel uncomfortable. This time, when she heard Mrs. Wang's words, she felt some sympathy for the dead Wang Chunhua.

Raising parents, raising wives, raising children, and raising younger siblings. The family sucked him dry like a vampire, and he had to work day and night, so that that night he crashed into a car in a hurry. Liu Man felt that even if her father did not drink and drove normally that night, or if her father did not pass that road, Wang Chunhua would still crash into other people's cars and still die.

Wang Zhihua said, Don't waste your time bargaining. Last time we said 3 million, this time it is still 3 million. If you want us to sign a letter of understanding, you must give us 3 million.

Zhang Pei was already mentally prepared for the opponent's toughness. Lawyer Sun told her that they were not afraid. If it was delayed before the trial, they would probably have to sit on the ground and start at 4 million.

Zhang Pei nodded, Yes, but we won't be able to give you the full amount until a few years later.

Seeing that the 3 million is about to arrive, Mrs. Wang and Zhihua were overjoyed, and Mrs. Wang's tone became friendly, It doesn't matter, so much money, you need time to prepare, we are not in a hurry.

Then let's draw up an agreement now, Lawyer Sun opened the briefcase and took out the mediation letter prepared earlier, In addition to the 100,000 yuan paid last time, we still need to pay you 2.9 million.

Wang Zhihua waved his hand, No no no, last time 100,000 is not included.

Zhang Pei was stunned, Why doesn't it count?

That's your apology fee, as well as my eldest son's funeral expenses. We also need to hire a lawyer here, and we have to spend money everywhere. The 100,000 yuan is now spent, and there is not even any scum left. Mrs. Wang said as she should.

Wang Zhihua continued, Who asked you to disagree with 3 million last time, this time it is 3.1 million. If you don't agree, it will be 3.2 million next time, see who can afford it.

The greedy appearance of the two made Zhang Pei's heart tired. She didn't want to deal with such people anymore. Now she just wanted to sign the agreement quickly, leave quickly, and stay away from them. She said to Lawyer Sun, Okay, just follow them. Said, that is to say, we compensated them a total of 3.1 million.

Lawyer Sun also feels that the other party is difficult to deal with. It is futile to reason with them. Even if they go to court, the judge will have a headache.

Lawyer Sun drew up a letter of understanding and handed it to Lawyer Zhao, Let's have a look at it for you.

Lawyer Zhao changed his eyes from his bag and read every word carefully, The date of payment is March 1, do you think it's okay? He asked the mother and son of the Wang family.

Mrs. Wang and Wang Zhihua discussed in a low voice, Yes.

Do you want to agree on liquidated damages? Lawyer Zhao said again.

Zhang Pei sneered, Everyone in our family counts, the two lawyers are here, I said March 1st is March 1st, it will take time to mortgage the house to the bank loan, even if it defaults , how many days can you violate? For those few days of interest? We gave you an extra 100,000 yuan.

Lawyer Zhao smiled, OK, I don't think you dare to breach the contract.

Witnessed by the two lawyers, Zhang Pei and Mrs. Wang wrote their names, ID numbers and dates on the letter of understanding respectively.

The agreement is in quadruplicate, with Zhang Pei, Mrs. Wang and the two lawyers each holding one.

After getting the agreement, the expressions of the two families were very different.

Mrs. Wang and Wang Zhihua immediately smiled and thanked lawyer Zhao repeatedly in front of them. Wang Zhihua flattered, Thank you, wait for lunch, we will invite you to eat.

Lawyer Zhao declined, Thank you, but I still have something to do. In the afternoon, I want to go to another client in the north of the city.

Then wait until you have time.

Zhang Pei didn't want to say another word to these three people, so he pulled Liu Man around and left.

Wang Zhihua was probably too happy, so he even stopped them, Wait a minute, he walked up to Liu Man and stared at Liu Man, You look familiar.

Liu Man frowned and took a step back.

Previously, he was counting money in his mind. At this time, Wang Zhihua discovered that the daughter of this family was a beautiful woman, even prettier than their school flower.

Wang Zhihua, like Liu Man, is a sophomore student. He is the only college student in the Wang family who is in a second-level college in the capital. He is the pride of the Wang family.

Although he is the same age, Wang Zhihua looks more vicissitudes. His eyes are not small, drooping, very lackluster, and his eyes are always full of a sense of snobbery.

Liu Man has been in the art academy for a long time, and he is used to seeing handsome men and beauties. When he looks at Wang Zhihua again, he looks wretched.

Mom, let's go, she said to Zhang Pei.

Zhang Pei grabbed her hand, walked around Wang Zhihua, and walked away without looking back.

Lawyer Sun glanced at Wang Zhihua with a half-smiling smile, nodded to Lawyer Zhao, and left.

Mrs. Wang grabbed Wang Zhihua, It's time for you to find a girlfriend, and keep an eye on what other girls look like.

First, it's the first time I've seen such a beautiful girl in real life. Second, that girl is really familiar, I think I've seen it somewhere, Wang Zhihua was still wondering.

Lawyer Zhao's logic is very strong. He analyzed it for Wang Zhihua and said, Since you feel that you haven't seen her in real life, and you think she is familiar, you should have seen her, so of course you have seen her in the virtual world.

His words woke up Wang Zhihua, Yes, yes, I have seen her on the Internet, I just saw a video on Douyin yesterday, that video has been spread all over our school, saying that the girl in it is from the Conservatory of Music. Student, it turned out to be her, she looks like a star in the video.

Oh, you didn't say it sooner, Mrs. Wang blamed her younger son, their family must have more money. We want less than 3 million, and we could have asked for a little more. They can definitely afford it.

The insatiable greed of the old woman made Zhao Feng feel a little disgusted.

Zhao Feng is actually not that bad. He just graduated from law school last year. He was also born in a farming family. He has no relationship or background. In order to take root in the capital, he works hard, but he is a newcomer after all. So he was not allowed to do it at all, he could only take some petty cases until he met the Wang family.

The Wang family’s case was actually a very common traffic accident, and the seniors of the law firm didn’t bother to accept it, so he came forward again. Unlike the ordinary victim’s family members, the Wang family told him that it didn’t matter whether the other party sentenced them or not. They just want money and compensation, the more the better, the more they want, the more lawyer fees they will give him.

Zhao Feng is just an outsider, the indifference and coldness of the other party has nothing to do with him, he is only interested in money. He has carefully investigated Liu Chengyu's family background, RV, car production, and his daughter's expensive college tuition each year. He can preliminarily estimate the maximum compensation their family can afford. The amount of three million is set by him. And the final result was as he expected. The other party was timid, and they valued their husband's reputation and their children's future more, so they had to compromise and agree to high compensation. According to the agreement, Zhao Feng can get 4% of the compensation, which is 120,000 yuan, which is why the Wang family insists on denying the 100,000 yuan.

Even if the Wang family is a bit sloppy, he doesn't agree. After all, he, like the Wang family, is all about money.

Zhao Feng said to Mrs. Wang, I have to go now. My mission is temporarily over. When the Spring Festival is over, let's meet again on March 1.

On a festive day like the Spring Festival, he didn't want to contact the Wang family anymore.

How did Mrs. Wang and her mother know what he was thinking, and they sent him to the door of the teahouse, watching him get into the taxi with gratitude.

The matter of the Wang family has come to an end, and there will be no more roles for them for the time being.

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