Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 279 Exposing the shady scene

Looking at Su Xuezhen's face, Wu Qu felt that he was hypocritical and contrived. He endured the entire interview process, and now his patience exploded to the limit.

I always thought that the fairness of national-level calligraphy competitions is beyond doubt. I also always thought that the calligraphers of the National Calligraphy Association are highly respected and admirable. But today I realized that those were my naive and naive thoughts. Thinking of the exhibition that we calligraphers regard as a grand ceremony, there will also be shady scenes!

As soon as the shady was mentioned, the exhibitors in Groups 9 and 10 were in an uproar, and the sub-hall, which was originally quiet, solemn and orderly, became noisy.

When they talked about Wu Qu, some people already felt that something was wrong, because the questions posed on the spot were too difficult.

It's nonsense, Wang Qinghai scolded angrily. Our review process is obvious to all. It is the result of combining the comprehensive opinions of the five judges. Where did the shady come from!?

Wu Qu asked, Do you dare to use this question to test the 10th group?

Wang Qinghai was stopped by questioning.

Wu Qu continued, The tenth group is the seal script group. They must have studied the small seal script of the Han Dynasty. Yunyang Ding should be a piece of cake for them.

The exhibitors in the 10th group collectively felt ashamed. They wanted to say, don’t think too highly of them, they really don’t know how to recite Yunyang Ding!

This topic is clearly tailor-made for related households!

Wu Qu is really going all out, as if he is not afraid of anything.

The title was given by Wang Qinghai, and it was given to him by Su Xuezhen two days ago.

On-site writing is done by five judges in turn. The normal sequence is that the seal script judges are in charge of the running script group, the running script judges are in charge of the official script group, the official script judges are in charge of regular script, the regular script judges are in charge of cursive script, and the cursive script judges are in charge of seal script.

This was discussed in advance by the five people in Su Xuezhen, and it is also the practice of each session.

Su Xuezhen knew his son's level well, otherwise he would not have written Poyao Fu.

With his professional level, passing the initial evaluation and re-evaluation is as easy as pie. His plan is very simple, that is, in the face-to-face evaluation, use difficult problems to overwhelm other people, so as to achieve the goal of making Su Maolin advance.

Su Maolin is 26 years old this year. After graduating from a third-rate university, he has been living at home and doing nothing. Last year, Xizhen Academy opened, and he was arranged by his father to teach calligraphy in the academy. Students all know that he is the son of calligrapher Su Xuezhen, and they respectfully call him Say Teacher Su.

These children are all beginners in calligraphy, so they couldn't tell that Su Maolin was a scumbag, and thought he was very powerful, so they admired him very much.

In order to increase the gold content of Su Maolin's teachers, Su Xuezhen asked him to use his own works to participate in this calligraphy exhibition in a grand manner. As long as he successfully passes the face-to-face evaluation, the Calligraphy Association will give each author a comprehensive ranking, even if it is the last one. There is also a certificate of professional certification.

With this certificate, Su Maolin is only short of experience and qualifications from a professional calligrapher.

Back then, Su Xuezhen obtained this certificate, and his subsequent life went smoothly. It is a pity that Su Maolin did not inherit his calligraphy talent, and under the doting of him and his wife, Su Maolin was idle all day long and had no self-motivation, but he only had one son, Su Maolin. road.

The author's grouping is randomly assigned by computer, and Su Xuezhen can't make the decision. He is not sure whether his son will be assigned to the death group or the lying win group. It is impossible for most of the exhibitors to know about Yunyang Ding, and there are exceptions that are particularly outstanding. Anyway, there are two places, and his son is enough to occupy one.

Therefore, he was particularly surprised that Liu Man could write this article. Su Yi's closed-door disciple who was in his eighties should not be underestimated.

Su Xuezhen said to the persevering Wu Qu, Didn't two people in the 8th group write Yunyang Ding? If you talk nonsense, you have to be responsible.”

Wu Qu sneered, I am responsible for what I said to the end. I dare to say now that Su Maolin and Liu Man are both related households. They are the top two that you have decided in advance. The remaining seven people and I are here to waste Time!

Liu Man, who was suddenly named, was stunned,

How did she become a relationship householder?

Wu Qu looked at her with disgust, just like how she looked at Zhu Xiyang two months ago. Liu Man felt aggrieved and absurd.

She wanted to justify herself,

But the other seven people were led by Wu Qu. When they thought that they were like a fool just now and couldn't write a word, the embarrassing feeling they felt was really unforgettable in their lives.

So everyone was filled with righteous indignation and stood on Wu Qu's side,

Why do only Su Maolin and Liu Man know the contents of Yunyang Ding?

We are too wronged to be eliminated because we don't know the content of Yunyang Ding. Is this a calligraphy competition or a literature competition?

There is obviously a problem. They must have known the topic in advance and memorized the answer in advance.

No wonder Liu Man's understanding of Longzang Temple Monument was so profound during the questioning session, and the answers were fluent.

Hehe, Su Maolin didn't feel any pressure at all, and answered all the questions with ease.


With supporters, Wu Qu became more courageous. He said, I'm curious, what is the relationship between Su Maolin and the judges of Su Xuezhen? Except for insiders, ordinary exhibitors don't even know that Su Maolin is Su Xuezhen's son. You look so much alike, you must be father and son.

People who didn't know the truth were really surprised,

Is there still such an operation for a father to review his son's work? This is too dark!

All kinds of eyes of condemnation and contempt looked at Su Maolin and Su Xuezhen. Although Su Maolin, who was usually carefree, lowered his head, Su Xuezhen remained calm, but the cold sweat on his back exposed his panic.

After exposing the Su family's father and son, Wu Qu didn't kindly let Liu Man go. He said, Liu Man is also a celebrity, the Internet celebrity goddess of Hanfu, and your teacher is the famous calligrapher Mr. Su Yi, but I don't know Su Yi. What is the relationship between Mr. Yi and Su Xuezhen?

How could he pour sewage on Professor Su's body! Liu Man was also angry, she was about to speak,

Su Yi got up angrily and said, I have nothing to do with Su Xuezhen! How could he tolerate such slander to himself and Liu Man?

I followed the normal registration procedures and submitted the work for Liu Man. I did not interfere in any part of the review. Neither Liu Man nor I knew what topic would be asked today. Liu Man was able to write Yunyang Ding because of her own work. The ability is not to know the problem in advance because of your presumptuous assumptions.

The third one is done today~

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