Liu Man rushed to the school before the music class, and as soon as he entered the classroom, he felt different eyes and heard whispers.

It's her, it's her.

It looks really good.

Nonsense, they are the flowers of the piano department.

So what, it's just a vase, except for a face, there is nothing to show, deliberately fainted in front of Tang Tu, pretending to be weak, obviously Tang Tu has already disclosed his girlfriend, and he is shameless. get together.

Liu Man was stunned, she was a little obtuse about the name Tang Tu. But soon she remembered it, because Tang Tu's position in Liu Man's heart was very important in the past.

There is no shortage of talented handsome men and beauties in art schools, but Tang Tu is still among the best in this group. Tang Tu is a violin student and looks very handsome. In his freshman year, he was accidentally selected by a famous director to play a violinist in a movie.

A small supporting role, but after the movie was released, his popularity exploded and he surpassed the leading actor. The audience was fascinated by Tang Tu's superb acting skills and outstanding musical talent. For a long time, the headline of the entire entertainment circle was the young and promising Tang Tu. There were paparazzi and fans squatting downstairs in the dormitory, and he was the focus wherever he went.

According to the momentum at the time, if Tang Tu continued to develop in the film and television industry, he would definitely become popular, but he turned down all invitations and chose to go back to school to continue studying music.

As a result, this decision not only did not reduce his popularity, but instead won him more praise. Some media praised him that he was not complacent because of a little success, but did a good job in his studies first, and the marketing account revealed that Tang Tu was so calm because of his extraordinary background, and these petty profits did not matter at all.

Liu Man is two years younger than Tang Tu, and has been his fan girl since high school. She was able to be admitted to the Capital Conservatory of Music thanks to Tang Tu's spiritual support. Liu Man was originally a scumbag, and her grades in the culture class were so bad that she could not read it, so she could go to the same school with Tang Tu. For a whole year, she studied without sleep or sleep. Fortunately, her efforts were not in vain, and she was stuck on the score line. Capital Conservatory of Music.

She thought that when she entered the school, she would be able to get the moon first. With her outstanding appearance and tall figure, she was attracted to Tang Tu, but she didn't realize that there were too many girls who liked Tang Tu, and her advantage was inconspicuous. .

Tang Tu said in public that he likes talented girls, and Liu Man is also considered talented, but her piano skills are only ranked in the middle of the school department, not even as good as Li Xiaoru and Wang Nina. In the concert, the teacher would not choose Liu Man to perform at all, but Tang Tu was the teacher's favorite, and he played the violin solo almost every time.

Therefore, Liu Man had no chance to contact Tang Tu at all. For two years, she did not even say a word to Tang Tu. Fortunately, Tang Tu has always been single, and Liu Man has always had illusions, but her illusions were shattered not long ago.

A month ago, someone secretly took a photo of Tang Tu hugging a girl. The girl turned her back to the camera and couldn't see her face clearly. The photo was posted on Weibo, which caused a thousand waves. Tang Tu has a girlfriend. It even became a hot search. Just when everyone was guessing who the girl was, Tang Tu took the initiative to admit on Weibo that he was no longer single, but he had no **** status, and only pointed out that his girlfriend was a classmate of the same school.

But the fact that the woman is the goddess of the folk music department is a tacit fact of the students in the school, that girl, Liu Man also knows, is a very talented beauty, a goddess recognized by everyone, and Tang Tu is a good match, she is not even qualified to be jealous .

These days, Tang Tu's fans are screaming, and Liu Man, who has lost love, has been sluggish for a long time. Killing people.

Liu Man ignored the chatter and found a remote seat in the classroom to continue her memory. All her memories were until she fainted yesterday.

Yesterday morning, the teacher criticized her for playing the piano not only without skills, but also without emotion. She was angry and aggrieved. Because of Tang Tu, she was in a bad mood and had no intention to play the piano well.

The teacher asked her to stay in the piano room to practice alone, saying that if she continued like this, she could not pass the final professional examination. Li Xiaoru and Wang Nina saw her pitiful and practiced with her. All the students and teachers in the Qinlou were gone until lunch time.

Zhang Pei's phone call came at that time. As his mother's tone became more and more urgent, Liu Man walked out of the piano room and avoided the two roommates to answer the phone.

Liu Man was still immersed in his memory, but he didn't notice that the entire classroom suddenly became quiet.

Are you all right?

The sudden male voice interrupted Liu Man's memory. She raised her head blankly and saw an unusually beautiful face.

She immediately lowered her head again.

In the cold palace, she could hardly get in touch with strange men, not to mention being so close to him that she could smell the spice on him.

Tang Tu saw her ears turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he saw her eyes were flustered before she lowered her head, and she was at a loss at the moment.

In this day and age, is there still such a shy girl?

From childhood to adulthood, Tang Tu has always been popular with girls. After he became famous as a teenager, he naturally had more admirers. All kinds of girls crowded around him. As long as he waved, they would take the initiative to please him. But he didn't do it, and didn't bother to. Living in the crowd of women has made him look higher than the sky. He has always been picky and selective, just like buying things, he always chooses the best and the best. Only recently has he settled on a first girlfriend.

Tang Tu did not think that Liu Man was as scheming and hard-to-get as everyone said. He also practiced the piano very late at noon yesterday. He is about to graduate and needs to start preparing for his graduation performance. This is a hurdle that every prospective graduate must pass, just like a graduation thesis in an ordinary college.

The violin room was upstairs from the piano room. When he went downstairs, he happened to see Liu Man on the phone. He didn't hear what she said, only to see that her face was very pale, her eyes were red, tears were falling one by one, and her face was full of horror and fear, as if she had heard something terrible.

When she hung up the phone and didn't take two steps, her body suddenly shook and twitched. He didn't know well, so he walked quickly behind her, trying to support her, but found that she had lost consciousness.

Later, the girl's two friends also came out when they heard the movement, and they were too frightened to see her like this. Fortunately, his car was parked downstairs. He carried the girls into the car and drove them to the school hospital. This scene was seen by many students who came out for lunch.

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