Transmigration of the Famous Cyber Star

Chapter 267 Yu Zhan's Life Experience

The treatment process of parvovirus is very exhausting. Xiao Lizi's condition is at a critical stage and cannot be separated from human care. Yu Zhan has to spend the night in the store again tonight.

He asked the Tao brothers and sisters to go back first, and it was useless to wait here.

The little nurse finished the disinfection work and then got off work. Ye Ziliang stayed temporarily. His filming was not finished yet. He wanted to use his mobile phone to record the process of Yu Zhan treating Xiao Lizi.

On the way home, Tao Zhiyao asked Tao Zhiwei in the car who Yu Zhan was.

She guessed that she probably met Yu Zhan when she was a child, but since she was a child, she was very homely, not gregarious, didn't like to participate in social activities, didn't have good friends of the opposite sex, and didn't know her brother's circle of friends. Besides, who would always remember, herself A child who only met once or twice in childhood?

Tao Zhiwei reminded her, Do you remember the Yu family's funeral?

Having said that, Tao Zhiyao suddenly remembered! She knew where she had seen Yu Zhan.

In the old villa area where her family used to live, there was a family named Yu.

She was too young at that time and didn't know what to do. She only knew that Yu's family was richer than hers.

Suddenly one day, her parents took her and her brother to the Yu family's funeral. She was deeply impressed by that funeral, because it was the first time she met someone close to her who died unexpectedly. Uncle Yu who was about the same age as his father and His wife suffered a plane crash and both died in the sky above the Atlantic Ocean, leaving no bones left.

The atmosphere of the funeral was solemn and sad, all eyes were in black and white, and there were more strangers who spoke foreign languages ​​around. They were also members of the Yu family and rushed over from other parts of the world.

When reading the eulogy, her mother cried. Her mother and Aunt Yu are good friends.

The solemn environment, black and white portraits, mother's tears, and the expressionless faces of strangers all made her feel scared and at a loss as to what to do.

Taking advantage of her parents and elder brother not paying attention, she slipped out of the crowd quietly, went to the outermost, and found a boy walking out just like her.

The boy was wearing a small black suit and black leather shoes. The black made his face pale. He is the only son of the Yu family. At the beginning of the funeral, it was the portrait of his parents in his arms.

She caught up with him and whispered, My condolences.

He stopped and looked over, they were about the same height, and she saw that his eyes were amber,

He said to her, Thank you.

That year, Tao Zhiyao was eight years old and Yu Zhan was ten years old.

Tao Zhiyao remembered that after that, the Yu family villa was vacated, and she never saw Yu Zhan again.

What happened later? Tao Zhiyao asked her brother, she guessed that her brother still had contact with Yu Zhan.

Tao Zhiwei said, Later, Ah Zhan moved to his grandparents' house and was raised by his grandparents. He still lived in the capital, but not so close to us. Four years later, he went to study in the United States. Later, I I haven’t seen him again, until today, I didn’t know that he had already returned and opened a small pet hospital.”

Tao Zhiwei had mixed feelings in his heart. After Yu Zhan's parents had an accident, the group of them seemed to have grown up overnight. They talked to Yu Zhan cautiously, and tried their best to make Yu Zhan happy, for fear that he would be overwhelmed. He Lushen, the naughty ghost, never bullied Yu Zhan again, he let Yu Zhan do everything, like a younger brother, he listened to Yu Zhan's words, and he still does this to this day.

Yu Zhan inherited all the wealth of his parents. He was probably the youngest rich man back then, but he was still so meek and low-key.

Before he went to the United States, he invited Tao Zhiwei to have a meal. This was also the last time Tao Zhiwei saw him in the last ten years.

Tao Zhiwei didn't know anything about Yu Zhan's later life trajectory. He never thought that Yu Zhan would be willing to be an ordinary veterinarian. In the past, Yu Zhan's family had a dog. Tao Zhiwei was not interested in pets and couldn't remember what breed it was. The dog, I only vaguely remember that Yu Zhan liked the dog very much, and when Yu Zhan moved, he took the dog with him.

Tao Zhiwei felt that Yu Zhan's willingness to be ordinary had something to do with his family's misfortune. In any case, as long as he is happy, it doesn't matter what kind of work he does, or even if he doesn't work.

Tao Zhiyao was deeply touched after hearing what her elder brother said. Both her parents died at the age of ten. If it was her, she would have collapsed. She sincerely admires Yu Zhan. After experiencing such a big family change, she has no distorted personality and does not complain about others. , can still be so sunny and kind, extremely rich at a young age, but not extravagant, go wrong, and pursue his dreams wholeheartedly, it is too commendable.

No wonder he and Liu Man are attracted to each other, Tao Zhiyao feels that they are the same kind of people, no matter what difficulties and obstacles they encounter, they can still get up with a smile when they fall.

In their hearts, how beautiful this world should be.

Tao Zhiyao was thinking about Liu Man, when her cell phone rang, she took it out and saw that it was Liu Man calling!

The two girls chatted on the phone for half an hour in a daze.

The space in the car is so big, Tao Zhiwei listened to the whole call, because Yu Zhan was mentioned in the conversation, he asked curiously, Who did you call just now?

Yu Zhan's girlfriend, Tao Zhiyao said naturally.

Tao Zhiwei was surprised,

Yu Zhan has a girlfriend?! Don't you like him?

Tao Zhiyao: ...

Which eye of yours sees that I like him? Don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing outside, Tao Zhiyao said with a serious expression, Yu Zhan's girlfriend is my good friend, named Liu Man, last time at home , you have seen it before, it is the girl in the pink Hanfu.

Tao Zhiwei was very impressed with this girl, She also came back from the United States? Liu Man's eyes were unfamiliar, but she had a good temperament. Tao Zhiwei thought she was a daughter who studied in the United States, so she could become Yu Zhan's girlfriend .

No... Tao Zhiyao briefly introduced Liu Man to his elder brother, Although she was born quite ordinary, none of the things she does is ordinary. She told me on the phone just now that she is going to the ancient capital soon. Participated in the calligraphy exhibition, oh, she also became Zhong Jiangnan's model.

Liu Man called her, first to make an appointment to return the coral Hanfu to her, and secondly to thank her, because wearing the Fenghua series of Hanfu, she had the opportunity to be selected by Zhong Jiangnan as a model .

Who is Zhong Jiangnan? Tao Zhiwei was puzzled.

A very famous fashion designer, forget it, you don't understand if you talk too much, Tao Zhiyao didn't bother to explain, let alone Hanfu, her brother didn't even care about his own clothes.

Tao Zhiwei was not angry either, Tell me more about Liu Man's deeds.

What are you going to do? Tao Zhiyao was very vigilant, her brother was so interested in Liu Man, did he want to poach someone? !

Tao Zhiwei laughed, I just want to see if this girl is worthy of Ah Zhan.

The fourth one is done today~~

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